SystemOrganization addCategory: #PostgresV2! Error subclass: #PGUnsupportedAuthentication instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! Object subclass: #PGActiveObject instanceVariableNames: 'trace state events' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! PGActiveObject class instanceVariableNames: 'stateTransitionTable'! PGActiveObject class instanceVariableNames: 'stateTransitionTable'! !PGActiveObject class methodsFor: 'stt' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! buildStateTransitionTable ^ Dictionary new ! ! !PGActiveObject class methodsFor: 'stt' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! resetStateTransitionTable stateTransitionTable := nil ! ! !PGActiveObject class methodsFor: 'stt' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stateTransitionTable stateTransitionTable == nil ifTrue: [stateTransitionTable := self buildStateTransitionTable]. ^ stateTransitionTable ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! generateEvent: event to: receiver ^self == receiver ifTrue: [self processEvent: event] ifFalse: [receiver queueEvent: event]. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'initialize/release' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! initialize state := #Created. events := OrderedCollection new. ^self ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'trace' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! log: where text: text self logInfo: where, ': ', text. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'trace' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! logIdString ^ self class name, '(', self hash printString, ')'. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'trace' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! logInfo: text Transcript nextPut: $[; nextPutAll: self logIdString; nextPut: $]; space; nextPutAll: text; cr; flush. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! nextEvent ^ #CantHappen ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 11/12/2004 18:20'! processEvent: event | nextState eventName eventNameString traceText | eventName := event isSymbol ifTrue: [event] ifFalse: [event eventName]. nextState := (self stateTransitionTable at: state) at: eventName ifAbsent: [ #CantHappen ]. trace >= 8 ifTrue: [ eventNameString := event isSymbol ifTrue: [event asString] ifFalse: [event eventName]. traceText := nextState = #EventIgnored ifTrue: [ state asString, ' IGNORE ', eventNameString ] ifFalse: [ state asString, '-->', nextState asString, ' on ', eventNameString ]. self log: 'processEvent' text: traceText. ]. nextState = #EventIgnored ifFalse: [ state := nextState. self perform: ('st', state asString, ':') asSymbol with: event. ]. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! queueEvent: event events addLast: event. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! saProcessEventsUntil: newStates [ [events size > 0] whileTrue: [ self processEvent: events removeFirst. ]. (newStates includes: state) ifFalse: [self generateEvent: self nextEvent to: self]. (newStates includes: state) not ] whileTrue. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stCantHappen: event "Handle a defective state machine." self error: self class name, ' has a defective state machine'. ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'private-sa' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stateTransitionTable ^ self class stateTransitionTable ! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'trace' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! trace ^trace! ! !PGActiveObject methodsFor: 'trace' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! trace: anInteger trace := anInteger! ! PGActiveObject subclass: #PGConnection instanceVariableNames: 'socket readBuffer readIndex lastReadIndex writeBuffer processId secretKey sql functionCallOid functionCallArgs copyStream result connectionArgs notificationSubscribers fieldConverters' classVariableNames: 'DefaultTraceLevel DefaultConnectionArgs' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGConnection commentStamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:05' prior: 0! Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by Yanni Chiu. All Rights Reserved. Instances of PGConnection implement a client interface to a PostgreSQL backend. See the "Frontend/Backend Protocol" chapter in the "PostgreSQL Programmer's Guide" for more information.! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'yj 2/1/2006 10:57'! buildDefaultConnectionArgs ^ PGConnectionArgs hostname: 'localhost' portno: 5432 databaseName: 'test' userName: 'postgres' password: 'secret' ! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'yj 2/1/2006 11:37'! buildDefaultFieldConverters "The type oid's can be found using: SELECT oid,typname from pg_type Also, see the source code file: .../src/include/catalog/pg_type.h " | converters dateBlock timestampBlock timetzBlock timestamptzBlock | converters := IdentityDictionary new. #(16 "bool" 1000 "_bool") do: [:each | converters at: each put: [:s | s = 't' or: [s = 'T']]]. #(18 "char" 1002 "_char" 1042 "bpchar") do: [:each | converters at: each put: [:s | s]]. #(20 "int8" 21 "int2" 23 "int4" 1005 "_int2" 1007 "_int4" 1016 "_int8") do: [:each | converters at: each put: [:s | Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: s)]]. #(700 "float4" 701 "float8" 1021 "_float4" 1022 "_float8" 1700 "numeric") do: [:each | converters at: each put: [:s | (Number readFrom: (ReadStream on: s)) asFloat]]. dateBlock := [:s | Date newDay: (s copyFrom: 9 to: 10) asInteger month: (s copyFrom: 6 to: 7) asInteger year: (s copyFrom: 1 to: 4) asInteger]. #(1082 "date" 1182 "_date") do: [:each | converters at: each put: dateBlock]. #(1083 "time" 1183 "_time") do: [:each | converters at: each put: [:s | Time readFrom: (ReadStream on: s)]]. timestampBlock := [:s | DateAndTime year: (s copyFrom: 1 to: 4) asInteger month: (s copyFrom: 6 to: 7) asInteger day: (s copyFrom: 9 to: 10) asInteger hour: (s copyFrom: 12 to: 13) asInteger minute: (s copyFrom: 15 to: 16) asInteger second: (s copyFrom: 18 to: 19) asInteger]. #(1114 "timestamp" 1115 "_timestamp") do: [:each | converters at: each put: timestampBlock]. timetzBlock := [:s | | list | list := (s subStrings: ':') collect:[:i | i asInteger]. Time fromSeconds: ((list at: 1) * 3600) + ((list at: 2) * 60) + (list at: 3)]. #(1266 "timetz" 1270 "_timetz") do: [:each | converters at: each put: timetzBlock]. timestamptzBlock := [:s | | direction offset | direction := (s charAt: 23) = $- ifTrue: [-1] ifFalse: [1]. offset := Duration days: 0 hours: (s copyFrom: 21 to: 22) asInteger * direction minutes: (s copyFrom: 24 to: 25) asInteger * direction seconds: 0. DateAndTime year: (s copyFrom: 1 to: 4) asInteger month: (s copyFrom: 6 to: 7) asInteger day: (s copyFrom: 9 to: 10) asInteger hour: (s copyFrom: 12 to: 13) asInteger minute: (s copyFrom: 15 to: 16) asInteger second: (s copyFrom: 18 to: 19) asInteger offset: offset]. #(1184 "timestamptz " 1185 "_timestamptz") do: [:each | converters at: each put: timestamptzBlock]. ^ converters ! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'yj 1/31/2006 22:47'! buildStateTransitionTable "self resetStateTransitionTable" ^#( (Created ( (Startup Startup))) (Startup ( (AuthenticationKerberosV4 UnsupportedAuthentication) (AuthenticationKerberosV5 UnsupportedAuthentication) (AuthenticationCleartextPassword SendingCleartextPassword) (AuthenticationCryptPassword UnsupportedAuthentication) (AuthenticationMD5Password SendingMD5Password) (AuthenticationSCMCredential UnsupportedAuthentication) (AuthenticationOk AuthenticationOk) (ConnectionFailed ConnectionFailed) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse TerminalError))) (SendingCleartextPassword ( (AuthenticationOk AuthenticationOk) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse TerminalError))) (SendingMD5Password ( (AuthenticationOk AuthenticationOk) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse TerminalError))) (UnsupportedAuthentication ( (Terminate Terminated))) (AuthenticationOk ( (BackendKeyData GotBackendKeyData) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse TerminalError))) (GotBackendKeyData ( (ReadyForQuery ReadyForQuery) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (ReadyForQuery ( (Query Querying) (FunctionCall FunctionCall) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (Querying ( (CursorResponse GotCursor) (CopyOutResponse GotCopyOut) (CopyInResponse GotCopyIn) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (FunctionCall ( (FunctionResultResponse GotFunctionResult) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotCursor ( (RowDescription GotRowDescription) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotRowDescription ( (AsciiRow GotRow) (BinaryRow GotRow) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotRow ( (AsciiRow GotRow) (BinaryRow GotRow) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotCopyOut ( (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotCopyIn ( (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotFunctionResult ( (ReadyForQuery ReadyForQuery) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (GotCompleted ( (ReadyForQuery ReadyForQuery) (CursorResponse GotCursor) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted) (Terminate Terminated) (ErrorResponse ErrorResponse))) (Terminated ( (Startup Startup))) (ConnectionFailed ( (Startup Startup) (Query EventIgnored) (FunctionCall EventIgnored) (Terminate EventIgnored))) (ErrorResponse ( (Terminate Terminated) (ReadyForQuery ReadyForQuery) (CompletedResponse GotCompleted))) (TerminalError ( )) ) inject: Dictionary new into: [:table :each | table at: (each at: 1) put: ((each at: 2) inject: Dictionary new into: [:stateTransitions :transition | stateTransitions at: (transition at: 1) put: (transition at: 2). stateTransitions]). table]. ! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! defaultConnectionArgs DefaultConnectionArgs isNil ifTrue: [DefaultConnectionArgs := self buildDefaultConnectionArgs]. ^ DefaultConnectionArgs ! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! defaultConnectionArgs: aConnectionArgs "self defaultConnectionArgs: nil" DefaultConnectionArgs := aConnectionArgs ! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! defaultTraceLevel DefaultTraceLevel isNil ifTrue: [DefaultTraceLevel := 0]. ^DefaultTraceLevel! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! defaultTraceLevel: anInteger " PGConnection defaultTraceLevel: 0. PGConnection defaultTraceLevel: 2. PGConnection defaultTraceLevel: 5. PGConnection defaultTraceLevel: 8. PGConnection defaultTraceLevel: 10. " DefaultTraceLevel := anInteger! ! !PGConnection class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! new ^self basicNew initialize ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! addNotificationSubscriber: aNotificationSubscriber ^ self notificationSubscribers add: aNotificationSubscriber ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! cancelRequest "Issue a cancel request. Open a new connection to the server and send a CancelRequest message." self sendCancel. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! closeSocket self closeSocket: socket ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! closeSocket: aSocket trace >= 2 ifTrue: [ self log: 'closeSocket' text: 'hostname: ', connectionArgs hostname, ':', connectionArgs portno printString ]. trace >= 2 ifTrue: [ self log: 'closeSocket' text: 'socket: ', aSocket printString ]. aSocket closeAndDestroy. trace >= 2 ifTrue: [ self log: 'closeSocket' text: 'socket: ', aSocket printString ]. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! connectionArgs ^connectionArgs! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! connectionArgs: aConnectionArgs connectionArgs := aConnectionArgs! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! copy: copySql withStream: aStream "The syntax of a COPY command is: COPY [ BINARY ] table [ WITH OIDS ] FROM { 'filename' | stdin } [ [USING] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ] [ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ] COPY [ BINARY ] table [ WITH OIDS ] TO { 'filename' | stdout } [ [USING] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ] [ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ] The 'stdin' or 'stdout' option must be used, not the 'filename' option. 'aStream' will supply the COPY...FROM input. 'aStream' will received the COPY...TO output. " sql := copySql. copyStream := aStream. self queueEvent: #Query. self saProcessEventsUntil: #(ReadyForQuery ConnectionFailed). ^ result ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! copyInDataRows "copyStream is initially positioned at the start of a data rows stream. The contents are sent down the socket. In a stream of data rows, each row is terminatated by a Byte1('\n'). A sequence of Byte1('\\'), Byte1('.'), Byte1('\n') is the last line. " trace >= 8 ifTrue: [ self log: 'copyInDataRows' text: copyStream contents printString ]. socket sendData: copyStream contents. "socket sendData: (String with: $\ with: $. with: Character lf)." ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! copyOutDataRows | ch lf notDone pch ppch | lf := Character lf. notDone := true. pch := $x. ch := $x. [notDone] whileTrue: [ ppch := pch. pch := ch. ch := self next. copyStream nextPut: ch. ((ch = lf and: [pch = $.]) and: [ppch = $\]) ifTrue: [notDone := false]. ]. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! copyStream ^copyStream! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! copyStream: aStream copyStream := aStream! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 4/13/2004 17:16'! execute: sqlString trace >= 2 ifTrue: [self log: 'execute' text: sqlString]. self isConnected ifFalse: [ self error: 'Connection not valid' ]. sql := sqlString. self queueEvent: #Query. self saProcessEventsUntil: #(ReadyForQuery ConnectionFailed). "There's an extra result set, so nuke it here." result resultSets size > 0 ifTrue: [ result resultSets removeLast ]. ^ result ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! fieldConverterAt: typeOid ^ fieldConverters at: typeOid ifAbsent: [nil] ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! fieldConverterAt: typeOid put: converter fieldConverters at: typeOid put: converter ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! fieldConverters ^ fieldConverters! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! fieldConverters: anObject fieldConverters := anObject! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! functionCall: oid arguments: arguments functionCallOid := oid. functionCallArgs := arguments. self queueEvent: #FunctionCall. self saProcessEventsUntil: #(ReadyForQuery ConnectionFailed). ^ result ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'initialize/release' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! initialize | readBufferSize | super initialize. trace := self class defaultTraceLevel. readBufferSize := 8096. readBuffer := String new: readBufferSize. readIndex := readBufferSize + 1. lastReadIndex := readBufferSize. self fieldConverters: self class buildDefaultFieldConverters. result := PGResult on: self. "^ self" ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! isConnected ^ socket notNil and: [ socket isConnected]! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 10/16/2003 10:58'! next readIndex >= lastReadIndex ifTrue: [trace >= 10 ifTrue: [self log: 'next' text: '**** filling read buffer ****']. "(Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait." socket waitForDataFor: Socket standardTimeout. [(lastReadIndex := socket receiveDataInto: readBuffer) = 0 ifTrue: [trace >= 10 ifTrue: [self log: 'next' text: '**** zero length received from socket ****']. (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait]. lastReadIndex = 0] whileTrue. readIndex := 0. trace >= 10 ifTrue: [self log: 'next' text: '**** read ' , lastReadIndex printString , ' ****']]. readIndex := readIndex + 1. trace >= 10 ifTrue: [self log: 'next' text: 'readIndex=' , readIndex printString , ',lastReadIndex=' , lastReadIndex printString , ',ch=' , (readBuffer at: readIndex) printString]. ^readBuffer at: readIndex! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! nextEvent | pkt noticeFlag | [ pkt := self receivePacket. (noticeFlag := #(NoticeResponse NotificationResponse) includes: pkt eventName) ifTrue: [ self notifySubscribers: pkt ]. noticeFlag. ] whileTrue. ^ pkt ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! notificationSubscribers notificationSubscribers isNil ifTrue: [ notificationSubscribers := OrderedCollection new ]. ^ notificationSubscribers ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! notifySubscribers: pkt notificationSubscribers isNil ifTrue: [ self logInfo: 'NOTIFICATION: ', pkt printString ] ifFalse: [ notificationSubscribers do: [:each | each receive: pkt from: self ]]. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 10/16/2003 10:58'! openSocket | newSocket | trace >= 2 ifTrue: [self log: 'openSocket' text: 'hostname: ' , connectionArgs hostname , ':' , connectionArgs portno printString]. Socket initializeNetwork. newSocket := Socket newTCP. newSocket connectTo: (NetNameResolver addressForName: connectionArgs hostname timeout: 15) port: connectionArgs portno. newSocket waitForConnectionFor: Socket standardTimeout ifTimedOut: [newSocket := nil]. trace >= 2 ifTrue: [self log: 'openSocket' text: 'socket: ' , newSocket printString]. ^newSocket! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 11/12/2004 18:27'! receivePacket | typeCode packet | typeCode := self next. trace >= 5 ifTrue: [ self log: 'packet typeCode=' text: typeCode printString ]. packet := PGPacket newPacket: typeCode. packet == nil ifTrue: [packet := #UnknownPacket] ifFalse: [packet receiveFrom: self ]. trace >= 5 ifTrue: [ self log: 'receivePacket' text: packet printString ]. ^ packet ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! resetResult "Clear the result, a new query or function call will follow." result reset; addResultSet. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! result ^result! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! result: aResult result := aResult! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! sendCancel | cancelRequestSocket | trace >= 2 ifTrue: [ self log: 'sendCancel' text: 'processId=', processId printString ]. cancelRequestSocket := self openSocket. self sendPacket: (PGCancelRequest processId: processId secretKey: secretKey) on: cancelRequestSocket. self closeSocket: cancelRequestSocket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! sendPacket: aPacket on: aSocket | s | s := WriteStream on: String new. aPacket writeOn: s. trace >= 5 ifTrue: [ self log: 'sendPacket' text: aPacket printString. trace >= 10 ifTrue: [self log: 'sendPacket' text: s contents printString]. ]. aSocket sendData: s contents. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! sendStartup self sendPacket: (PGStartupPacket databaseName: connectionArgs databaseName userName: connectionArgs userName) on: socket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-actions' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! sendTerminate self sendPacket: PGTerminate new on: socket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stAuthenticationOk: event "Do nothing" ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stCantHappen: event "Try to send the terminate packet, then close the socket" self isConnected ifTrue: [ self sendTerminate ]. socket isNil ifFalse: [ self closeSocket ]. super stCantHappen: event. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stConnectionFailed: event "Do nothing" ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stErrorResponse: event result errorResponse: event. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stFunctionCall: event self resetResult. self sendPacket: (PGFunctionCall oid: functionCallOid arguments: functionCallArgs) on: socket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotBackendKeyData: backendKeyData "event is a BackendKeyData packet." processId := backendKeyData processId. secretKey := backendKeyData secretKey. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotCompleted: event result completedResponse: event. "This causes an extra result set to be added. But a result set has to be available at this point, given the current state machine. " result addResultSet. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotCopyIn: event self copyInDataRows. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotCopyOut: event self copyOutDataRows. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotCursor: event "Do nothing" ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotFunctionResult: event result functionResult: event. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotRow: event result rows add: event. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stGotRowDescription: event result rowDescription: event. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stQuerying: event self resetResult. self sendPacket: (PGQuery sql: sql) on: socket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stReadyForQuery: event "Do nothing" ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stSendingCleartextPassword: event self sendPacket: (PGPasswordPacket password: connectionArgs password) on: socket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 1/31/2006 18:57'! stSendingMD5Password: event "MD5 authentication as explain in" | hashedCredentials hashedMessage | hashedCredentials := (MD5 hashMessage: (connectionArgs password, connectionArgs userName)) hex asLowercase. hashedMessage := 'md5', (MD5 hashMessage: (hashedCredentials, event salt asString)) hex asLowercase. self sendPacket: (PGPasswordPacket password: hashedMessage) on: socket. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stStartup: event self resetResult. socket := self openSocket. socket isNil ifTrue: [ self generateEvent: #ConnectionFailed to: self ] ifFalse: [ self sendStartup ]. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stTerminalError: event result errorResponse: event. self closeSocket: socket. socket := nil. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! stTerminated: event self sendTerminate. self closeSocket: socket. socket := nil. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'private-states' stamp: 'yj 1/31/2006 22:52'! stUnsupportedAuthentication: event "result errorResponse: 'Unsupported authentication method: ', event eventName." PGUnsupportedAuthentication signal: 'Unsupported authentication method: ', event eventName. ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 1/31/2006 22:45'! startup self connectionArgs isNil ifTrue: [ self connectionArgs: self class defaultConnectionArgs. ]. self queueEvent: #Startup. self saProcessEventsUntil: #(ReadyForQuery ConnectionFailed TerminalError UnsupportedAuthentication). ^ result ! ! !PGConnection methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! terminate self queueEvent: #Terminate. self saProcessEventsUntil: #(Terminated ConnectionFailed). ! ! PGActiveObject subclass: #PGNotificationSubscriber instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGNotificationSubscriber methodsFor: 'api' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receive: notice from: aConnection self logInfo: notice printString, ' received from ', aConnection logIdString. ! ! Object subclass: #PGConnectionArgs instanceVariableNames: 'hostname portno databaseName userName password extraArgs debugTty' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGConnectionArgs class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:30'! hostname: host portno: port databaseName: database userName: user password: pwd ^(self new) hostname: host; portno: port; databaseName: database; userName: user; password: pwd; yourself! ! !PGConnectionArgs class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:30'! hostname: host portno: port databaseName: database userName: user password: pwd extraArgs: extra debugTty: debug ^(self new) hostname: host; portno: port; databaseName: database; userName: user; password: pwd; extraArgs: extra; debugTty: debug; yourself! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! databaseName ^databaseName! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! databaseName: anObject databaseName := anObject! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! debugTty ^debugTty! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! debugTty: anObject debugTty := anObject! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! extraArgs ^extraArgs! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! extraArgs: anObject extraArgs := anObject! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! hostname ^hostname! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! hostname: anObject hostname := anObject! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! password ^password! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! password: anObject password := anObject! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! portno ^portno! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! portno: anObject portno := anObject! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! setHostname: host portno: port databaseName: database userName: user password: pwd extraArgs: extra debugTty: debug hostname := host. portno := port. databaseName := database. userName := user. password := pwd. extraArgs := extra. debugTty := debug. ^self! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! userName ^userName! ! !PGConnectionArgs methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/28/2005 17:28'! userName: anObject userName := anObject! ! Object subclass: #PGPacket instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: 'PacketClasses' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! PGPacket subclass: #PGAbstractStringResponse instanceVariableNames: 'value' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGAbstractStringResponse methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'value='; nextPutAll: value printString; nextPutAll: ')' ! ! !PGAbstractStringResponse methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: aStream value := self readStringFrom: aStream. ! ! !PGAbstractStringResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! value ^value! ! PGAbstractStringResponse subclass: #PGCompletedResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGCompletedResponse methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: value. ! ! !PGCompletedResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#CompletedResponse! ! PGAbstractStringResponse subclass: #PGCursorResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGCursorResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#CursorResponse! ! PGAbstractStringResponse subclass: #PGEmptyQueryResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGEmptyQueryResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#EmptyQueryResponse! ! PGAbstractStringResponse subclass: #PGErrorResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGErrorResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#ErrorResponse! ! PGAbstractStringResponse subclass: #PGNoticeResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGNoticeResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#NoticeResponse! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGAsciiRow instanceVariableNames: 'description nullFields rawData' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGAsciiRow class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! description: aRowDescription ^self new description: aRowDescription; yourself. ! ! !PGAsciiRow class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! new ^self basicNew initialize. ! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! data | converters converter data | converters := description resultSet result connection fieldConverters. data := OrderedCollection new. rawData with: description columnDescriptions do: [:each :aColumnDescription | data addLast: ( each isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [ converter := converters at: aColumnDescription typeOid ifAbsent: [nil]. converter isNil ifTrue: [ each ] ifFalse: [ converter value: each ]. ]). ]. ^data ! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! dataKeyedByFieldName | d | d := Dictionary new. self data with: description columnDescriptions do: [:each :aColumnDescription | d at: aColumnDescription fieldName put: each. ]. ^ d ! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! description: aRowDescription description := aRowDescription. ! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayOn: aStream rawData withIndexDo: [:each :i | aStream nextPutAll: (each == nil ifTrue: ['0'] ifFalse: [each]). i < rawData size ifTrue: [aStream space]. ]. ! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#AsciiRow! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! initialize rawData := OrderedCollection new. ^self! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('. rawData do: [:each | each printOn: aStream. aStream nextPut: $,]. aStream nextPutAll: ')'. ! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rawData ^ rawData! ! !PGAsciiRow methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: connection | ncol | description := connection result rowDescription. ncol := description numberOfColumns. nullFields := self readBitmap: ncol from: connection. 0 to: ncol - 1 do: [:i | ((nullFields at: (i // 8) + 1) bitAnd: (2r10000000 bitShift: (i \\ 8) negated)) > 0 ifTrue: [rawData add: (self readFieldFrom: connection)] ifFalse: [rawData add: nil]. ]. ! ! PGAsciiRow subclass: #PGBinaryRow instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGBinaryRow methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#BinaryRow! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGAuthentication instanceVariableNames: 'type salt' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName type > 6 ifTrue: [self error: 'Unknown authentication type']. ^#( AuthenticationOk AuthenticationKerberosV4 AuthenticationKerberosV5 AuthenticationCleartextPassword AuthenticationCryptPassword AuthenticationMD5Password AuthenticationSCMCredential ) at: (type + 1) ! ! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'type='; nextPutAll: type printString; nextPutAll: ',salt='; nextPutAll: salt printString; nextPutAll: ')' ! ! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 1/31/2006 22:27'! receiveFrom: connection type := self readInt32From: connection. "AuthenticationCryptPassword" type == 4 ifTrue: [ salt := self readByteN: 2 from: connection ]. "AuthenticationMD5Password" type == 5 ifTrue: [ salt := self readByteN: 4 from: connection ]. " For documentation purposes here are the other authentication methods. There is no other packet data to read in these cases. type == 1 AuthenticationKerberosV4 type == 2 AuthenticationKerberosV5 type == 3 AuthenticationCleartextPassword type == 6 AuthenticationSCMCredential " ! ! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! salt ^salt! ! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! salt: anInteger salt := anInteger! ! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! type ^type! ! !PGAuthentication methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! type: anInteger type := anInteger! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGBackendKeyData instanceVariableNames: 'processId secretKey' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#BackendKeyData! ! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'processId='; nextPutAll: processId printString; nextPutAll: ',secretKey='; nextPutAll: secretKey printString; nextPutAll: ')' ! ! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId ^processId! ! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId: anInteger processId := anInteger! ! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: aStream processId := self readInt32From: aStream. secretKey := self readInt32From: aStream. ! ! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! secretKey ^secretKey! ! !PGBackendKeyData methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! secretKey: anInteger secretKey := anInteger! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGCancelRequest instanceVariableNames: 'processId secretKey' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGCancelRequest class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId: pid secretKey: secretKey ^self new processId: pid; secretKey: secretKey; yourself. ! ! !PGCancelRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#CancelRequest! ! !PGCancelRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId ^processId! ! !PGCancelRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId: anInteger processId := anInteger! ! !PGCancelRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! secretKey ^secretKey! ! !PGCancelRequest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! secretKey: anInteger secretKey := anInteger! ! !PGCancelRequest methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeOn: aStream "Write a cancel request on the stream." "80877102 - The cancel request code. The value is chosen to contain 1234 in the most significant 16 bits, and 5678 in the least 16 significant bits. (To avoid confusion, this code must not be the same as any protocol version number.) " self writeInt32: 16 on: aStream. self writeInt32: 80877102 on: aStream. "major=1234, minor=5678" self writeInt32: self processId on: aStream. self writeInt32: self secretKey on: aStream. ! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGColumnDescription instanceVariableNames: 'fieldName typeOid typeSize typeModifier' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: fieldName. ! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#ColumnDescription! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! fieldName ^ fieldName! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'fieldName='; nextPutAll: fieldName printString; nextPutAll: ',typeOid='; nextPutAll: typeOid printString; nextPutAll: ',typeSize='; nextPutAll: typeSize printString; nextPutAll: ',typeModifier='; nextPutAll: typeModifier printString; nextPutAll: ')' ! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: connection fieldName := self readStringFrom: connection. typeOid := self readInt32From: connection. typeSize := self readInt16From: connection. typeModifier := self readInt32From: connection. ! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! typeModifier ^ typeModifier! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! typeOid ^ typeOid! ! !PGColumnDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! typeSize ^ typeSize! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGCopyInResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGCopyInResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#CopyInResponse! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGCopyOutResponse instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGCopyOutResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#CopyOutResponse! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGFunctionCall instanceVariableNames: 'oid arguments' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGFunctionCall class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! oid: anInteger arguments: aCollection "Return a new instance of the receiver. 'anInteger' specifies the object ID of the function to call. The object ID is a site specific PostgreSQL value. 'aCollection' contains the arguments of the function call. It should contain String values, which may have non-printable characters (i.e. values 0..255). " ^ self new setOid: anInteger arguments: aCollection ! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! arguments ^arguments! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! arguments: value arguments := value! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! oid ^oid! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! oid: value oid := value! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'oid='; nextPutAll: oid printString; nextPutAll: ',arguments='; nextPutAll: arguments printString; nextPutAll: ')'! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! setOid: anInteger arguments: anArray oid := anInteger. arguments := anArray! ! !PGFunctionCall methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 11/12/2004 18:18'! writeOn: aStream self writeByte: $F on: aStream. self writeString: '' on: aStream. self writeInt32: self oid on: aStream. self writeInt32: self arguments size on: aStream. self arguments do: [:arg | self writeInt32: arg size on: aStream. arg do: [:b | self writeByte: (Character value: b) on: aStream]. ]! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGFunctionResultResponse instanceVariableNames: 'result' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGFunctionResultResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#FunctionResultResponse! ! !PGFunctionResultResponse methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'result='; nextPutAll: result printString; nextPutAll: ')'! ! !PGFunctionResultResponse methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: connection | emptyFlag resultSize | emptyFlag := connection next codePoint. emptyFlag == 71 "$G codePoint == 71 indicates non-void response" ifTrue: [ resultSize := self readInt32From: connection. result := ByteArray new: resultSize. 1 to: resultSize do: [:i | result at: i put: connection next codePoint]. connection next. "toss the extra 0 byte" ]. ! ! !PGFunctionResultResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 11/10/2004 23:07'! result ^result! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGNotificationResponse instanceVariableNames: 'processId conditionName' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGNotificationResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! conditionName "Answer the value of conditionName" ^ conditionName! ! !PGNotificationResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! conditionName: anObject "Set the value of conditionName" conditionName := anObject! ! !PGNotificationResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#NotificationResponse! ! !PGNotificationResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId "Answer the value of processId" ^ processId! ! !PGNotificationResponse methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! processId: anObject "Set the value of processId" processId := anObject! ! !PGNotificationResponse methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: connection processId := self readInt32From: connection. conditionName := self readStringFrom: connection. ! ! !PGPacket class methodsFor: 'initialize-release' stamp: 'yj 11/12/2004 18:04'! initialize "PGPacket initialize" PacketClasses := IdentityDictionary new at: $K put: PGBackendKeyData; at: $R put: PGAuthentication; at: $C put: PGCompletedResponse; at: $G put: PGCopyInResponse; at: $H put: PGCopyOutResponse; at: $P put: PGCursorResponse; at: $I put: PGEmptyQueryResponse; at: $E put: PGErrorResponse; at: $V put: PGFunctionResultResponse; at: $N put: PGNoticeResponse; at: $A put: PGNotificationResponse; at: $Z put: PGReadyForQuery; at: $T put: PGRowDescription; at: $D put: PGAsciiRow; at: $B put: PGBinaryRow; yourself! ! !PGPacket class methodsFor: 'factory' stamp: 'yj 11/12/2004 18:12'! newPacket: typeCode | packetClass | packetClass := PacketClasses at: typeCode ifAbsent: [nil]. ^packetClass isNil ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [packetClass new]! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: self class name. ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! readBitmap: nbits from: connection | nbytes bitmap | nbytes := (nbits + 7) // 8. bitmap := ByteArray new: nbytes. 1 to: nbytes do: [:i | bitmap at: i put: connection next codePoint. ]. ^bitmap ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 1/31/2006 18:15'! readByteN: n from: connection | bytes | bytes := ByteArray new: n. 1 to: n do: [:i | bytes byteAt: i put: connection next codePoint]. ^bytes! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! readFieldFrom: connection | n tmp | n := (self readInt32From: connection) - 4. tmp := WriteStream on: String new. 1 to: n do: [:i | tmp nextPut: connection next. ]. ^tmp contents ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! readInt16From: connection | value | value := connection next codePoint. value := (value bitShift: 8) bitOr: connection next codePoint. ^value ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! readInt32From: connection | value | value := connection next codePoint. value := (value bitShift: 8) bitOr: connection next codePoint. value := (value bitShift: 8) bitOr: connection next codePoint. value := (value bitShift: 8) bitOr: connection next codePoint. ^value ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! readStringFrom: connection | tmp ch | tmp := WriteStream on: String new. [ (ch := connection next) codePoint ~= 0 ] whileTrue: [ tmp nextPut: ch. ]. ^tmp contents ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: connection "Read nothing, by default" ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeByte: aCharacter on: aStream aStream nextPut: aCharacter; yourself. ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeInt16: anInteger on: aStream aStream nextPut: (Character value: ((anInteger bitShift: -1*8) bitAnd: 16rFF)); nextPut: (Character value: ((anInteger bitShift: 0*8) bitAnd: 16rFF)); yourself. ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeInt32: anInteger on: aStream aStream nextPut: (Character value: ((anInteger bitShift: -3*8) bitAnd: 16rFF)); nextPut: (Character value: ((anInteger bitShift: -2*8) bitAnd: 16rFF)); nextPut: (Character value: ((anInteger bitShift: -1*8) bitAnd: 16rFF)); nextPut: (Character value: ((anInteger bitShift: 0*8) bitAnd: 16rFF)); yourself. ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeLimString: aString size: size on: aStream aString isNil ifTrue: [ size timesRepeat: [ aStream nextPut: (Character value: 0) ]. ^aStream. ]. aString size < size ifTrue: [ aStream nextPutAll: aString. (size - aString size max: 0) timesRepeat: [ aStream nextPut: (Character value: 0) ]. ] ifFalse: [ aStream nextPutAll: (aString copyFrom: 1 to: size). ]. ^aStream. ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeOn: aStream self subclassResponsiblity ! ! !PGPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeString: aString on: aStream aStream nextPutAll: aString; nextPut: (Character value: 0); yourself. ! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGPasswordPacket instanceVariableNames: 'password' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGPasswordPacket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! password: aString ^self new password: aString; yourself. ! ! !PGPasswordPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! password ^password! ! !PGPasswordPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! password: aString password := aString! ! !PGPasswordPacket methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'password='; nextPutAll: password printString; nextPutAll: ')'! ! !PGPasswordPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeOn: aStream "Add 5 for the 32bit size header, and add 1 for the '\0' after the string" self writeInt32: self password size + 5 on: aStream. self writeString: self password on: aStream. ! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGQuery instanceVariableNames: 'queryString' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGQuery class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! sql: aString ^self new queryString: aString; yourself. ! ! !PGQuery methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#Query! ! !PGQuery methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'queryString='; nextPutAll: queryString printString; nextPutAll: ')'! ! !PGQuery methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! queryString ^queryString! ! !PGQuery methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! queryString: aString queryString := aString! ! !PGQuery methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeOn: aStream self writeByte: $Q on: aStream. self writeString: self queryString on: aStream. ! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGReadyForQuery instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGReadyForQuery methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#ReadyForQuery! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGRowDescription instanceVariableNames: 'resultSet numberOfColumns columnDescriptions' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGRowDescription class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! new ^self basicNew initialize. ! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! columnDescriptions ^ columnDescriptions! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayOn: aStream columnDescriptions withIndexDo: [:each :i | each displayOn: aStream. i < columnDescriptions size ifTrue: [aStream space]. ]. ! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! eventName ^#RowDescription! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! initialize numberOfColumns := 0. columnDescriptions := OrderedCollection new. ! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! numberOfColumns ^numberOfColumns! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; cr. columnDescriptions do: [:each | each printOn: aStream. aStream cr]. aStream nextPutAll: ')'. ! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! receiveFrom: connection numberOfColumns := self readInt16From: connection. 1 to: numberOfColumns do: [:i | columnDescriptions add: (PGColumnDescription new receiveFrom: connection; yourself). ]. ! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! resultSet ^ resultSet! ! !PGRowDescription methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! resultSet: anObject resultSet := anObject! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGStartupPacket instanceVariableNames: 'version databaseName userName extraArgs debugTty' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGStartupPacket class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! databaseName: database userName: user ^self new setDatabaseName: database userName: user; yourself! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! byteCount ^296 ! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! databaseName ^databaseName ! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! databaseName: aString databaseName := aString ! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! debugTty ^debugTty! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! debugTty: aString debugTty := aString! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! extraArgs ^extraArgs! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! extraArgs: aString extraArgs := aString! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: '('; nextPutAll: 'databaseName='; nextPutAll: databaseName printString; nextPutAll: ',userName='; nextPutAll: userName printString; nextPutAll: ',extraArgs='; nextPutAll: extraArgs printString; nextPutAll: ',debugTty='; nextPutAll: debugTty printString; nextPutAll: ',version='; nextPutAll: version printString; nextPutAll: ')' ! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'private-initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! setDatabaseName: database userName: user ^self version: (2 bitShift: 16); "major=2 minor=0" databaseName: database; userName: user; yourself! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! userName ^userName! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! userName: aString userName := aString! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! version ^version ! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! version: anInteger version := anInteger ! ! !PGStartupPacket methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeOn: aStream self writeInt32: self byteCount on: aStream. self writeInt32: self version on: aStream. self writeLimString: self databaseName size: 64 on: aStream. self writeLimString: self userName size: 32 on: aStream. self writeLimString: self extraArgs size: 64 on: aStream. self writeLimString: nil size: 64 on: aStream. "unused" self writeLimString: self debugTty size: 64 on: aStream. ! ! PGPacket subclass: #PGTerminate instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGTerminate methodsFor: 'sending' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! writeOn: aStream self writeByte: $X on: aStream. ! ! Object subclass: #PGResult instanceVariableNames: 'connection resultSets errorResponse functionResult' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGResult class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! new ^ self error: 'should not use' ! ! !PGResult class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! on: aConnection ^ self basicNew initialize connection: aConnection; yourself. ! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! addResultSet resultSets add: (PGResultSet on: self). ! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! completedResponse ^ self lastResultSet completedResponse! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! completedResponse: value self lastResultSet completedResponse: value! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! connection ^ connection! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! connection: value connection := value! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayResultOn: aStream errorResponse isNil ifFalse: [ aStream nextPutAll: errorResponse value. aStream cr]. resultSets do: [:each | each displayResultSetOn: aStream]. ! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! errorResponse ^ errorResponse! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! errorResponse: value errorResponse := value! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! functionResult ^ functionResult! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! functionResult: value functionResult := value! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! initialize resultSets := OrderedCollection new. ! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! lastResultSet ^ resultSets last! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! reset "Clear the previous results in preparation to hold new query results." "There's an opportunity to tweak the code here for performance. If the result sets are cleared each time, then there's a lot of re-allocation. But, if the old results are just cleared, an earlier large result set may cause a large collection to remain in memory. Maybe it's just better to let GC handle it. " self errorResponse: nil. self functionResult: nil. resultSets := OrderedCollection new. ! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! resultSets ^ resultSets! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! resultSets: value resultSets := value! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rowDescription ^ self lastResultSet rowDescription! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rowDescription: aRowDescription | rs | rs := self lastResultSet. rs rowDescription: aRowDescription. rs result: self. aRowDescription resultSet: rs. ! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rows ^ self lastResultSet rows! ! !PGResult methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rows: value self lastResultSet rows: value! ! Object subclass: #PGResultSet instanceVariableNames: 'result completedResponse rowDescription rows' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !PGResultSet class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! new self error: 'should not use'! ! !PGResultSet class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! on: aResult ^ self basicNew initialize result: aResult; yourself. ! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! completedResponse "Answer the value of completedResponse" ^ completedResponse! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! completedResponse: anObject "Set the value of completedResponse" completedResponse := anObject! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayResultSetOn: aStream completedResponse isNil ifFalse: [ completedResponse displayOn: aStream. aStream cr. ]. rowDescription isNil ifFalse: [ self displayRowDescriptionOn: aStream. aStream cr; nextPutAll: '----------'; cr. self displayRowsOn: aStream. aStream nextPut: $(. rows size printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ' row'. rows size > 1 ifTrue: [aStream nextPut: $s]. aStream nextPut: $); cr; cr. ]. ! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayRowDescriptionOn: aStream rowDescription displayOn: aStream. ! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! displayRowsOn: aStream rows do: [:each | each displayOn: aStream. aStream cr.]. ! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'initialize' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! initialize rows := OrderedCollection new.! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! result "Answer the value of result" ^ result! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! result: anObject "Set the value of result" result := anObject! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rowDescription "Answer the value of rowDescription" ^ rowDescription! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rowDescription: anObject "Set the value of rowDescription" rowDescription := anObject! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rows "Answer the value of rows" ^ rows! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! rows: anObject "Set the value of rows" rows := anObject! ! !PGResultSet methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! valueAt: fieldName | i | i := rowDescription columnDescriptions findFirst: [:each | each fieldName = fieldName]. i = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. rows == nil ifTrue: [^ nil]. ^ (rows at: 1) rawData at: i! ! TestCase subclass: #TestPGConnection instanceVariableNames: 'useConnectionDefaults notificationSubscriberCount' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PostgresV2'! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 11/10/2004 23:32'! asFloat8Arg: aFloat "Convert aFloat to a ByteArray for use as a function call argument." | word1 word2 bigEndian arg tmp | word1 := aFloat basicAt: 1. word2 := aFloat basicAt: 2. bigEndian := false. bigEndian ifTrue: [ tmp := word1. word1 := word2. word2 := tmp. ]. arg := ByteArray new: 8. arg at: 1 put: ((word1 bitShift: -24) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 2 put: ((word1 bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 3 put: ((word1 bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 4 put: ((word1 bitShift: 0) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 5 put: ((word2 bitShift: -24) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 6 put: ((word2 bitShift: -16) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 7 put: ((word2 bitShift: -8) bitAnd: 16rFF). arg at: 8 put: ((word2 bitShift: 0) bitAnd: 16rFF). ^ arg ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 2/9/2005 21:51'! asFloat8ArgVW: aFloat "Convert aFloat to a ByteArray for use as a function call argument." | arg | arg := ByteArray new: 8. 1 to: 8 do: [:i | arg at: i put: (aFloat basicAt: 8 - i + 1)]. ^arg! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! copy: sql withStream: aStream | conn | conn := self newConnection. conn startup. conn copy: sql withStream: aStream. conn terminate.! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! createTestCopyInOutTable self executeAll: #( 'CREATE TABLE TestCopyInOutTable ( id integer, name text )' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! createTestFieldConverterTable self executeAll: #( 'CREATE TABLE TestFieldConverterTable ( aBool1 boolean, aBool2 boolean, aChar char, aChar1 char(1), aChar2 char(2), anInt2 int2, anInt4 int4, anInt8 int8, aFloat4 float4, aFloat8 float8, aNumeric numeric, aDate date, aTime time, aText text )' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! createTestTable self executeAll: #( 'CREATE TABLE products ( product_no integer, name text, price numeric )' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! dropTestCopyInOutTable self executeAll: #( 'DROP TABLE TestCopyInOutTable' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! dropTestFieldConverterTable self executeAll: #( 'DROP TABLE TestFieldConverterTable' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! dropTestTable self executeAll: #( 'DROP TABLE products' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! execute: sql on: conn | result resultStream | resultStream := ReadWriteStream on: String new. result := conn execute: sql. result displayResultOn: resultStream. ^ resultStream contents. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! executeAll: queries self executeAll: queries withDelayForMilliseconds: nil! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! executeAll: queries withDelayForMilliseconds: millisecondDelay | conn result | conn := self newConnection. conn startup. queries do: [:each | Transcript nextPutAll: 'QUERY: '; nextPutAll: each; cr; flush. result := conn execute: each. result displayResultOn: Transcript. Transcript flush. millisecondDelay isNil ifFalse: [ Transcript nextPutAll: 'Delaying for ', millisecondDelay printString, ' ms...'; cr. (Delay forMilliseconds: millisecondDelay) wait. Transcript flush. ]. ]. conn terminate.! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 11/10/2004 23:52'! floatFromByteArray: aByteArray "Convert aByteArray to a Float." | word1 word2 aFloat | word1 := (aByteArray at: 1) bitShift: 24. word1 := word1 bitOr: ((aByteArray at: 2) bitShift: 16). word1 := word1 bitOr: ((aByteArray at: 3) bitShift: 8). word1 := word1 bitOr: ((aByteArray at: 4) bitShift: 0). word2 := (aByteArray at: 5) bitShift: 24. word2 := word2 bitOr: ((aByteArray at: 6) bitShift: 16). word2 := word2 bitOr: ((aByteArray at: 7) bitShift: 8). word2 := word2 bitOr: ((aByteArray at: 8) bitShift: 0). aFloat := 0.0. aFloat basicAt: 1 put: word1. aFloat basicAt: 2 put: word2. ^aFloat! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 2/9/2005 21:59'! floatFromByteArrayVW: aByteArray "Convert aByteArray to a Float." | aFloat | aFloat := ByteArray new: 8. 1 to: 8 do: [:i | aFloat at: 8 - i + 1 put: (aByteArray at: i)]. aFloat changeClassTo: Double. ^aFloat! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! functionCall: oid arguments: arguments | conn result | conn := self newConnection. conn startup. result := conn functionCall: oid arguments: arguments. conn terminate. ^ result ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! makeCopyInOutEos "Answer the COPY IN/OUT end of stream code." ^ String with: $\ with: $.with: Character lf ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! makeCopyInOutLine: aCollection | ws | ws := WriteStream on: (String new: 512). aCollection withIndexDo: [:each :i | ws nextPutAll: each. i < aCollection size ifTrue: [ws tab] ]. ws nextPut: Character lf. ^ ws contents. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! newConnection | conn | conn := PGConnection new. (useConnectionDefaults isNil or: [useConnectionDefaults not]) ifTrue: [ conn connectionArgs: PGConnection buildDefaultConnectionArgs ] ifFalse: [ PGConnection defaultConnectionArgs: nil. conn connectionArgs: nil ]. (notificationSubscriberCount notNil and: [notificationSubscriberCount > 0 ]) ifTrue: [ 1 to: notificationSubscriberCount do: [:i | conn addNotificationSubscriber: PGNotificationSubscriber new] ]. ^ conn ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! oidAbs "oid 1395 is abs(float8)" ^ 1395 ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! oidSqrt "oid 1344 is sqrt(float8)" ^ 1344 ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! oidTimenow ^ 250 ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'postgres test suite' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! regress: testName | inStream conn outStream line pos result sql | Transcript show: testName, '--starting test'; cr. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. inStream := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'u:\lib\pgsql\test\regress\sql\', testName, '.sql'. outStream := FileStream newFileNamed: testName, '.out'. sql := ''. [inStream atEnd] whileFalse: [ line := inStream upTo: Character lf. (line beginsWith: '--') ifTrue: [outStream nextPutAll: line; cr]. (line size > 0 and: [(line beginsWith: '--') not]) ifTrue: [ pos := line findString: '\g'. "\g is psql execute command" pos > 0 ifTrue: [line := line copyFrom: 1 to: pos - 1]. sql := sql, line, String cr. (line endsWith: ';') ifTrue: [ result := conn execute: sql. Transcript show: sql; flush. outStream nextPutAll: sql. result displayResultOn: outStream. sql := ''. ]. ]. ]. inStream close. outStream close. conn terminate. Transcript show: testName, '--test completed'; cr. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'postgres test suite' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! regressionTestNames ^#( #('boolean' 'char' 'name' 'varchar' 'text' 'int2' 'int4' 'int8' 'oid' 'float4' 'float8' 'numeric') 'strings' 'numerology' #('point' 'lseg' 'box' 'path' 'polygon' 'circle' 'interval' 'timestamp' 'reltime' 'tinterval' 'inet' 'comments' 'oidjoins' 'type_sanity' 'opr_sanity') 'abstime' 'geometry' 'horology' 'create_function_1' 'create_type' 'create_table' 'create_function_2' 'copy' #('constraints' 'triggers' 'create_misc' 'create_aggregate' 'create_operator' 'create_index') 'create_view' 'sanity_check' 'errors' 'select' #('select_info' 'select_distinct' 'select_distinct_on' 'select_implicit' 'select_having' 'subselect' 'union' 'case' 'join' 'aggregates' 'transactions' 'random' 'portals' 'arrays' 'btree_index' 'hash_index') 'misc' #('select_views' 'alter_table' 'portals_p2' 'rules' 'foreign_key') #('limit' 'plpgsql' 'temp') )! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'postgres test suite' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! runRegressionTests "TestPGConnection new runRegressionTests" self regress: 'drop'. (self regressionTestNames at: 1) do: [:each | self regress: each]. "self regressionTestNames do: [:test | test isString ifTrue: [self regress: test] ifFalse: [test do: [:each | self regress: each]] ]." ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! tearDown PGConnection defaultConnectionArgs: nil. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testCancelRequest "Test: CancelRequest. Set the debug level of the postmaster daemon to 1 or greater. Capture the postmaster output in a log file. Examine the log file for a cancel request with a matching process id. Example, an init.d script containing: su -l postgres -s /bin/sh -c ""/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -p /usr/bin/postmaster -o '-i -d 1' start > /var/log/postgresql/log 2>&1"" < /dev/null yields a line in the log: /usr/bin/postmaster: processCancelRequest: sending SIGINT to process 13142 " | conn | conn := self newConnection. conn startup. conn cancelRequest. conn terminate. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testConnection "Test: connect and disconnect, without any queries." self executeAll: #(). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testCopyIn1 | ws conn result | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: self makeCopyInOutEos. self dropTestCopyInOutTable. self createTestCopyInOutTable. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. conn copy: 'copy TestCopyInOutTable from stdin' withStream: ws. result := conn execute: 'select * from TestCopyInOutTable'. conn terminate. self assert: result rows size = 0. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testCopyIn2 | ws result conn | self dropTestCopyInOutTable. self createTestCopyInOutTable. ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: (self makeCopyInOutLine: (Array with: '77' with: 'abcde')). ws nextPutAll: self makeCopyInOutEos. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. conn copy: 'copy TestCopyInOutTable from stdin' withStream: ws. result := conn execute: 'select * from TestCopyInOutTable'. conn terminate. self assert: result rows size = 1. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testCopyOut1 | ws | self dropTestCopyInOutTable. self createTestCopyInOutTable. ws := WriteStream on: (String new: 512). self copy: 'copy TestCopyInOutTable to stdout' withStream: ws. "Transcript show: ws contents printString; cr." self assert: ws contents = (String with: $\ with: $. with: Character lf). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testCopyOut2 | ws rs | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: (self makeCopyInOutLine: (Array with: '77' with: 'abcde')). ws nextPutAll: self makeCopyInOutEos. self dropTestCopyInOutTable. self createTestCopyInOutTable. self executeAll: #('insert into TestCopyInOutTable values(77,''abcde'')'). rs := WriteStream on: (String new: 512). self copy: 'copy TestCopyInOutTable to stdout' withStream: rs. self assert: rs contents = ws contents. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testCopyOut3 | ws rs | ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: (self makeCopyInOutLine: (Array with: '77' with: 'abcde')). ws nextPutAll: (self makeCopyInOutLine: (Array with: '88' with: 'vwxyz')). ws nextPutAll: self makeCopyInOutEos. self dropTestCopyInOutTable. self createTestCopyInOutTable. self executeAll: #('insert into TestCopyInOutTable values(77,''abcde'')'). self executeAll: #('insert into TestCopyInOutTable values(88,''vwxyz'')'). rs := WriteStream on: (String new: 512). self copy: 'copy TestCopyInOutTable to stdout' withStream: rs. self assert: rs contents = ws contents. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testExecute1 self executeAll: #( 'select timenow()' 'select abs(-1)' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testExecute2 self executeAll: #( 'select timenow(); select abs(-1)' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testExecuteUsingConnectionDefaults useConnectionDefaults := true. self executeAll: #( 'select timenow()' 'select abs(-1)' ). ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testFieldConverter "Test: two different connections can have a different field converter for a given typeOid. This capability would be useful when using one image to connect to two different databases, where the same (custom) typeOid is defined differently in each database. " | conn1 result1 conn2 result2 newConverter | self dropTestTable. self createTestTable. conn1 := self newConnection. conn2 := self newConnection. conn1 startup. conn2 startup. result1 := conn1 execute: 'INSERT INTO products VALUES (1);'. result1 := conn1 execute: 'select * from products'. newConverter := [:value | value]. conn2 fieldConverterAt: 20 put: newConverter. conn2 fieldConverterAt: 21 put: newConverter. conn2 fieldConverterAt: 23 put: newConverter. result2 := conn2 execute: 'select * from products'. conn1 terminate. conn2 terminate. self assert: result1 rows size = 1. self assert: result1 rows first data first = 1. self assert: result2 rows size = 1. self assert: result2 rows first data first = '1'. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 2/1/2006 11:37'! testFieldConverter2 | conn result data | self dropTestFieldConverterTable. self createTestFieldConverterTable. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. result := conn execute: 'INSERT INTO TestFieldConverterTable VALUES (TRUE,FALSE,''A'',''B'',''CD'',77,88,99,11.11,22.22,33.33,''2001-01-01'',''04:05:06'',''abcd'');'. result := conn execute: 'select * from TestFieldConverterTable'. conn terminate. self assert: result rows size = 1. data := result rows first data. "result rows first inspect." self assert: (data at: 1). self assert: (data at: 2) not. self assert: (data at: 3) = 'A'. self assert: (data at: 4) = 'B'. self assert: (data at: 5) = 'CD'. self assert: (data at: 6) = 77. self assert: (data at: 7) = 88. self assert: (data at: 8) = 99. self assert: ((data at: 9) - 11.11) abs < 0.0001. self assert: ((data at: 10) - 22.22) abs < 0.0001. self assert: ((data at: 11) - 33.33) abs < 0.0001. "self assert: (data at: 12) = (DateAndTime year: 2001 month: 1 day: 1 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0)." self assert: (data at: 12) = (Date newDay: 1 month: 1 year: 2001). self assert: (data at: 13) = (Time fromSeconds: (4*60*60) + (5*60) + 6). self assert: (data at: 14) = 'abcd'. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 2/1/2006 11:37'! testFieldConverter3 | conn result d | self dropTestFieldConverterTable. self createTestFieldConverterTable. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. result := conn execute: 'INSERT INTO TestFieldConverterTable VALUES (TRUE,FALSE,''A'',''B'',''CD'',77,88,99,11.11,22.22,33.33,''2001-01-01'',''04:05:06'',''abcd'');'. result := conn execute: 'select * from TestFieldConverterTable'. conn terminate. self assert: result rows size = 1. d := result rows first dataKeyedByFieldName. "result rows first inspect." self assert: (d at: 'aBool1' asLowercase). self assert: (d at: 'aBool2' asLowercase) not. self assert: (d at: 'aChar' asLowercase) = 'A'. self assert: (d at: 'aChar1' asLowercase) = 'B'. self assert: (d at: 'aChar2' asLowercase) = 'CD'. self assert: (d at: 'anInt2' asLowercase) = 77. self assert: (d at: 'anInt4' asLowercase) = 88. self assert: (d at: 'anInt8' asLowercase) = 99. self assert: ((d at: 'aFloat4' asLowercase) - 11.11) abs < 0.0001. self assert: ((d at: 'aFloat8' asLowercase) - 22.22) abs < 0.0001. self assert: ((d at: 'aNumeric' asLowercase) - 33.33) abs < 0.0001. "self assert: (d at: 'aDate' asLowercase) = (DateAndTime year: 2001 month: 1 day: 1 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0)." self assert: (d at: 'aDate' asLowercase) = (Date newDay: 1 month: 1 year: 2001). self assert: (d at: 'aTime' asLowercase) = (Time fromSeconds: (4*60*60) + (5*60) + 6). self assert: (d at: 'aText' asLowercase) = 'abcd'. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testFunctionCall "Test: make several function calls before terminating." | conn result arg | arg := self asFloat8Arg: 1.0. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. result := conn functionCall: self oidTimenow arguments: OrderedCollection new. result := conn functionCall: self oidAbs arguments: (OrderedCollection with: arg). result := conn functionCall: self oidSqrt arguments: (OrderedCollection with: arg). conn terminate. ^ result ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testFunctionCall1 | result | result := self functionCall: self oidTimenow arguments: OrderedCollection new. self assert: result functionResult notNil. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 11/10/2004 23:52'! testFunctionCall2 | arg result | arg := self asFloat8Arg: -1.0. result := self functionCall: self oidAbs arguments: (OrderedCollection with: arg). self assert: result functionResult notNil. self assert: (self floatFromByteArray: result functionResult result) = 1.0. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 11/10/2004 23:54'! testFunctionCall3 | arg result | arg := self asFloat8Arg: 1.0. result := self functionCall: self oidSqrt arguments: (OrderedCollection with: arg). self assert: result functionResult notNil. self assert: (self floatFromByteArray: result functionResult result) = 1.0. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testNotify1 notificationSubscriberCount := 1. [ self executeAll: #( 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' 'notify pgtest' ) withDelayForMilliseconds: 1000 ] fork. self executeAll: #( 'listen pgtest' 'select timenow()' 'select timenow()' ) withDelayForMilliseconds: 5000 ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testNotify2 "Test: a NoticeResponse will be sent because there is an extra field on the input line." | ws conn | notificationSubscriberCount := 2. self dropTestTable. self createTestTable. ws := WriteStream on: String new. ws nextPutAll: (self makeCopyInOutLine: (Array with: '77' with: 'abcde' with: '123.456' with: '999.999')). ws nextPutAll: self makeCopyInOutEos. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. conn copy: 'copy products from stdin' withStream: ws. conn terminate. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testResultSet1 | conn result | self dropTestTable. self createTestTable. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. result := conn execute: 'insert into products values(77,''abcde'',123.456)'. result := conn execute: 'select * from products'. conn terminate. self assert: result rows size = 1. ! ! !TestPGConnection methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'yj 4/24/2003 23:01'! testResultSet2 | conn result rs1 rs2 | self dropTestTable. self createTestTable. conn := self newConnection. conn startup. result := conn execute: 'insert into products values(49,''abcde'',123.456)'. result := conn execute: 'insert into products values(50,''abcde'',123.456)'. result := conn execute: 'insert into products values(51,''abcde'',123.456)'. result := conn execute: 'insert into products values(52,''abcde'',123.456)'. result := conn execute: 'select * from products; select * from products where product_no > 50'. conn terminate. rs1 := result resultSets at: 1. self assert: rs1 rows size = 4. rs2 := result resultSets at: 2. self assert: rs2 rows size = 2. ! ! PGPacket initialize!