SystemOrganization addCategory: #'TextLint-View-Browser'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'TextLint-View-Wizard'! Announcement subclass: #TLFileSaved instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-View-Browser'! Announcement subclass: #TLStyleChanged instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-View-Browser'! Object subclass: #TLCodeBrowser instanceVariableNames: 'textLintChecker results saveAnnouncer lastRuleSelectionInterval styleAnnouncer' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-View-Browser'! !TLCodeBrowser class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/10/2010 13:12'! newFor: aStyle ^self new initializeWith: aStyle! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/13/2011 12:05'! codeBrowser | browser | browser := GLMTabulator new. browser title: 'TextLint Results Browser'. browser row: [ :row | row column: [:col | col row: #files span: 3; row: #styles size: 30.]; column: [ :col | col row: #issues span: 3; row: #rationale span: 2; row: #export size: 45] span: 3 ]; row: #code. self filesPaneOn: browser. self stylePaneOn: browser. self issuesPaneOn: browser. self rationalePaneOn: browser. self codePaneOn: browser. self exportButtonOn: browser. browser transmit to: #code->#selectionInterval; from: #issues; when: [:s | s notNil and: [ s isCollection not ]] ; transformed: [ :s | lastRuleSelectionInterval := Interval from: (s element interval first - s element interval size) to: (s element interval last - s element interval size). s element interval]. saveAnnouncer when: TLFileSaved do: [:announcement | browser transmit to: #code->#selectionInterval; when: [:s | lastRuleSelectionInterval isNil not.]; transformed: [ :s | lastRuleSelectionInterval]]. browser transmit from: #styles; to:#styles; when: [:s | s notNil] ; transformed: [ :s | self reInitializeCheckerWith: s. styleAnnouncer announce: TLStyleChanged. s]. ^browser! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 10/19/2010 17:22'! codePaneOn: browser browser transmit to: #code; from: #files; "from: #styles;" andShow: [:presentation | presentation text title: [:file | file name ]; display: [:file | | text | textLintChecker isNil ifFalse: [ text := textLintChecker document highlightedText. results do: [ :each | each highlightOn: text ].]. text. ]; act: [:text :file | MultiByteFileStream forceNewFileNamed: file do: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: text text ]. saveAnnouncer announce: TLFileSaved. "(text pane browser paneNamed: #code) presentations do: [:pres | pres update]." ] on: $s entitled: 'Save modifications [cmd-s]'; updateOn: TLFileSaved from: [saveAnnouncer]; updateOn: TLStyleChanged from:[styleAnnouncer]. ]. ^browser! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 9/8/2010 14:29'! exportButtonOn: aBrowser aBrowser transmit to: #export; from: #files; andShow: [ :a | a actionList act: [:presentation :filePath | Cursor wait showWhile:[ | fileStream cursor | cursor := 1. fileStream := CrLfFileStream forceNewFileNamed: ((filePath sliceFrom: ((filePath findLastOccurrenceOfString: FileDirectory slash startingAt: 1) + 1) to: (filePath size - 4)) , '.out'). results do: [:failure | fileStream nextPutAll: failure rule name. fileStream nextPutAll: ' - '. fileStream nextPutAll: failure rule rationale. fileStream nextPutAll: String cr.]. fileStream flush. fileStream close.]. StandardWindow new message: 'Export completed'. ] entitled: 'Export']. ^aBrowser ! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'lr 5/28/2010 10:38'! filesPaneOn: aBrowser | parent | aBrowser transmit to: #files; andShow: [ :brow | brow list title: 'Files'; format: [ :name | name allButFirst: parent pathName size + 1 ]; display: [ :folder | ((parent := folder) fullNamesOfAllFilesInSubtree select: [ :each | (each endsWith: '.txt') or: [ (each endsWith: '.tex') or: [ each endsWith: '.html' ] ] ]) ] ]! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 10/19/2010 17:10'! initialize super initialize. textLintChecker := TLTextLintChecker new. saveAnnouncer := Announcer new. styleAnnouncer := Announcer new. lastRuleSelectionInterval := nil.! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 5/28/2010 10:48'! initializeWith: aStyle textLintChecker := TLTextLintChecker new. aStyle rules do: [:rule | textLintChecker addRule: rule ].! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/13/2011 12:06'! issuesPaneOn: browser | fileContents | browser transmit to: #issues; from: #files; " from: #styles;" andShow: [:presentation | presentation tree title: 'Issues'; display: [ :file | Cursor wait showWhile: [ fileContents := MultiByteFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: file do: [ :stream | stream contents ]. results := (textLintChecker parse: fileContents) results. (results groupedBy: [ :each | each rule class ]) values. ]]; children: [ :item :x :level | item isCollection ifTrue: [ item ] ifFalse: [ #() ]]; format: [ :each | each isCollection ifTrue: [ each first rule name ] ifFalse: [ String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: (each element processFor: self)] ] ]; updateOn: TLFileSaved from: [saveAnnouncer]; updateOn: TLStyleChanged from:[styleAnnouncer.] ]. ^ browser! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'element printing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 6/16/2010 15:33'! processDocument: aDocument ^aDocument text! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'element printing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 6/16/2010 16:18'! processParagraph: aParagraph ^String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: ' ('; print: aParagraph sentences size; nextPutAll: ' senteces) '. stream nextPutAll: aParagraph text withBlanksTrimmed. stream position > 20 ifTrue: [ stream position: 40; nextPutAll: '...' ]. stream nextPutAll: ' (line '; print: aParagraph token line; nextPut: $) ] ! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'element printing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 6/16/2010 15:50'! processPhrase: aPhrase ^String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: aPhrase text withBlanksTrimmed. stream nextPutAll: ' (line '; print: aPhrase token line; nextPut: $) ] ! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'element printing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 6/16/2010 16:18'! processSentence: aSentence | aStream | ^String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: ' ('; print: aSentence words size; nextPutAll: ' words) '. stream nextPutAll: aSentence text withBlanksTrimmed. stream position > 20 ifTrue: [ stream position: 40; nextPutAll: '...' ]. stream nextPutAll: ' (line '; print: aSentence token line; nextPut: $) ] ! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'element printing' stamp: 'JorgeRessia 6/16/2010 15:49'! processSyntacticElement: aSyntacticElement ^String streamContents: [ :stream | stream nextPutAll: aSyntacticElement text withBlanksTrimmed. stream nextPutAll: ' (line '; print: aSyntacticElement token line; nextPut: $) ] ! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/13/2011 12:06'! rationalePaneOn: aBrowser aBrowser transmit to: #rationale; from: #issues; andShow: [:a | a text title: 'Rationale'; display: [:r | r isCollection ifTrue: [ r first rule rationale ] ifFalse: [ r rule rationale ] ] ]. ^aBrowser! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 10/1/2010 16:10'! reInitializeCheckerWith: aStyleName aStyleName = 'Scientific Paper Style' ifTrue: [ textLintChecker := TLTextLintChecker new. TLWritingStyle scientificPaperStyle rules do: [:rule | textLintChecker addRule: rule ].]. ! ! !TLCodeBrowser methodsFor: 'Glamour' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 10/20/2010 11:01'! stylePaneOn: browser browser transmit to: #styles; andShow: [:a | a dropDownList display: [:folderPathString | | listOfSyles | listOfSyles := OrderedCollection with: (TLWritingStyle scientificPaperStyle name). self reInitializeCheckerWith: (listOfSyles at: 1). listOfSyles]; selectedIndex: 1 ]. ^browser ! ! Object subclass: #TLWizardGUI instanceVariableNames: 'progBar' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'TextLint-View-Wizard'! !TLWizardGUI class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 6/23/2010 11:10'! initialize self registerInWorldMenu! ! !TLWizardGUI class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 6/23/2010 11:10'! menuCommandOn: aBuilder (aBuilder item: #'TextLint') parent: #Tools; action: [self open]; help: 'Tool to analyze latex files according with predefinde writing styles'.! ! !TLWizardGUI class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 4/21/2010 17:13'! open ^ self new open! ! !TLWizardGUI class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 6/23/2010 11:09'! registerInWorldMenu self environment at: #TheWorldMenu ifPresent: [ :class | ((class respondsTo: #registerOpenCommand:) and: [((class class >>#registerOpenCommand:) sendsSelector: #deprecated:) not]) ifTrue: [class registerOpenCommand: { 'textLint' . {self. #open}}]] ! ! !TLWizardGUI methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 10/19/2010 17:25'! open | directory | directory := UITheme builder chooseDirectory: 'Select the directory containing the files to analyze'. directory isNil ifFalse: [ TLCodeBrowser new codeBrowser openOn: directory .].! ! !TLRuleFailure methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 15:13'! highlightAttribute ^ TextColor red! ! !TLRuleFailure methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 14:53'! highlightOn: aText aText addAttribute: self highlightAttribute from: self element start to: self element stop ! ! !TLMarkup methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 15:17'! highlightAttribute ^ TextColor gray! ! !TLElement methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 14:43'! highlightOn: aText self children do: [ :each | each highlightOn: aText ]! ! !TLElement methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 14:45'! highlightedText | text | text := self text asText. self highlightOn: text. ^ text! ! !TLSyntacticElement methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 14:37'! highlightAttribute ^ TextColor black! ! !TLSyntacticElement methodsFor: '*textlint-view' stamp: 'FabrizioPerin 5/31/2010 14:37'! highlightOn: aText aText addAttribute: self highlightAttribute from: self start to: self stop ! ! TLWizardGUI initialize!