SystemOrganization addCategory: #'AIMS-Model'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'AIMS-View'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'AIMS-Session'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'AIMS-Old'! WAEntryPoint subclass: #AIMSGetUser instanceVariableNames: 'sEmail sPassword personTable connection' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSGetUser class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/27/2007 16:09'! description ^ 'View User Info'! ! !AIMSGetUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/30/2007 17:16'! authRow ^ ((self person where: #email equals: sEmail) where: #password equals: sPassword)! ! !AIMSGetUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/30/2007 17:00'! handleRequest: aRequest | resp string | (aRequest isGet) ifTrue:[ resp := self processFormGetFrom: aRequest . resp ifNil: [^ WAResponse document: 'I don'' find anyone by that name' mimeType: 'text/html'] ifNotNil:[ string := WriteStream on: String new. string nextPutAll: '['. resp do: [:field | string nextPut: $". string nextPutAll: field asString. string nextPut: $". string nextPut: $,]. string nextPutAll: ']'. ^ WAResponse document: string mimeType: 'text/html']]. ^ WAResponse document: '' mimeType: 'text/html'. ! ! !AIMSGetUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:43'! person (AIMSPGPool connection isConnected) ifFalse: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Bad connection'. connection := nil . personTable := nil]. ^ personTable ifNil: [ personTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! !AIMSGetUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/30/2007 17:17'! processFormGetFrom: aRequest | row reset | sEmail := aRequest fields at: 'email'. sPassword := aRequest fields at: 'id'. reset := aRequest fields at: 'reset' ifAbsent: [nil]. reset ifNotNil: [personTable := nil. connection := nil]. [row := self authRow asArray.] on: Exception do: [:ex | Transcript cr; show: 'An error!!'. personTable := connection := nil. row := self authRow asArray]. row size > 0 ifTrue: [^row first values]. Transcript cr; show: 'returning nil - no records'. ^ nil! ! !AIMSGetUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/30/2007 17:11'! unregistered Transcript cr; show: 'AimsGetUser>>unregistered'. personTable := connection := nil.! ! WAEntryPoint subclass: #PostTask instanceVariableNames: 'persons connArgs connection' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !PostTask class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/9/2006 11:26'! description ^ 'Task Upload'! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/9/2006 14:53'! categories ^ RAPostgresRelation name: 'category' connection: self connection.! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/17/2006 13:01'! categoriesAsText ^ (String streamContents: [:stream | stream nextPutAll: '['. (self categories orderBy: #id) do: [:ea || t| t := '(', ea id asString, ', "', ea name, '", ', ea parentid asString, '), '. stream nextPutAll: t]. stream nextPutAll: ']']) asString. ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 11:38'! connection connection ifNil: [connection := PGConnection new connectionArgs: self connectionArgs; startup; yourself]. (connection isConnected) ifFalse: [connection := PGConnection new connectionArgs: self connectionArgs; startup; yourself]. ^ connection! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/28/2007 10:04'! connectionArgs ^ connArgs ifNil: [ connArgs := PGConnectionArgs hostname: (self session application preferenceAt: #dbHost) portno: (self session application preferenceAt: #dbPort) databaseName: (self session application preferenceAt: #dbName) userName: (self session application preferenceAt: #dbUser) password: (self session application preferenceAt: #dbPassword)] ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/9/2006 14:47'! handleRequest: aRequest | resp | (aRequest isGet) ifTrue:[resp := self processFormGetFrom: aRequest ] ifFalse:[ resp := self processFormPostFrom: aRequest. Transcript cr; show: 'Finished, should send response now']. ^ WAResponse document: resp mimeType: 'text/html'! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/21/2007 14:07'! isAuthorizedFrom: aRequest "Find out if the posted password and email are valid" | reqEmail reqPass person | Transcript cr; show: 'isAuthorizedFrom'. reqEmail := aRequest fields at: 'email'. reqPass := aRequest fields at: 'password'. person := self persons select: [:ea | (ea email = reqEmail) & (ea enabled=true) & (ea password = reqPass)]. ^ person size > 0 ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/10/2006 10:51'! persons ^ RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: self connection.! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/9/2006 14:50'! processFormGetFrom: aRequest (aRequest url endsWith: 'category') ifTrue: [^ self categoriesAsText] ifFalse: [^ self testFormHtmlFor: aRequest]! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/10/2006 16:58'! processFormPostFrom: aRequest "Check authorization and then dispatch based on that" |message | message := String new. (self isAuthorizedFrom: aRequest) ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'Authorized!!'. (self processUploadFrom: aRequest) ifTrue: [message := 'Files successfully uploaded'] ifFalse: [message := 'Error uploading file']. ^ self responseHtml: message for: aRequest] ifFalse: [Transcript cr; show: 'Not Authorized!!'. ^ self responseHtml: 'Not Authorized!!' for: aRequest]. ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/24/2006 11:40'! processUploadFrom: aRequest "Save the AIMS task file that has been uploaded, if any, and then save the database info" | reqFile | reqFile := aRequest fields at: 'taskFile'. (reqFile class = WAFile) ifTrue: [ self saveFileFrom: aRequest named: 'taskFile'. self saveFileFrom: aRequest named: 'taskReport'. self saveFileFrom: aRequest named: 'taskImage'. self saveTaskInfoFrom: aRequest. ^ true]. ^ false ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/23/2006 21:25'! responseHtml: aString for: aRequest | bodyContents | bodyContents := WriteStream on: String new. bodyContents nextPutAll: '

Post Results

	bodyContents nextPutAll: aString.
	bodyContents nextPutAll: '

'. Transcript cr; show: 'responding'. ^ bodyContents! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/24/2006 11:44'! saveFileFrom: aRequest named: aFileName | reqFile sl folderName email fname currentFile reqFname fields | Transcript cr; show: 'Saving file for key: ', aFileName. fields := aRequest fields. reqFile := fields at: aFileName. email := fields at: 'email'. reqFname := reqFile fileName. sl := FileDirectory default slash. folderName := FileDirectory default fullName, sl, 'tasks', sl, email. FileDirectory default assureExistenceOfPath: folderName. fname := folderName, sl, reqFname. currentFile := FileStream forceNewFileNamed: fname. currentFile binary. currentFile nextPutAll: (ZLibReadStream on: ( reqFile contents)) contents . currentFile close. ^ true ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/24/2006 11:40'! saveTaskInfoFrom: aRequest | fields email person taskInfoFields | fields := aRequest fields. email := fields at: 'email'. person := self persons where: #email equals: email. taskInfoFields := OrderedCollection new. taskInfoFields add: (fields at: 'title'); add: (fields at: 'description'); add: (fields at: 'author'); add: (DateAndTime now asString); add: (fields at: 'created'); add: (fields at: 'modified'); add: ((fields at: 'taskImage') fileName); add: ((fields at: 'taskFile') fileName); add: ((fields at: 'taskReport') fileName); add: (fields at: 'filehash'); add: 'f'; add: (fields at: 'notes'); add: (fields at: 'category') asNumber; add: person asArray first id. self tasks addMostValues: taskInfoFields. Transcript cr; show: 'Saved taskinfo'. ^ true ! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/10/2006 16:23'! tasks ^ RAPostgresRelation name: 'taskinfo' connection: self connection.! ! !PostTask methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 14:22'! testFormHtmlFor: aRequest | host | host := aRequest headers at: 'host'. Transcript cr; show: 'Posting to: ', host. ^' Test Post

'! ! WAEntryPoint subclass: #TasksFolder instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !TasksFolder class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/6/2006 10:56'! description ^ 'Task Files'! ! !TasksFolder methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/23/2006 12:01'! handleRequest: aRequest | task sl taskName urlElements| urlElements := aRequest url findTokens: '/'. urlElements remove: 'seaside'. sl := FileDirectory slash. taskName := (FileDirectory default) fullName, sl, (urlElements joinTokens: sl). task := StandardFileStream fileNamed: taskName. task ifNil: [^ WAResponse notFound: aRequest url] ifNotNil: [^ WAResponse document: task mimeType: (self mimeTypeFrom: taskName)] ! ! !TasksFolder methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 10/23/2006 16:58'! mimeTypeFrom: aString Transcript cr; show: 'returning: ', aString. (aString endsWith: 'pdf') ifTrue: [^ 'application/pdf']. (aString endsWith: 'zip') ifTrue: [^'application/zip']. (aString endsWith: 'jpg') ifTrue: [^'image/jpeg']. (aString endsWith: 'png') ifTrue: [^'image/png']. (aString endsWith: 'gif') ifTrue: [^'application/gif']. ^ 'text/html'! ! WATree subclass: #AIMSTree instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-View'! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/28/2006 21:17'! collapseButton ^ '- '! ! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/28/2006 21:17'! expandButton ^ '+ '! ! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:59'! hasTasks: aNode | tasks | tasks := self storage tasks select: [ :each | each category = aNode ]. self session loggedUser isNil ifTrue: [ tasks := tasks select: [ :each | each reviewed ] ]. ^ tasks notEmpty! ! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'rendering-nodes' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:54'! renderNode: aNode on: html html listItem class: (self root = aNode ifTrue: [ 'root' ] ifFalse: [ 'leaf' ]); with: [ self renderNodeButton: aNode on: html. self renderNodeLabel: aNode on: html. self renderNodeChildren: aNode on: html ]! ! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'rendering-nodes' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:55'! renderNodeButton: aNode on: html | isExpanded | html span class: 'button'; with: [ (self hasChildren: aNode) ifTrue: [ isExpanded := self isExpanded: aNode. self renderNodeButtonLink: aNode action: (MessageSend receiver: self selector: (isExpanded ifTrue: [ #collapse: ] ifFalse: [ #expand: ]) argument: aNode) text: (isExpanded ifTrue: [ self collapseButton ] ifFalse: [ self expandButton ]) on: html ] ]! ! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'rendering-nodes' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:56'! renderNodeLabelLink: aNode action: aBlock text: anObject on: html (self hasTasks: aNode) ifTrue: [ html anchor callback: aBlock; with: anObject ] ifFalse: [ html render: anObject ]! ! !AIMSTree methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/28/2006 21:18'! style ^'LI {list-style-type: none}'! ! !WAPresenter methodsFor: '*aims-accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:57'! storage ^ AIMSStorage default! ! WAFileLibrary subclass: #AIMSCssResources instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSCssResources methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/30/2006 15:46'! aimsCss ^ 'body { background-image: url(/seaside/css/bg.gif); padding-top: 100px; padding-left: 25px; } #trail { padding-bottom: 10px; } #loginwidget { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; text-align: right; position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 20px; padding: 2px 2px 0px 2px; border: 2px black solid; } #loginwidget input {width: 70px} #loginwidget input.submit {font-size: 7px; width: 47px} #AdminArea { position: absolute; bottom: 30px; right: 20px; border: 2px black solid; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; } td { vertical-align: top; text-align: left; } .tableHeader { border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #006699; color: #FFFFFF; } th a:link { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; } th a:visited { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; } th a:hover { color: #CCCCCC; text-decoration: none; } td { border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; } '! ! !AIMSCssResources methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/10/2006 11:15'! bgGif | xxxCache | xxxCache := #(nil). (xxxCache at: 1) isNil ifTrue: [ xxxCache at: 1 put: #(71 73 70 56 57 97 184 11 184 11 247 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 39 30 31 29 22 23 31 27 28 53 49 50 65 62 63 47 43 45 71 68 70 92 89 91 57 53 56 81 78 81 101 99 101 241 239 241 34 32 35 111 109 112 157 156 158 38 37 41 247 247 253 242 242 248 248 248 253 187 187 191 133 133 136 245 245 249 215 215 218 211 211 214 207 207 210 192 192 195 253 253 254 252 252 253 234 234 235 244 245 252 243 244 251 42 43 49 245 246 252 238 239 245 143 144 149 235 236 241 230 231 236 120 121 125 224 225 229 220 221 224 163 165 170 217 219 224 248 250 255 46 49 56 180 182 186 173 175 179 251 252 254 250 251 253 228 229 231 235 240 249 237 242 250 245 248 253 54 63 76 50 56 65 205 219 240 195 208 228 198 211 230 189 201 218 217 229 247 222 232 247 227 236 249 240 244 250 201 203 206 196 198 201 192 213 240 199 218 243 177 191 210 207 223 245 183 197 216 183 208 238 82 90 100 167 183 202 192 207 226 192 205 221 145 155 167 198 209 223 231 239 249 243 247 252 55 78 103 140 173 209 120 147 176 162 196 233 173 203 236 138 161 186 153 172 194 203 214 226 239 245 252 98 156 213 130 176 222 55 71 88 151 191 230 214 228 242 244 247 250 248 250 252 243 245 247 253 254 255 237 238 239 0 94 179 21 83 138 74 141 205 50 85 117 118 170 220 91 110 127 115 134 151 0 105 191 0 103 188 0 101 185 0 98 184 0 99 182 0 100 182 0 97 181 0 98 181 0 96 180 1 100 181 1 98 177 2 95 170 3 91 163 3 83 148 6 87 155 9 78 136 14 101 174 12 87 148 21 99 162 21 94 154 25 90 145 27 87 138 32 96 150 35 91 138 42 105 158 50 114 168 43 99 144 45 90 128 52 100 139 73 110 141 85 124 157 138 186 228 185 199 211 0 102 183 0 101 176 12 112 188 49 137 203 37 78 110 55 107 145 238 243 247 241 245 248 0 113 188 0 107 185 19 123 194 24 91 137 22 81 121 119 182 226 65 98 121 94 140 172 226 235 241 232 239 244 246 249 251 245 248 250 237 240 242 2 119 193 2 82 130 3 108 174 4 95 153 8 86 133 26 134 200 24 97 141 57 118 155 63 123 159 81 136 169 105 152 181 133 171 195 150 183 203 157 188 207 164 193 211 175 200 215 194 213 225 197 215 226 200 217 228 210 224 233 213 226 234 222 232 238 229 237 242 239 244 247 0 81 129 1 82 129 5 127 199 4 84 131 6 85 132 11 89 134 14 91 136 16 92 137 20 95 139 22 96 140 29 101 144 32 103 145 35 105 146 39 108 148 43 110 150 45 112 151 49 115 154 73 131 165 120 163 188 142 178 199 170 197 213 180 204 218 184 207 220 189 210 222 199 217 227 206 222 231 218 230 237 227 236 241 234 241 245 24 115 160 43 103 133 203 220 229 215 228 235 225 235 240 237 243 246 243 247 249 2 119 172 28 149 207 47 159 212 74 169 213 208 229 239 59 171 217 220 239 247 48 140 172 82 186 224 28 41 46 43 110 131 102 199 230 125 206 231 192 226 237 247 250 251 49 119 138 66 156 183 156 223 241 224 246 252 138 217 238 169 229 244 187 235 247 201 240 249 215 244 251 239 251 254 250 254 255 230 248 252 235 250 253 242 252 254 240 249 251 246 253 254 246 246 245 251 250 250 248 248 248 243 243 243 255 255 255 33 249 4 1 0 0 255 0 44 0 0 0 0 184 11 184 11 0 8 255 0 95 53 115 246 12 22 44 104 215 162 205 154 133 13 155 180 90 181 54 221 10 64 177 162 197 139 24 51 106 220 200 177 163 199 143 32 67 138 28 73 178 164 201 147 40 83 170 92 201 178 165 203 151 48 99 202 156 73 179 166 205 155 56 115 234 220 201 179 167 207 159 64 131 10 29 74 180 168 209 163 72 147 42 93 202 180 169 211 167 80 163 74 157 74 181 170 213 171 88 179 106 221 202 181 171 87 165 2 9 22 140 37 43 225 44 90 14 33 102 155 248 181 173 219 183 112 227 202 157 75 183 174 221 187 120 243 234 221 203 183 175 223 191 128 3 11 30 76 184 176 225 195 136 19 43 94 124 146 89 216 177 8 21 50 148 246 48 91 36 198 152 51 107 222 204 185 179 231 207 160 67 139 30 77 186 180 233 211 168 83 171 94 205 186 181 235 188 142 7 18 60 40 43 154 194 134 15 107 105 171 138 111 94 188 118 232 206 145 11 231 205 91 183 227 221 188 133 11 71 238 220 59 120 243 244 189 158 78 189 186 245 235 216 179 107 223 206 189 187 247 239 224 195 139 255 31 79 190 60 207 216 3 199 150 85 136 150 178 110 168 244 228 181 59 23 174 155 174 251 186 64 129 194 95 169 148 127 255 142 4 40 96 56 231 192 67 143 121 8 38 168 224 130 12 54 232 224 131 16 70 40 225 132 20 86 104 225 133 229 49 19 219 108 180 73 214 222 123 75 225 35 207 59 228 216 151 159 126 251 225 167 203 127 0 10 232 162 35 101 196 88 198 55 239 204 131 225 141 56 230 168 227 142 60 246 232 227 143 64 6 41 228 144 68 22 25 148 43 27 62 83 16 52 235 157 229 144 52 212 36 229 206 124 246 129 50 9 138 248 129 34 202 40 192 20 98 70 38 104 132 249 64 152 104 100 146 137 33 131 200 168 230 140 232 184 99 228 155 112 198 41 231 156 116 214 105 231 157 120 230 169 231 158 114 34 41 80 122 176 144 101 22 45 237 69 89 148 61 237 148 168 203 149 250 221 55 73 29 189 124 105 1 4 27 96 224 65 63 1 116 192 1 69 28 116 208 1 63 98 100 240 130 5 103 150 145 69 140 167 102 241 77 59 124 182 234 234 171 176 198 255 42 235 172 180 214 106 235 173 184 202 234 231 99 6 33 52 168 67 134 246 228 206 129 1 208 3 79 137 86 94 153 223 36 163 92 146 137 5 47 96 176 143 69 155 134 164 1 169 166 102 161 173 182 232 224 147 235 183 224 134 43 238 184 228 150 107 238 185 232 166 171 110 77 72 38 169 158 89 12 97 195 201 79 225 160 67 17 58 139 54 10 138 29 206 146 176 129 7 46 121 64 194 33 219 110 139 137 61 235 38 172 240 194 12 55 236 240 195 16 71 44 241 196 134 185 178 171 88 129 70 182 80 67 243 246 20 207 36 141 216 195 65 5 148 44 58 138 25 39 188 0 240 76 26 160 177 237 25 89 156 129 9 177 20 215 108 243 205 56 231 172 243 206 60 247 236 115 172 22 163 55 91 44 145 177 39 175 78 97 132 17 64 61 225 140 49 198 57 153 154 105 65 16 251 40 109 147 24 39 196 28 243 25 103 160 99 245 207 96 135 45 246 216 100 151 109 246 217 104 167 45 87 208 175 240 74 219 175 193 214 164 79 59 225 216 18 0 60 148 192 225 198 28 242 4 255 176 15 63 60 93 112 2 215 132 107 193 170 218 136 39 174 248 226 140 55 238 248 227 144 63 204 182 219 76 194 123 116 77 245 192 227 205 36 153 244 163 143 55 99 188 241 198 24 223 252 20 134 9 105 96 194 181 22 172 187 25 249 235 176 199 46 251 236 180 215 110 251 237 174 77 158 222 187 30 118 60 19 60 225 136 82 199 40 27 4 240 206 34 110 136 238 198 24 240 252 4 131 11 202 176 46 61 21 184 87 111 253 245 216 103 175 253 246 220 119 63 147 238 24 11 106 219 89 190 195 36 15 57 220 140 50 202 29 104 4 96 79 55 114 136 46 186 28 142 192 240 19 7 105 36 34 189 22 92 212 224 253 255 0 12 160 0 7 72 192 2 26 176 97 65 115 87 160 214 195 158 242 181 196 29 231 72 159 29 238 96 6 21 96 10 29 108 72 158 252 222 32 135 119 0 165 2 90 72 132 8 185 144 8 28 184 165 6 52 240 196 1 87 200 194 22 186 240 133 48 140 161 12 173 2 62 37 101 236 26 215 88 8 45 28 168 18 125 188 163 20 234 27 197 35 255 72 48 173 0 204 67 23 161 219 224 27 224 80 9 154 241 164 1 82 32 97 20 184 192 5 234 181 165 11 170 72 130 34 90 49 195 46 122 241 139 96 12 163 24 199 200 194 26 190 107 80 60 68 73 60 194 209 135 95 52 235 4 50 168 72 24 206 161 55 37 190 97 14 114 192 132 77 244 65 15 125 212 163 30 248 160 25 19 168 72 200 41 124 161 34 245 184 73 34 73 98 15 120 160 131 28 223 8 199 55 206 129 14 120 184 206 34 157 144 194 43 6 145 12 50 122 242 147 160 12 165 40 71 73 202 137 129 111 104 190 146 140 221 86 98 143 115 84 227 15 166 184 4 26 52 112 17 121 128 34 126 118 124 131 27 26 97 35 154 196 163 20 200 233 70 41 172 64 145 36 76 129 144 84 164 1 69 232 225 13 101 212 164 29 222 0 130 72 230 113 142 82 228 109 12 114 144 3 28 176 249 134 74 124 3 30 210 161 200 19 170 176 131 42 172 162 148 232 76 167 58 215 201 206 118 186 51 71 102 204 88 147 102 177 202 148 192 99 28 129 8 196 31 160 224 255 130 14 96 132 28 184 204 229 232 74 71 19 121 80 194 105 78 107 67 26 40 18 143 86 80 113 10 16 93 229 60 64 81 7 90 202 132 30 221 24 195 66 65 242 195 56 200 129 13 106 80 3 27 22 1 210 53 112 112 12 112 112 4 60 170 229 9 192 85 235 157 48 141 169 76 103 74 211 154 218 84 49 241 36 26 14 85 153 18 119 144 131 24 249 28 98 17 47 242 49 56 8 84 121 115 136 7 77 236 113 203 57 204 129 131 47 216 148 56 184 0 209 170 246 128 161 147 80 3 34 102 242 14 54 172 97 163 29 169 199 57 38 17 58 53 212 193 16 105 96 194 11 84 144 134 65 44 194 164 111 136 195 26 84 240 181 155 218 245 174 120 205 171 94 247 202 215 35 249 169 25 178 129 204 60 167 129 146 123 22 162 16 151 96 64 6 52 162 143 166 41 145 13 108 80 226 24 188 81 215 151 220 163 18 184 100 67 29 42 16 0 14 184 99 10 74 160 2 21 140 64 133 171 222 141 18 110 160 131 52 97 226 142 140 174 97 171 29 153 227 34 228 240 214 64 255 168 160 136 245 80 26 63 92 48 136 54 188 65 179 47 232 171 112 135 75 220 226 26 247 184 119 61 165 96 19 162 144 77 152 228 30 231 32 198 97 161 160 2 142 180 131 18 113 216 224 26 252 240 7 53 72 246 112 49 161 71 41 50 91 135 226 5 192 9 71 200 193 17 214 75 5 31 80 228 29 186 212 42 76 194 128 14 55 196 65 13 135 120 169 70 222 65 137 248 169 161 16 41 216 8 53 190 33 7 53 252 161 1 200 77 176 130 23 204 224 6 59 56 128 237 106 219 238 122 197 192 89 100 163 36 241 96 135 151 30 241 128 0 111 4 31 240 123 236 90 231 176 136 13 194 161 20 254 139 9 62 74 145 68 205 6 65 105 246 16 194 16 116 32 132 245 98 128 34 231 136 31 27 232 96 222 150 28 209 191 132 0 220 70 126 252 6 53 144 97 177 28 185 71 41 212 208 190 7 59 249 201 80 142 178 148 167 172 51 182 1 214 25 28 18 159 66 106 65 146 119 28 195 12 133 128 2 4 42 139 145 227 105 80 116 106 8 50 63 12 225 93 249 45 207 255 94 49 209 199 120 69 167 217 213 186 3 7 56 152 113 141 145 76 142 36 170 225 20 254 108 201 57 228 167 6 64 32 120 35 231 120 106 137 45 240 145 120 232 129 4 84 142 180 164 39 77 233 74 91 26 79 17 190 50 135 160 81 180 89 112 57 36 246 32 135 151 204 128 132 27 119 196 29 44 222 32 27 230 16 220 0 184 160 14 145 69 106 35 46 233 18 125 56 34 137 109 168 195 106 197 209 133 46 228 121 8 68 0 24 211 146 232 6 55 184 160 37 182 196 229 26 246 128 130 15 103 244 13 203 54 117 108 87 176 178 75 91 251 218 216 206 182 182 183 237 157 76 7 214 32 90 158 133 52 66 34 15 118 64 193 12 80 176 0 166 60 50 232 51 23 25 18 66 14 192 33 218 44 186 57 140 129 28 49 129 65 136 127 107 7 36 139 163 7 93 152 5 14 138 144 132 77 129 56 137 69 62 198 186 83 18 6 114 100 151 206 118 176 104 70 228 49 9 163 174 129 16 11 143 45 183 55 206 241 142 123 252 227 32 23 140 183 49 182 192 157 50 4 36 240 255 64 198 185 183 240 130 64 119 132 200 242 219 49 103 43 162 1 60 192 85 116 113 224 27 76 234 1 58 136 211 50 12 62 240 1 15 124 205 131 86 187 67 23 1 253 109 117 85 18 15 80 24 149 206 229 221 72 59 144 87 228 252 134 252 234 88 207 186 214 183 206 245 169 236 234 202 54 44 185 89 176 241 17 116 88 227 220 165 14 137 195 149 136 95 140 164 33 214 242 35 157 126 87 194 243 22 219 225 198 245 112 130 15 122 48 244 33 52 59 0 20 127 58 154 5 225 15 134 59 54 230 172 222 8 124 147 167 6 72 116 253 241 144 143 188 228 39 79 249 145 124 253 219 55 132 87 71 240 113 14 116 67 225 1 98 32 247 45 85 173 235 139 116 32 5 126 160 247 18 153 247 146 14 244 156 223 55 214 199 12 244 94 11 30 44 65 200 120 123 184 252 214 192 4 123 86 188 196 242 91 68 239 247 171 75 104 247 225 208 149 79 190 242 151 207 252 230 91 90 67 18 198 178 13 99 65 150 10 207 221 34 246 248 6 20 160 176 5 11 196 64 36 135 39 52 255 108 47 18 6 18 140 116 131 244 11 39 75 56 240 122 54 216 33 5 28 192 199 15 102 176 119 30 72 123 241 197 23 221 26 248 80 109 146 124 110 12 139 64 7 116 176 123 96 133 17 83 151 60 171 118 108 206 183 128 12 216 128 14 248 128 55 5 125 97 65 114 149 51 62 179 224 114 23 225 14 236 176 5 220 7 105 34 1 15 147 160 123 208 118 119 26 33 6 129 160 122 163 227 65 45 17 6 237 135 7 30 192 1 53 240 3 52 160 119 179 128 124 57 166 89 124 0 119 106 32 5 39 113 93 110 192 6 190 192 8 226 183 17 241 128 93 104 134 12 25 7 129 74 184 132 76 216 132 78 184 66 142 241 39 36 71 52 21 54 11 234 48 113 227 192 129 54 176 116 33 241 127 108 87 128 24 161 2 116 0 119 75 84 9 247 224 18 223 208 98 119 16 71 20 240 4 52 48 123 210 22 0 125 182 108 203 0 10 15 199 6 124 240 119 35 129 81 114 176 6 119 176 12 165 240 116 109 167 17 246 128 89 187 55 126 79 152 136 138 184 136 140 216 136 140 255 35 52 83 152 74 146 177 13 24 33 15 89 8 5 54 208 106 33 17 6 83 39 130 107 208 7 122 152 17 107 134 130 99 160 71 45 209 130 43 16 0 95 240 4 243 183 9 213 86 119 107 64 6 218 208 103 132 6 134 28 133 60 108 128 6 157 176 111 105 22 111 228 71 139 116 54 7 223 64 107 142 88 140 198 120 140 200 152 140 235 34 97 129 85 16 11 84 133 187 97 17 242 128 10 54 176 5 153 72 18 24 133 112 104 102 139 24 177 1 118 112 115 186 196 75 44 17 6 105 72 103 120 16 71 49 16 131 52 128 2 47 37 94 99 240 95 128 103 132 191 85 81 35 241 62 99 176 108 25 192 130 73 180 93 161 167 17 241 176 8 186 183 60 149 128 14 8 163 140 6 121 144 8 153 144 10 57 39 204 56 133 130 194 92 11 81 62 242 128 12 213 120 141 36 129 14 84 183 123 125 208 143 29 129 6 164 72 80 43 81 142 191 117 7 161 151 142 79 192 9 28 105 68 78 135 95 155 2 140 69 134 8 100 198 17 237 198 6 39 64 17 225 160 108 120 255 224 97 26 113 14 99 224 110 114 48 6 149 112 14 241 16 147 11 89 148 70 121 148 72 153 148 223 33 133 145 88 22 240 50 11 132 69 17 243 48 14 213 184 5 16 80 18 168 150 116 208 54 124 30 145 1 54 183 65 246 165 84 43 113 120 108 128 7 133 7 3 20 80 3 38 160 95 31 35 87 77 54 15 141 112 135 113 208 99 30 241 99 6 22 71 1 192 147 80 183 90 26 241 5 4 102 71 63 185 8 222 208 38 74 89 152 134 121 152 136 153 152 157 1 88 19 150 49 21 40 25 158 38 149 227 96 0 214 232 129 36 113 14 197 166 93 128 80 120 32 145 6 224 184 68 142 176 72 40 193 1 100 105 150 1 0 3 44 16 9 67 69 17 7 168 6 96 165 151 104 118 10 190 184 17 115 52 7 108 16 7 150 137 14 79 167 89 10 248 97 89 0 89 118 180 77 99 208 8 228 208 75 138 121 156 200 153 156 202 185 156 93 1 118 206 40 79 16 169 67 216 16 6 247 192 14 6 80 141 15 96 18 48 39 58 36 197 133 31 33 3 169 247 93 33 255 185 143 119 0 48 28 192 2 41 25 0 244 245 112 87 73 17 238 80 9 79 183 8 109 160 137 28 97 75 239 88 8 200 215 14 249 199 6 92 185 17 245 96 5 122 32 82 185 20 7 195 217 45 204 121 160 8 154 160 10 186 160 57 209 140 224 86 57 209 73 40 216 144 15 223 112 3 213 136 4 171 41 18 0 197 118 240 54 18 36 64 82 38 86 10 249 160 18 105 152 60 126 184 150 1 0 6 24 72 17 0 197 155 22 129 14 8 167 6 132 231 17 228 0 7 154 165 2 47 85 132 15 247 85 31 193 1 24 160 9 116 32 160 193 57 89 169 200 160 70 122 164 72 154 164 74 26 0 210 231 140 212 7 161 30 130 22 216 112 14 54 80 165 54 160 147 35 81 84 170 70 7 189 25 18 96 112 130 96 57 6 112 134 18 34 233 135 50 192 1 97 144 132 54 57 6 238 199 151 1 112 89 130 167 6 253 153 17 77 87 96 133 144 113 129 135 102 136 200 17 28 192 1 26 160 9 122 176 6 66 42 63 112 208 6 122 16 4 75 154 168 138 186 168 140 255 186 144 74 242 156 213 199 92 144 137 22 232 176 5 22 106 145 36 49 108 108 103 117 23 129 15 240 64 73 240 16 147 47 0 107 38 54 107 163 121 120 102 218 1 223 135 17 217 184 108 88 26 6 239 16 80 251 215 127 228 215 52 238 71 159 238 99 136 85 55 18 29 32 3 76 128 10 65 74 134 208 166 7 72 214 168 198 122 172 200 154 172 12 24 118 212 39 11 78 105 129 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131 62 236 121 52 233 210 166 79 163 78 173 122 53 235 214 174 95 195 142 45 123 54 109 211 160 11 139 174 173 123 55 239 222 190 127 3 255 15 46 124 56 241 226 198 143 35 79 158 249 54 225 97 202 159 67 143 46 125 58 245 234 214 175 99 207 174 125 59 247 238 42 153 147 117 238 125 60 249 242 230 207 163 79 175 126 61 251 246 238 223 163 7 63 86 60 252 250 246 239 227 207 175 127 63 255 254 254 255 3 24 96 0 242 201 68 159 128 7 34 152 160 130 11 50 216 160 131 15 66 24 161 132 37 17 24 147 129 19 98 152 161 134 27 114 216 161 135 31 130 24 162 136 125 85 8 147 41 35 162 152 162 138 43 178 216 162 139 47 194 24 163 131 37 190 20 140 140 55 226 152 163 142 59 242 216 163 143 63 2 57 24 141 184 216 24 164 145 71 34 153 164 146 75 50 217 164 147 60 14 73 228 147 83 82 89 165 149 87 98 153 165 150 91 246 22 101 145 92 130 25 166 152 99 146 89 166 153 103 162 89 84 148 191 164 217 166 155 111 194 25 167 156 115 210 121 100 148 190 212 153 167 158 123 242 217 167 159 127 2 170 221 157 129 18 90 168 161 135 34 154 168 162 139 10 73 35 158 140 66 26 169 164 255 147 82 90 169 165 151 102 52 40 166 155 114 218 169 167 159 130 26 170 150 81 230 38 170 169 167 162 154 170 170 171 178 250 31 169 173 194 26 171 172 179 210 90 171 173 180 189 122 171 174 187 242 218 171 175 191 2 171 86 174 193 18 91 172 177 199 34 155 172 178 45 13 89 234 178 207 66 27 173 180 211 82 27 106 148 23 86 155 173 182 219 114 219 173 183 100 94 251 173 184 227 146 91 174 185 231 170 24 46 186 235 178 219 174 187 239 194 27 223 144 216 198 91 175 189 247 226 155 175 190 182 205 187 175 191 255 2 28 176 192 3 203 21 229 137 4 35 156 176 194 11 51 220 240 78 94 58 28 177 196 19 83 92 177 197 3 65 124 177 198 27 115 220 177 199 226 102 252 177 200 35 147 92 178 201 177 134 124 178 202 43 179 220 178 203 128 174 249 178 204 51 211 92 179 205 86 106 122 179 206 59 243 220 179 207 33 230 252 179 208 67 19 93 180 209 240 5 125 180 210 75 51 221 180 211 195 69 25 202 211 83 83 93 181 213 87 111 54 44 214 91 115 221 181 215 255 95 191 165 53 216 99 147 93 182 217 103 171 217 44 218 107 179 221 182 219 111 119 36 54 220 115 211 93 183 221 103 171 123 183 222 123 243 221 183 210 121 251 29 184 224 131 19 110 50 224 133 35 158 184 226 139 15 124 56 227 143 67 30 185 228 32 247 59 185 229 151 99 158 121 177 6 107 222 185 231 159 131 126 106 202 161 147 94 186 233 167 195 60 228 151 168 179 222 186 235 175 139 57 58 236 179 211 94 187 237 61 202 126 187 238 187 243 222 251 134 49 251 30 188 240 195 19 239 234 144 143 22 159 188 242 203 51 223 93 210 205 67 31 189 244 211 119 121 60 245 215 99 159 189 246 165 61 191 189 247 223 131 31 62 137 106 139 95 190 249 231 163 159 150 220 233 179 223 190 251 239 27 181 62 252 243 211 95 191 253 36 201 127 191 254 251 243 223 191 66 249 251 47 128 2 28 160 251 28 71 192 3 34 48 129 219 51 160 2 27 232 192 7 14 143 129 16 156 32 5 43 200 58 9 90 48 131 26 220 160 228 48 200 193 15 130 48 132 123 227 156 8 75 104 194 255 19 194 45 119 40 92 33 11 91 72 53 21 186 48 134 50 156 33 207 96 72 195 27 226 48 135 37 179 161 14 123 232 195 31 58 12 120 64 28 34 17 139 216 56 235 25 49 137 74 92 226 187 186 199 196 39 66 49 138 210 114 162 20 171 104 197 43 242 138 138 88 220 34 23 187 40 58 242 121 49 140 98 28 227 166 0 72 198 51 162 49 141 124 50 163 26 219 232 198 55 150 137 141 112 156 35 29 235 232 36 57 218 49 143 122 220 99 142 60 200 199 63 2 50 144 35 242 163 32 11 105 200 67 206 168 114 136 92 36 35 27 137 32 66 58 50 146 146 156 100 121 32 73 201 75 98 50 147 208 33 161 38 59 233 201 79 34 135 135 160 28 37 41 75 185 26 81 154 50 149 170 92 165 101 80 201 202 87 194 50 150 128 113 165 44 107 105 203 91 134 109 72 108 194 37 47 123 233 75 182 104 241 151 194 28 38 49 157 18 204 98 34 51 153 202 236 201 49 151 233 204 103 66 19 127 72 140 38 53 171 105 77 143 224 241 154 218 220 38 55 5 146 205 110 130 255 51 156 203 252 166 56 203 105 206 94 146 243 156 234 92 39 43 211 201 206 119 194 211 147 150 140 39 61 235 73 201 121 218 51 159 250 52 36 62 247 233 207 127 218 177 159 0 29 40 65 209 40 208 130 34 52 161 88 228 164 66 27 234 208 49 210 242 161 18 157 40 17 35 74 209 139 98 148 134 22 205 40 71 59 106 194 141 122 52 164 34 181 160 16 71 106 210 147 130 176 153 40 93 41 75 7 168 210 150 194 52 166 245 123 169 76 107 106 211 243 69 237 166 58 221 233 251 220 201 211 159 2 53 121 62 13 42 81 139 170 187 161 26 53 169 74 189 32 24 151 234 212 167 222 238 160 80 157 42 85 59 168 200 170 98 53 171 158 147 170 86 187 234 213 187 113 245 171 98 29 235 218 194 74 214 179 162 181 107 12 77 43 91 219 90 86 213 185 53 174 114 37 27 72 231 106 215 187 246 172 174 120 221 43 95 95 166 215 190 2 54 176 35 43 169 96 11 107 216 150 209 244 176 138 93 172 196 18 203 216 199 66 246 136 142 138 44 101 43 27 196 105 90 54 179 255 154 253 23 82 55 235 217 207 106 171 179 160 29 45 105 149 37 218 210 162 54 181 190 58 173 106 91 235 90 89 177 246 181 178 157 173 169 204 74 219 219 226 150 83 182 205 45 111 123 11 169 221 250 54 184 194 13 20 112 135 107 220 227 210 169 184 200 93 46 115 207 180 214 230 66 55 186 123 250 171 116 171 107 93 44 81 247 186 218 221 238 146 178 203 221 239 130 23 119 112 13 47 121 203 251 36 194 154 55 189 234 245 145 99 215 235 222 247 130 168 189 240 157 47 125 37 36 223 250 226 55 191 143 196 172 126 251 235 223 7 197 246 191 2 30 240 121 2 76 224 3 35 56 59 6 78 48 131 27 252 156 5 59 56 194 18 14 14 132 39 108 225 11 207 70 185 24 222 48 135 89 163 225 14 131 56 196 158 249 176 136 75 108 98 202 144 248 196 42 94 177 98 82 204 226 23 195 120 47 207 141 49 141 107 44 25 239 218 56 199 58 142 11 142 119 236 227 31 159 165 199 64 30 50 145 177 34 228 34 35 57 201 198 212 165 146 155 236 228 176 220 247 201 82 158 255 242 80 162 76 229 43 99 57 39 86 206 50 151 187 124 146 45 123 57 204 98 142 91 83 199 108 230 51 163 164 194 104 94 51 155 49 86 230 54 195 57 206 21 81 179 156 235 204 101 58 219 57 207 83 118 177 158 251 220 100 62 251 57 208 68 6 180 160 11 189 99 66 27 58 209 52 70 180 162 27 189 226 25 59 58 210 88 62 178 164 43 205 98 74 91 58 211 37 198 180 166 59 205 97 78 123 58 212 19 70 175 168 75 157 99 48 155 58 213 18 70 181 170 91 157 96 86 187 58 214 2 206 169 172 107 109 98 60 219 58 215 230 197 181 174 123 253 93 94 251 58 216 214 5 182 176 139 221 92 70 27 59 217 198 69 182 178 155 221 91 102 59 59 218 180 133 182 180 171 221 90 106 91 59 219 164 133 180 182 187 125 93 80 123 59 220 168 5 183 184 203 253 89 114 155 59 221 150 69 183 186 219 253 88 82 187 59 222 184 133 181 188 235 253 110 254 218 59 223 174 165 183 190 251 13 88 90 251 59 224 165 37 182 192 11 46 86 130 27 60 225 89 69 184 194 255 27 14 85 134 59 60 226 73 197 182 196 43 254 83 138 91 60 227 54 197 184 198 59 222 82 142 123 60 228 38 5 185 200 75 222 81 110 155 60 229 88 101 183 202 91 46 82 150 187 60 230 25 133 185 204 107 46 81 154 219 60 231 9 133 183 206 123 126 83 126 251 60 232 13 5 186 208 139 78 80 162 27 61 233 251 68 186 210 155 78 79 136 59 61 234 220 132 186 212 171 94 77 170 91 61 235 206 196 186 214 187 94 76 174 123 61 236 190 36 185 216 203 94 75 178 155 61 237 237 188 170 218 219 254 78 180 187 61 238 159 132 187 220 235 142 73 148 219 61 239 209 196 185 222 251 222 73 190 251 61 240 247 28 175 224 11 63 78 194 27 62 241 196 228 185 226 27 127 118 124 59 62 242 178 100 186 228 43 47 72 202 91 62 243 123 196 188 230 59 79 71 176 123 62 244 92 4 189 232 75 95 69 210 155 62 245 76 68 189 234 91 95 68 214 187 62 246 62 164 187 236 107 127 67 218 219 62 247 46 196 189 238 123 127 66 222 251 62 248 41 101 187 240 139 127 255 70 188 27 63 249 87 4 188 242 155 31 66 230 59 63 250 26 132 190 244 171 63 65 234 91 63 251 10 100 188 246 187 175 67 206 123 63 252 13 4 191 248 203 79 64 242 155 63 253 253 3 184 250 219 223 66 216 187 63 254 223 131 191 252 235 143 61 250 219 63 255 209 195 191 254 251 175 60 224 251 95 0 10 15 0 10 96 1 238 14 1 26 96 2 210 14 2 42 96 3 182 14 3 58 96 4 150 14 242 73 96 5 154 15 246 89 96 6 186 14 6 106 96 7 154 14 7 122 96 8 126 14 8 138 96 9 98 14 247 153 96 10 46 15 250 169 96 11 106 14 11 186 96 12 78 14 12 202 96 13 50 14 13 218 96 14 22 14 255 233 96 15 182 13 15 250 96 16 154 13 16 10 97 17 126 13 17 26 97 18 98 13 18 42 97 19 78 13 4 58 97 20 46 13 20 74 97 21 18 13 21 90 97 22 230 21 241 105 97 23 34 14 22 122 97 24 202 12 5 138 97 25 206 13 9 154 97 26 234 12 26 170 97 27 206 12 27 186 97 28 178 12 28 202 97 255 29 238 16 147 217 97 30 226 13 228 233 97 31 110 13 14 250 97 32 14 22 31 10 98 33 54 13 32 26 98 34 90 12 19 42 98 35 234 11 35 58 98 36 214 11 36 74 98 37 182 11 37 90 98 38 154 11 38 106 98 39 126 11 24 122 98 40 110 11 40 138 98 41 78 11 41 154 98 42 46 11 42 170 98 43 26 11 43 186 98 44 254 10 25 202 98 45 18 12 29 218 98 46 34 11 46 234 98 47 6 11 47 250 98 48 102 17 226 9 99 49 250 11 10 26 99 50 94 34 33 42 99 51 178 11 34 58 99 52 214 10 52 74 99 53 194 10 53 90 99 54 166 10 39 106 99 55 42 10 55 122 99 56 22 10 56 138 99 57 250 9 57 154 99 58 230 9 58 170 99 59 198 9 44 186 99 60 182 9 60 202 99 61 198 17 23 218 99 62 210 10 61 234 99 63 102 9 63 250 99 64 82 9 45 10 100 65 150 17 49 26 100 66 90 11 66 42 100 67 234 22 67 58 100 68 86 10 48 74 100 69 54 9 50 90 100 70 18 10 54 106 100 71 222 17 255 51 122 100 72 246 9 71 138 100 73 6 9 251 153 100 74 78 215 155 169 100 75 202 9 59 186 100 76 78 8 76 202 100 77 38 18 141 56 139 77 234 100 236 224 227 78 250 228 168 244 228 79 10 101 149 0 228 80 26 37 126 20 229 81 42 229 123 36 229 82 58 165 122 16 228 83 74 229 141 80 228 84 90 37 82 66 228 85 106 37 85 102 229 86 122 165 139 84 229 87 138 101 129 225 225 88 154 101 139 144 228 89 170 165 188 76 214 90 186 165 136 164 229 91 202 229 118 196 229 92 218 165 117 208 228 93 234 101 109 228 229 94 250 37 108 244 229 95 10 230 41 177 228 96 26 38 127 4 230 97 42 230 136 5 229 98 58 102 123 52 229 99 74 102 101 68 230 100 90 38 100 84 230 101 106 230 98 100 230 102 122 102 96 68 229 103 138 166 114 132 229 104 154 230 141 117 229 105 170 102 114 148 230 106 186 102 98 180 230 107 202 230 95 96 228 108 218 38 95 130 228 109 234 38 174 228 230 110 250 230 107 212 229 111 10 103 163 148 8 242 12 231 113 2 102 56 97 34 231 114 158 70 98 50 231 115 62 133 115 66 231 116 42 133 116 82 231 117 166 13 78 98 231 118 102 77 99 114 231 119 50 70 103 130 231 120 222 132 120 146 231 121 126 135 119 162 231 122 234 69 64 0 0 59) asByteArray ]. ^ xxxCache at: 1! ! WAComponent subclass: #AIMSBaseWidget instanceVariableNames: 'parent' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-View'! !AIMSBaseWidget class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'rbb 11/1/2006 10:00'! parent: aWidget ^(self new) parent: aWidget! ! !AIMSBaseWidget methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/1/2006 10:02'! parent "Answer the value of parent" ^ parent! ! !AIMSBaseWidget methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/1/2006 10:02'! parent: anObject "Set the value of parent" parent := anObject! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSBrowseCategory instanceVariableNames: 'category tasks taskWidget persons editWidget categories reportWidget searchActive' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/31/2006 14:58'! actionsFor: aRec on: html self checkBoxFor: aRec on: html. self deleteFor: aRec on: html. self editFor: aRec on: html. ! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/22/2006 15:15'! category ^ category ifNil: [category := categories asArray first]! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 12/13/2006 12:44'! checkBoxFor: rec on: html html checkbox submitFormNamed: 'reviewForm', (rec id asString); value: rec reviewed; id: 'cb', (rec id asString); callback: [:val | self saveRecord: rec val: val]. html text: 'Approved'. ! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/3/2007 15:46'! checkQueryStatus | taskQuery | (self searchActive) ifTrue: [self searchActive: false] ifFalse: [ (self category id = 0) ifTrue: [taskQuery := tasks] ifFalse:[taskQuery := tasks where: #categoryid equals: self category id]. (self showAllTasks) ifTrue: [self rows: taskQuery] ifFalse: [self rows: (taskQuery select: [:ea | ea reviewed])]]! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/30/2006 13:54'! children ^ Array with: taskWidget with: reportWidget! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:39'! deleteFor: aRec on: html html break. html anchor callback: [ self deleteRec: aRec ]; with: 'Delete'! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/31/2006 15:06'! deleteRec: aRec (self confirm: 'Really delete the "', aRec title,'" task?') ifTrue: ["The database record, the task file, image, and report all must be disposed of" self removeFilesFor: aRec. tasks deleteFor: (tasks select: [:ea | ea id = aRec id]). self deleted: true] ! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/2/2006 17:16'! editFor: aRec on: html html break. html anchor callback: [self call: (editWidget task: aRec)]; with: 'Edit'! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 13:52'! imageLinkFor: task |url person email | person := persons where: #id equals: task personid. email := person asArray first email. url := 'tasks/', email, '/', task image. "html anchor resourceUrl: url. " ^ url! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:22'! initialize super initialize. taskWidget := AIMSTaskViewer parent: self. editWidget := AIMSTaskEditor parent: self! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/22/2006 11:23'! on: aCategory category := aCategory! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/31/2006 15:17'! removeFileFrom: aRec named: fname | sl folderName email person fileName | person := ((persons select: [:ea | ea id = aRec personid]) asArray) first. email := person email. sl := FileDirectory default slash. folderName := FileDirectory default fullName, sl, 'tasks', sl, email. FileDirectory default assureExistenceOfPath: folderName. fileName := folderName, sl, fname. FileDirectory deleteFilePath: fileName. ^ true! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/31/2006 15:09'! removeFilesFor: aRec self removeFileFrom: aRec named: (aRec image). self removeFileFrom: aRec named: (aRec taskfile). self removeFileFrom: aRec named: (aRec taskreport).! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:38'! renderContentOn: html (self category isNil) ifTrue: [html heading level: 3; with: 'No Category Selected'] ifFalse:[ self checkQueryStatus. html div class: 'tasklist'; with: [ html anchor callback: [self answer: true]; with: ['[Back]']. html render: self reportWidget]] ! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/23/2006 11:01'! reportLinkFor: task |url person email | person := persons where: #id equals: task personid. email := person asArray first email. url := 'tasks/', email, '/', task taskreport. "html anchor resourceUrl: url. " ^ url! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/22/2006 16:22'! reportWidget ^ reportWidget ifNil: [ self setupReportWidget ]! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'rbb 11/30/2006 14:52'! rows ^ self reportWidget rows ifNil: [^ (tasks select: [:ea | (ea categoryid = self category id)])]! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/3/2007 15:48'! rows: aQuery self reportWidget rows: aQuery! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/3/2007 15:49'! saveRecord: rec val: value "They clicked on the checkbox to change it" (rec reviewed = value) ifFalse: ["They are not equal, so update the database" (tasks where: #id equals: rec id) update: [:ea | ea reviewed: value]]. ! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/3/2007 15:39'! searchActive ^ searchActive ifNil: [false]! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/3/2007 15:42'! searchActive: aBoolean searchActive := aBoolean! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'rbb 12/8/2006 15:59'! setupReportWidget |cols| cols := OrderedCollection new add: ((AIMSReportColumn selector: #taskfile title: 'Download') valueBlock: [:obj :html | html anchor url: (self taskLinkFor: obj); with: [ html image fileName: 'resources/download.png'; noBorder; mimeType: 'image/pngž']]); add: ((AIMSReportColumn selector: #title title: 'Task') valueBlock: [:obj :html | html anchor url: (self reportLinkFor: obj); with: obj title]); add: ((AIMSReportColumn selector: #image title: 'Image') valueBlock: [:obj :html | html anchor with: [ html image fileName: (self imageLinkFor: obj); mimeType: 'image/jpeg'; altText: 'Image for ', obj title ; noBorder; width: 100]]); add: (AIMSReportColumn renderBlock: [:obj :html | html emphasis: obj description] title: 'Description'); add: (AIMSReportColumn selector: #author title: 'Created By'); add: ((AIMSReportColumn selector: #submitted title: 'Submitted') sortBlock: [:a :b | a <= b ]; valueBlock: [:obj | obj submitted asDate mmddyyyy]); add: ((AIMSReportColumn selector: #reviewed title: 'Actions') hiddenBlock: [(self session loggedUser isNil) ]; valueBlock: [:obj :html | html form name: 'reviewForm', (obj id asString); with: [self actionsFor: obj on: html] ]); yourself. reportWidget := (AIMSCanvasTableReport new) columns: cols; rows: (tasks select: [:ea | (ea categoryid = self category id)]); rowPeriod: 1; rowColors: #('#CCCCCC' '#CCCCCC'); yourself.! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/30/2006 14:25'! showAllTasks ^ self session loggedUser notNil! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 13:53'! taskLinkFor: task |url person email | person := persons where: #id equals: task personid. email := person asArray first email. url := 'tasks/', email, '/', task taskfile. "html anchor resourceUrl: url. " ^ url! ! !AIMSBrowseCategory methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 9/22/2006 11:26'! trailName ^ 'Category: ', self category name! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSCategoryList instanceVariableNames: 'widget categories category tree' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSCategoryList class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 13:57'! parent: aWidget on: aCategory ^(self new) parent: aWidget; category: aCategory! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 15:07'! category ^ category! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 16:26'! category: aCategory category := aCategory. self setupReportWidget! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:16'! children ^Array with: widget with: tree! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'rbb 11/9/2006 15:28'! dataRows | catid rows | (self category isNil) ifTrue: [catid := 0] ifFalse: [catid := self category id]. (self session loggedUser isNil) ifTrue: [rows := (categories select: [:ea | (ea parentid = catid) & (ea name ~= 'Other') ])] ifFalse: [ rows := (categories select: [:ea | (ea parentid = catid)])]. ^ rows! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:25'! initialize | | super initialize. categories := RAPostgresRelation name: 'category' connection: self session connection. ! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 15:25'! on: aCategory self category: aCategory! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/29/2006 09:49'! renderContentOn: html self category. (html div) class: 'categorylist'; with: [self renderListOn: html ]! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/22/2006 17:04'! renderListOn: html html render: widget. ! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:38'! setupReportWidget | cols catid | cols := OrderedCollection new add: ((AIMSReportColumn selector: #image title: 'Image' onClick: [:v | self inform: v description]) valueBlock: [:obj :html | html anchor callback: [self parent call: (AIMSCategoryView parent: self on: obj)]; with: [ html image fileName: 'resources/', obj image; mimeType: 'image/png'; border: 0; width: 50]]); add: (AIMSReportColumn selector: #name title: 'Name'); add: (AIMSReportColumn renderBlock: [:obj :html | html emphasis: obj description] title: 'Description'); yourself. (self category isNil) ifTrue: [catid := 0] ifFalse: [catid := self category id]. widget := (AIMSCanvasTableReport new) columns: cols; rows: self dataRows; rowPeriod: 1; rowColors: #('#CCCCCC' '#CCCCCC'); yourself.! ! !AIMSCategoryList methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:55'! trailName ^ 'Categories'! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSCategoryTree instanceVariableNames: 'taskWidget tree tasks' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:08'! categorySizeFor: aCategory ^ self storage tasks count: [ :each | each category = aCategory ]! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/29/2006 15:54'! children ^ Array with: tree! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:00'! initialize super initialize. tree := self setupTree. taskWidget := AIMSBrowseCategory parent: self! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:39'! renderContentOn: html html div class: 'categorylist'; with: tree! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:08'! setupTree ^ AIMSTree new root: self storage category; labelBlock: [ :each | each name , ' (' , (self categorySizeFor: each) asString , ' tasks)' ]; childrenBlock: [ :each | each children ]; selectBlock: [ :each | self call: (self taskWidget on: each) ]; yourself! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/30/2006 14:47'! taskWidget ^ taskWidget! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/29/2006 16:01'! trailName ^ 'Categories '! ! !AIMSCategoryTree methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 11/29/2006 16:01'! tree ^ tree! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSCategoryView instanceVariableNames: 'taskWidget categories categoryWidget category' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSCategoryView class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 14:57'! parent: aWidget on: aCategory ^(self new) parent: aWidget; category: aCategory! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 14:57'! category ^ category! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 14:57'! category: aCategory category := aCategory! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 14:59'! children ^Array with: taskWidget with: categoryWidget .! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:26'! initialize super initialize. categories := RAPostgresRelation name: 'category' connection: self session connection. taskWidget := AIMSBrowseCategory parent: self. categoryWidget := AIMSCategoryTree parent: self. ! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/29/2006 15:53'! renderContentOn: html html render: categoryWidget ! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/30/2006 13:49'! taskWidget ^ taskWidget! ! !AIMSCategoryView methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 16:30'! trailName (self category isNil) ifTrue: [^ 'Root Categories'] ifFalse: [^ 'Category: ', self category name.]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSContent instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Session'! !AIMSContent methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:38'! renderContentOn: html html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Task Repository'. html anchor callback: [self call: self parent categoryListWidget]; text: 'Browse By Category'. html break. html anchor callback: [self call: self parent searchWidget]; text: 'Task Search'. ! ! !AIMSContent methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 14:36'! trailName ^ 'Home'! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSEditUser instanceVariableNames: 'emailText connection firstName lastName middleName personTable organization currentUser sessionLoginName sessionLoginPassword newUserTable isUpdated isError' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSEditUser class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 11/8/2007 15:52'! canBeRoot ^ true! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 14:51'! authRow ^ ((self persons where: #login equals: sessionLoginName) where: #password equals: sessionLoginPassword)! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 14:51'! getSessionData sessionLoginName := self session loggedUser. sessionLoginPassword := self session loggedUserPassword.! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 14:30'! getUserData | row | [row := self authRow asArray.] on: Exception do: [:ex | Transcript cr; show: 'An error!!'. personTable := connection := nil. row := self authRow asArray]. row size > 0 ifTrue: [^row first values]. ^ nil! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 10:10'! isError: aBoolean isError := aBoolean! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 14:03'! isUpdated: aBoolean isUpdated := aBoolean! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:35'! persons ^ personTable ifNil: [ personTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 12:12'! renderContentOn: html self getSessionData. self setUserData. (sessionLoginName isNil and: [sessionLoginPassword isNil]) ifFalse: [self renderUpdateUserFormOn: html.] ifTrue: [self answer].! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 10:44'! renderUpdateUserFormOn: html html div style: ('text-align: center; width: 100%; align: center'); with: [ html form with: [ html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Repository - Update Page'. isUpdated = true ifTrue: [ isUpdated := false. html text: 'You have sucessfully updated your account information.'. html break. html break. html anchor callback: [ self answer]; with: 'Return to Account Options Page'. html break. html break. ]. html table class: 'newUserTable'; with: [ html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'First Name:'; tableData: [html textInput value: firstName; callback: [:val | firstName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Middle Name:'; tableData: [html textInput value: middleName; callback: [:val | middleName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Last Name:'; tableData: [html textInput value: lastName; callback: [:val | lastName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Organization:'; tableData: [html textInput value: organization; callback: [:val | organization := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading:'Email:'; tableData: [html textInput value: emailText; callback: [:val | emailText := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html break. html submitButton callback: [self updateExistingUser]; text: 'Update User']; tableData: '']]]]. ! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 15:39'! renderVerificationPageOn: html html heading level: 4; with: 'Your account has been updated.'. html space. html anchor callback: [ self answer]; with: 'Return to Account Options'.! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 14:49'! setUserData currentUser := self getUserData. firstName := (currentUser at: 2). middleName := (currentUser at: 4). lastName := (currentUser at: 3). emailText := (currentUser at: 5). organization :=(currentUser at: 10). ! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 10:43'! style ^' .newUserTable th {text-align: right; align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;} table.newUserTable {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto} A:link {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10pt;} A:visited {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10pt;} A:active {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10pt;} A:hover {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: darkred; font-size: 10pt;}' ! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 14:03'! updateExistingUser | isExist d | " verifying this user exists " isExist := ((self verifyUser count: [:ea | ea login = sessionLoginName])). d := Dictionary new. d at: 'first_name' put: firstName; at: 'middle_name' put: middleName; at: 'last_name' put: lastName; at: 'organization' put: organization; at: 'email' put: emailText. " enabled new user " isExist > 0 ifFalse: [isUpdated := false] ifTrue: [ isUpdated := true. (self persons where: #login equals: sessionLoginName) update: [:ea | d keysAndValuesDo: [:fld :val | ea takeValue: val forAttributeNamed: fld]]].! ! !AIMSEditUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:35'! verifyUser ^ newUserTable ifNil: [newUserTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSEditUserPW instanceVariableNames: 'newUserTable personTable isValidated loginNewPassword loginConfirmNewPassword currentPassword sessionLoginName sessionLoginPassword statusMessage isError' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 11:12'! clearFields currentPassword := ''. loginNewPassword := ''. loginConfirmNewPassword := ''. isValidated := false. isError := false.! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 15:13'! getSessionData sessionLoginName := self session loggedUser. sessionLoginPassword := self session loggedUserPassword.! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 10:26'! isError: aBoolean isError := aBoolean! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 10:37'! isValidated: aBoolean isValidated := aBoolean! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:35'! persons ^ personTable ifNil: [ personTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 10:45'! renderChangePasswordFormOn: html html div style: ('text-align: center; width: 100%; align: center'); with: [ html form with: [ html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Repository - Change Password'. isValidated = true ifTrue: [ self clearFields. html text: 'You have sucessfully changed your password. '. html break. html break. html anchor callback: [ self answer]; with: 'Return to Account Options Page'. html break. html break.]. isError = true ifTrue: [ html heading level: 4; with: statusMessage. html break.]. html table class: 'newUserTable'; with: [ html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Current Password:'; tableData: [html passwordInput value: currentPassword; callback: [:val | currentPassword := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'New Password:'; tableData: [html passwordInput value: loginNewPassword; callback: [:val | loginNewPassword := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Confirm Password:'; tableData: [html passwordInput value: loginConfirmNewPassword; callback: [:val | loginConfirmNewPassword := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html break. html submitButton callback: [self updateExistingUser]; text: 'Change Password']; tableData: '']]]]. ! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/12/2007 15:22'! renderContentOn: html self getSessionData. (sessionLoginName isNil and: [sessionLoginPassword isNil]) ifFalse: [ self renderChangePasswordFormOn: html.] ifTrue: [self answer].! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 11:03'! statusMessage: aString statusMessage := aString! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 10:44'! style ^' .newUserTable th {text-align: right; align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;} table.newUserTable {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto} A:link {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10pt;} A:visited {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10pt;} A:active {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; font-size: 10pt;} A:hover {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: darkred; font-size: 10pt;}'! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 11:20'! updateExistingUser | isExist | self validateNewPassword. isError "verify there was not a error in user entered fields" ifFalse: [ " verifying this user exists " isExist := ((self verifyUser count: [:ea | ea login = sessionLoginName])). isExist > 0 ifTrue: [ self session loggedUserPassword: loginNewPassword. isValidated := true. (self persons where: #login equals: sessionLoginName) update: [:ea | ea password: loginNewPassword]. ] ifFalse: [isValidated := false.].].! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 15:18'! validateNewPassword (currentPassword = sessionLoginPassword) ifFalse: [ isError := true. statusMessage := 'Current password is not valid. Please try again.'.] ifTrue: [ "Make sure new password is not empty" loginNewPassword size > 0 ifFalse: [isError := true. statusMessage := 'You need to enter your new password.'] ifTrue: [ (loginNewPassword = loginConfirmNewPassword) ifTrue: [ isError := false. statusMessage := ''] ifFalse: [ isError := true. statusMessage := 'Your passwords do not match. Please try again.'].]].! ! !AIMSEditUserPW methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:35'! verifyUser ^ newUserTable ifNil: [newUserTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSEnableAdminUser instanceVariableNames: 'personTable isValidated newUserTable aimsAccount isError' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSEnableAdminUser class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 16:16'! canBeRoot ^ true! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:45'! enableAdminOnAccount | isExist | " verifying this user exists " isExist := ((self verifyUser count: [:ea | ea login = aimsAccount])) . " enabled new user " isExist > 0 ifTrue: [ isError := false. isValidated := true. (self persons where: #login equals: aimsAccount) update: [:ea | ea admin: true]] ifFalse: [isError := true. isValidated := false.]. ! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/14/2007 12:08'! isError: aBoolean isError := aBoolean! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/14/2007 11:54'! isValidated: aBoolean isValidated := aBoolean! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:35'! persons ^ personTable ifNil: [ personTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 16:18'! renderContentOn: html self renderLoginFormOn: html.! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/14/2007 12:33'! renderLoginFormOn: html html div style: ('text-align: center; width: 100%; align: center'); with: [ html form with: [ html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Repository - Enable Administrative Rights'. isError = true ifTrue: [html text: 'There was a problem updating this user, Please verify this user exists.'. html break. html break.]. isValidated = true ifTrue: [html text: 'This account has been updated with administrative rights.'. html break. html break.]. html table class: 'newUserTable'; with: [ html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'AIMS Account:'; tableData: [html textInput value: aimsAccount ; callback: [:val | aimsAccount := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html break. html submitButton callback: [self enableAdminOnAccount]; text: 'Update']; tableData: '']]]]. ! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/13/2007 16:14'! style ^' .newUserTable th { text-align: right; align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt; } table.newUserTable { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto }' ! ! !AIMSEnableAdminUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:36'! verifyUser ^ newUserTable ifNil: [newUserTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSLoginUser instanceVariableNames: 'loginName loginPassword isChangeAccountInfo aimsEditUser isValidated newUserTable aimsChangePW aimsNewUser' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSLoginUser class methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 11/9/2007 16:22'! canBeRoot ^ true! ! !AIMSLoginUser class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/5/2007 22:57'! initialize self registerAsApplication: 'aims'! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:26'! initialize super initialize. aimsEditUser := AIMSEditUser parent: self. aimsChangePW := AIMSEditUserPW parent: self. aimsNewUser := AIMSNewUser parent: self. ! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:57'! isValidated: aBoolean isValidated := aBoolean! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 10:31'! renderAccountOptionsOn: html html div style: ('text-align: center; width: 100%; align: center'); with: [ html form with: [ html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Repository - Account Options'. html table class: 'newUserTable'; with: [ html tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html anchor callback: [ isChangeAccountInfo := true. self call: aimsEditUser]; with: 'Update Your Account'.]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html anchor callback: [ self call: aimsChangePW]; with: 'Change Your Password'. ]; tableData: ''.] ]]]. ! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 16:09'! renderContentOn: html isValidated = true ifFalse: [self renderLoginFormOn: html] ifTrue: [self renderAccountOptionsOn: html]. ! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/15/2007 10:49'! renderLoginFormOn: html html div style: ('text-align: center; width: 100%; align: center'); with: [ html form with: [ html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Repository Login Page'. "html text: 'Please login to your AIMS Repository account.'. html break." html text: ' Click '. html anchor callback: [self call: aimsNewUser]; with: 'here'. html text: ' to create a new AIMS Repository account.'. html break. html break. html table class: 'newUserTable'; with: [ html tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Login:'; tableData: [html textInput value: loginName ; callback: [:val | loginName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Password:'; tableData: [html passwordInput value: loginPassword; callback: [:val | loginPassword := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html break. html submitButton callback: [self validateExistingUser: html]; text: 'Login'.]; tableData: ['']]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: ''; tableData: ''.] ]]]. ! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 10:41'! style ^' .newUserTable th {text-align: right; align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;} table.newUserTable {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto} A:link {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline;} A:visited {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline;} A:active {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline;} A:hover {font-family: Arial; text-decoration: underline; color: darkred;}' ! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:58'! validateExistingUser: html | isExist | " verifying this user exists " isExist := ((self verifyUser count: [:ea | ea login = loginName & ea password = loginPassword])) . "currentUser := (self persons select: [:ea | (ea login = loginName) & (ea password = loginPassword) ])." " enabled new user " isExist > 0 ifTrue: [ isValidated := true. self session loggedUser: loginName. self session loggedUserPassword: loginPassword.] ifFalse: [ isValidated := false. self session loggedUser: nil. self session loggedUserPassword: nil.] ! ! !AIMSLoginUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:19'! verifyUser ^ newUserTable ifNil: [newUserTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSMain instanceVariableNames: 'loginWidget pageWidget trail categoryListWidget searchWidget newUserWidget' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Session'! !AIMSMain commentStamp: '' prior: 0! Database Schema definition for the AIMS Task Repository! !AIMSMain class methodsFor: 'seaside' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 13:52'! canBeRoot ^ true! ! !AIMSMain class methodsFor: 'seaside' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:55'! initialize (self registerAsApplication: 'aims') preferenceAt: #sessionClass put: AIMSSession! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:47'! categoryListWidget "Answer the value of categoryListWidget" ^ categoryListWidget! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/7/2007 13:46'! children ^ Array with: loginWidget with: pageWidget with: trail with: searchWidget with: categoryListWidget ! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:39'! initialize super initialize. loginWidget := AIMSLogin new. pageWidget := AIMSContent parent: self. categoryListWidget := AIMSCategoryTree parent: self. searchWidget := AIMSSearch parent: self. trail := WATrail on: pageWidget! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:47'! loginWidget "Answer the value of loginWidget" ^ loginWidget! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:51'! newUserWidget "Answer the value of searchWidget" ^ newUserWidget! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:47'! pageWidget "Answer the value of pageWidget" ^ pageWidget! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:51'! renderAdminAreaOn: html html div id: #AdminArea; with: [ html text: 'Admin Area'; break. html anchor callback: [ self call: WAVersionUploader new ]; text: 'Upload New Code'. html break. html anchor callback: [ self call: self newUserWidget ]; text: 'New User' ]! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:49'! renderContentOn: html html div id: #trail; with: [html render: trail]. html div class: #Content; with: [html render: pageWidget]. html render: loginWidget. self session loggedUser isNil ifFalse: [ self renderAdminAreaOn: html ]! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:49'! searchWidget "Answer the value of searchWidget" ^ searchWidget! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:47'! trail "Answer the value of trail" ^ trail! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/21/2006 15:47'! trail: anObject "Set the value of trail" trail := anObject! ! !AIMSMain methodsFor: 'updating' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:28'! updateRoot: aRoot super updateRoot: aRoot. aRoot title: 'AIMS Task Repository'. aRoot stylesheet url: '/seaside/css/aims.css'. ! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSNewUser instanceVariableNames: 'emailText passText connection firstName lastName middleName passConfirmText errorMessage completed uuid newUserTable personTable sUUID sEmail organization newUserText' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSNewUser class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/7/2007 13:23'! canBeRoot ^ true! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/16/2007 16:34'! ValidateNewUser | isExist | " verifying this user exists " isExist := ((self verifyNewUser count: [:ea | ea uuid = sUUID])) . " enabled new user " isExist > 0 ifTrue: [(self persons where: #email equals: sEmail) update: [:ea | ea enabled: true]. " user has been verified, remove them from verifyNewUser table " self verifyNewUser deleteFor: (self verifyNewUser select: [:ea | ea uuid = sUUID]). ^ true.] ifFalse:[^ false]. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 15:47'! appendErrorMessage: aString errorMessage := errorMessage, ' ', aString! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 16:03'! completed: aBoolean completed := aBoolean! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/8/2007 14:49'! emailText ^ emailText ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 15:47'! errorMessage ^ errorMessage ifNil: [errorMessage := '']! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 15:47'! errorMessage: aString errorMessage :=aString! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 15:40'! hasErrors ^ self errorMessage notEmpty! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/15/2007 11:15'! newUserText ^ newUserText ifNil: [^'enter new user']! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/8/2007 14:49'! passText ^ passText ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:36'! persons ^ personTable ifNil: [ personTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 16:03'! registrationSuccessful ^ completed ifNil: [^ false]! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/16/2007 16:28'! renderConfirmPageOn: html html heading level: 3; with: 'Your account has been verified, you can now update your tasks to the AIMS Repository.'. html anchor url: ''; with: 'Browse AIMS Repository' ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:39'! renderContentOn: html sUUID := (self session currentRequest at: 'id' ifAbsent:[nil]). sEmail := (self session currentRequest at: 'email' ifAbsent:[nil]). (sUUID isNil and: [sEmail isNil]) ifFalse: [ self ValidateNewUser ifTrue: [self renderConfirmPageOn: html.] ifFalse: [self renderNoConfirmPageOn: html.]. ] ifTrue: [(self hasErrors) ifTrue: [ html div class: 'ErrorStuff'; with: self errorMessage. self resetErrorMessage ]. (self registrationSuccessful) ifTrue: [self renderVerificationPageOn: html] ifFalse: [self renderNewUserFormOn: html.]]. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/15/2007 11:31'! renderNewUserFormOn: html html div style: ('text-align: center; width: 100%; align: center'); with: [ html form with: [ html heading level: 3; with: 'AIMS Repository - Signup Page'. html table class: 'newUserTable'; with: [ html tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: 'Required Field (*)'; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'First Name:'; tableData: [html textInput value: firstName ; callback: [:val | firstName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Middle Name:'; tableData: [html textInput value: middleName; callback: [:val | middleName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Last Name:'; tableData: [html textInput value: lastName; callback: [:val | lastName := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Organization:'; tableData: [html textInput value: organization; callback: [:val | organization := val]]; tableData: ''.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading:'Email:'; tableData: [html textInput value: emailText; callback: [:val | emailText := val]]; tableData: '*'.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Password:'; tableData: [html passwordInput value: passText; callback: [:val | passText := val]]; tableData: '*'.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: 'Confirm:'; tableData: [html passwordInput value: passConfirmText; callback: [:val | passConfirmText := val]]; tableData: '*'.]; tableRow: [html tableHeading: ''; tableData: [html break. html submitButton callback: [self savePerson]; text: 'Sign Up']; tableData: '']]]]. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/16/2007 16:36'! renderNoConfirmPageOn: html html heading level: 3; with: 'Your account was not able to be verified.'. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/21/2007 15:05'! renderVerificationPageOn: html html heading level: 4; with: 'A confirmation email has been sent to the email address you provided. Please Click on the confirmation link in the email to finish setting up your account.'. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/15/2007 11:16'! resetConnection connection := nil. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 15:47'! resetErrorMessage errorMessage := ''! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/16/2007 15:08'! saveNewUser |saveRegDataFields | uuid := UUID new. saveRegDataFields := OrderedCollection new. saveRegDataFields add: emailText asString; add: uuid asString. self verifyNewUser addValues: saveRegDataFields. ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/21/2007 15:43'! savePerson |savePersonFields | self validate ifTrue: [ savePersonFields := OrderedCollection new. savePersonFields add: firstName; add: lastName; add: middleName; add: emailText; add: passText; add: false; add: emailText; add: false; add: organization. self persons addMostValues: savePersonFields. firstName := lastName := middleName := passText := passConfirmText := nil. self completed: true. self saveNewUser. self sendConfEmail] ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 9/6/2007 13:12'! sendConfEmail SMTPClient deliverMailFrom: '' to: (Array with: emailText) text: 'Subject: AIMS Repository User Verification from: AIMS Repository Click on the following link to confirm your new AIMS Repository Account.',uuid asString,'&email=',emailText usingServer: '' ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'jon made a few screens pretty 8/27/2007 14:20'! style ^' .newUserTable th { text-align: right; align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt; } table.newUserTable { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto }' ! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gwm 8/9/2007 15:53'! validate emailText ifNil: [self appendErrorMessage: 'You must enter an email address']. passText isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [self appendErrorMessage: 'You must enter a password'] ifFalse: [ (passText = passConfirmText) ifFalse: [self appendErrorMessage: 'Your passwords don''t match']]. errorMessage isEmpty ifTrue: [^ true]. ^ false! ! !AIMSNewUser methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:37'! verifyNewUser ^ newUserTable ifNil: [newUserTable := RAPostgresRelation name: 'verifynewuser' connection: AIMSPGPool connection.]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSSearch instanceVariableNames: 'category tasks taskWidget persons widget searchText' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 14:45'! category ^ category ifNil: [category := 0]! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 14:45'! children ^ Array with: taskWidget with: widget! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 14:45'! imageLinkFor: task |url person email | person := persons where: #id equals: task personid. email := person asArray first email. url := 'tasks/', email, '/', task image. "html anchor resourceUrl: url. " ^ url! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:45'! initialize super initialize. taskWidget := AIMSTaskViewer parent: self. widget := AIMSBrowseCategory parent: self! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 14:45'! on: aCategory category := aCategory! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'gwm 8/16/2007 13:38'! renderContentOn: html html div class: 'searchbox'; with: [ html form with: [ html textInput value: searchText; callback: [:val | searchText := val]. html submitButton ]]. html div class: 'tasklist'; with: [ (searchText isNil) ifFalse: [ self halt. widget searchActive: true. widget rows: self searchQuery. html render: widget]] ! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'gwm 8/3/2007 15:48'! searchQuery | query | (self session loggedUser isNil) ifTrue: [ query := (tasks select: [:ea | ((ea description like: self sqlSearchText ignoreCase: true) | (ea title like: self sqlSearchText ignoreCase: true) | (ea author like: self sqlSearchText ignoreCase: true)) & (ea reviewed) ])] ifFalse: [ query := (tasks select: [:ea | (ea description like: self sqlSearchText ignoreCase: true) | (ea title like: self sqlSearchText ignoreCase: true) | (ea author like: self sqlSearchText ignoreCase: true)] )]. "Transcript cr; show: 'searchQuery: ', query printString." ^ query! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/22/2006 15:42'! searchText ^ searchText ifNil: ['']! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 11/22/2006 15:43'! sqlSearchText ^ '%', self searchText, '%'! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 14:45'! taskLinkFor: task |url person email | person := persons where: #id equals: task personid. email := person asArray first email. url := 'tasks/', email, '/', task taskfile. "html anchor resourceUrl: url. " ^ url! ! !AIMSSearch methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 14:45'! trailName ^ 'Search for Tasks'! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSTaskEditor instanceVariableNames: 'task title taskFile taskImage taskReport author category persons tasks description submitted created modified notes categories person' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSTaskEditor commentStamp: '' prior: 0! This is used by admins to edit the data for the supplied taskinfo record.! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/3/2006 10:28'! categories ^ categories ifNil: [categories := RAPostgresRelation name: 'category' connection: self session connection]! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/1/2006 09:57'! persons ^ persons ifNil: [persons := RAPostgresRelation name: 'person' connection: self session connection]! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/3/2006 10:44'! renderCategoriesAsListWith: aRelation attribute: attr on: html | item | item := ((self categories select: [:ea | ea id = (aRelation at: attr)]) asArray) first. html select size: 1; list: (self categories asArray); selected: item; callback: [:v | category := v id]; labels: [:ea | ea name]! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 12/13/2006 12:51'! renderContentOn: html html form with: [html fieldSet legend: 'Edit Task: ', self task title; with:[ (html label) for: #title; with: [html text: 'Title'; space. (html textInput) id: #title; value: self task title; callback: [:val | title := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #description; with: [html text: 'Description'; space. (html textInput) id: #description; value: self task description; callback: [:val | description := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #notes; with: [html text: 'Notes'; space. (html textArea) id: #notes; value: self task notes; callback: [:val | notes := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #taskFile; with: [html text: 'Task File'; space. (html textInput) id: #taskFile; value: self task taskfile; callback: [:val | taskFile := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #taskImage; with: [html text: 'Task Image'; space. (html textInput) id: #taskImage; value: self task image; callback: [:val | taskImage := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #taskReport; with: [html text: 'Task Report'; space. (html textInput) id: #taskReport; value: self task taskreport; callback: [:val | taskReport := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #author; with: [html text: 'Author'; space. (html textInput) id: #author; value: self task author; callback: [:val | author := val]]. html break. (html label) for: #category; with: [html text: 'Category'; space. self renderCategoriesAsListWith: (self task) attribute: #categoryid on: html]. html break. (html label) for: #submitter; with: [html text: 'Submitter'; space. self renderPersonsAsListWith: (self task) attribute: #personid on: html]. html break. html submitButton callback: [self save]; text: 'Save'. html submitButton callback: [self answer: true]; text: 'Cancel']]! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/3/2006 10:37'! renderPersonsAsListWith: aRelation attribute: attr on: html | item | item := ((self persons select: [:ea | ea id = (aRelation at: attr)]) asArray) first. html select size: 1; list: (self persons asArray); selected: item; callback: [:v | person := v id]; labels: [:ea | (ea at: 'first_name'), ' ', (ea at: 'last_name' )]! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'data' stamp: 'rbb 11/3/2006 10:43'! save (self tasks where: #id equals: task id) update: [:ea | ea title: title; author: author; description: description; image: taskImage; taskfile: taskFile; taskreport: taskReport; notes: notes; categoryid: category; personid: person]. self answer: true. ! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/1/2006 09:56'! task ^ task! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/1/2006 09:56'! task: aTaskRecord task := aTaskRecord! ! !AIMSTaskEditor methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 11/3/2006 10:40'! tasks ^ tasks ifNil: [tasks := RAPostgresRelation name: 'taskinfo' connection: self session connection]! ! AIMSBaseWidget subclass: #AIMSTaskViewer instanceVariableNames: 'task' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSTaskViewer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 13:36'! on: aTask self task: aTask! ! !AIMSTaskViewer methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/19/2007 22:39'! renderContentOn: html html heading level: 3; with: self task title! ! !AIMSTaskViewer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/22/2006 11:47'! task ^ task! ! !AIMSTaskViewer methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'rbb 9/22/2006 11:46'! task: aTask task := aTask! ! !AIMSTaskViewer methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/7/2006 13:38'! trailName ^ 'Task Detail: ', self task title! ! WAComponent subclass: #AIMSLogin instanceVariableNames: 'user password' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Session'! !AIMSLogin commentStamp: 'rbb 3/25/2005 12:22' prior: 0! SD stands for Session Data login. I am meant to be used in conjunction with a WASession that provides the data. I need some specific messages to be understood by the session, #userForLogin: aString, #loggedUser: anObject, #loggedUser. The object used for the #loggedUser must understand the messages #login and #password.! !AIMSLogin methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'rbb 3/25/2005 13:41'! confirmLogin (self session userForLogin: user) ifNotNilDo: [:tryUser | (password = tryUser password) ifTrue: [self session loggedUser: tryUser. password _ nil. ^ true] ifFalse: [self session loggedUser: nil. password _ nil]]. self inform: 'Sorry, the password or login is incorrect.' ! ! !AIMSLogin methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'rbb 5/23/2005 14:56'! logout self session loggedUser: nil.! ! !AIMSLogin methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:29'! renderContentOn: html html div id: 'loginwidget'; with: [ self session loggedUser isNil ifTrue: [ self renderLoginFormOn: html ] ifFalse: [ self renderLoginInfoOn: html ] ]! ! !AIMSLogin methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:37'! renderLoginFormOn: html html form defaultAction: [ self confirmLogin ]; with: [ html text: 'login:'. html textInput value: user; callback: [ :value | user := value ]. html break. html text: 'pass:'. html passwordInput value: password; callback: [ :value | password := value ]. html break. html submitButton callback: [ self confirmLogin ]; text: 'log in' ]! ! !AIMSLogin methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:34'! renderLoginInfoOn: html html text: 'logged in as: '; text: self session loggedUser login; text: ' '. html anchor callback: [ self logout ]; with: '[x]'. html break! ! WATableReport subclass: #AIMSCanvasTableReport instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSCanvasTableReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:16'! renderColumn: aColumn row: aRow on: html (aColumn isHidden) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. super renderColumn: aColumn row: aRow on: html ! ! !AIMSCanvasTableReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:17'! renderHeaderForColumn: aColumn on: html (aColumn isHidden) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. super renderHeaderForColumn: aColumn on: html ! ! !AIMSCanvasTableReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 10:25'! renderRowNumber: index item: row on: html html tableRow style: 'background-color: ' , (self colorForRowNumber: index); class: 'row', index asString; with: [ columns do: [ :each | self renderColumn: each row: row on: html ] ]! ! !AIMSCanvasTableReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 10:07'! renderTableFooterOn: html html tableRow class: 'tableFooter'; with:[ columns do: [ :each | self renderFooterForColumn: each on: html ] ]! ! !AIMSCanvasTableReport methodsFor: 'rendering' stamp: 'rbb 10/16/2006 10:08'! renderTableHeaderOn: html html tableRow class: 'tableHeader'; with: [ columns do: [ :each | self renderHeaderForColumn: each on: html ] ]! ! Object subclass: #AIMSCategory instanceVariableNames: 'name comment image children' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Model'! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:04'! add: anObject ^ children add: anObject! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing-readonly' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! children ^ children! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! comment ^ comment! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:33'! comment: aString comment := aString! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! image ^ image! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! image: anObject image := anObject! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:32'! initialize super initialize. children := OrderedCollection new! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:32'! name ^ name! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:33'! name: aString name := aString! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:43'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ' name: '; print: self name! ! !AIMSCategory methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:04'! remove: anObject ^ children remove: anObject! ! Object subclass: #AIMSPGPool instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! AIMSPGPool class instanceVariableNames: 'connArgs connection'! AIMSPGPool class instanceVariableNames: 'connArgs connection'! !AIMSPGPool class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 16:40'! connection connection ifNil: [connection := PGConnection new connectionArgs: self connectionArgs; startup; yourself]. (connection isConnected) ifFalse: [connection := PGConnection new connectionArgs: self connectionArgs; startup; yourself]. ^ connection! ! !AIMSPGPool class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'gm 11/16/2007 14:32'! connectionArgs ^ connArgs ifNil: [ connArgs := PGConnectionArgs hostname: (WACurrentSession value application preferenceAt: #dbHost) portno: (WACurrentSession value application preferenceAt: #dbPort) databaseName: (WACurrentSession value application preferenceAt: #dbName) userName: (WACurrentSession value application preferenceAt: #dbUser) password: (WACurrentSession value application preferenceAt: #dbPassword)]! ! Object subclass: #AIMSPerson instanceVariableNames: 'firstName middleName lastName email login password' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Model'! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! email ^ email! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! email: anObject email := anObject! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! firstName ^ firstName! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! firstName: anObject firstName := anObject! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! lastName ^ lastName! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! lastName: anObject lastName := anObject! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! login ^ login! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! login: anObject login := anObject! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! middleName ^ middleName! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! middleName: anObject middleName := anObject! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! password ^ password! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! password: anObject password := anObject! ! !AIMSPerson methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:44'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ' login: '; print: self login! ! Object subclass: #AIMSStorage instanceVariableNames: 'users category tasks' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Model'! AIMSStorage class instanceVariableNames: 'Default'! AIMSStorage class instanceVariableNames: 'Default'! !AIMSStorage class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:20'! default ^ Default ifNil: [ Default := self new initializeExample ]! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:03'! category "Answer the root category." ^ category! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:38'! initialize super initialize. category := AIMSCategory new name: 'Root'; yourself. users := OrderedCollection new. tasks := OrderedCollection new. ! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:38'! initializeExample self users add: (AIMSPerson new firstName: 'System'; lastName: 'Admin'; email: ''; login: 'admin'; password: 'admin'; yourself). self category add: (AIMSCategory new name: 'Independent Living'; comment: 'Tasks for independent and supported living, such as cooking, cleaning, money management, using household appliances, and practicing healthy living.'; image: 'independent.jpg'; yourself); add: (AIMSCategory new name: 'Educational'; comment: 'Tasks for academic settings, such as using the library, recognizing bird songs, or learning the sounds of musical instruments.'; image: 'educational.jpg'; yourself); add: (AIMSCategory new name: 'Vocational'; comment: 'Work related tasks, such as using a FAX machine, cleaning offices, filling out a time card, etc.'; image: 'vocational.jpg'; yourself); add: (AIMSCategory new name: 'Recreation & Leisure'; comment: 'Task instructions for activities, such as learning to play games, learning about local parks and museums, etc.'; image: 'recreation.jpg'; yourself); add: (AIMSCategory new name: 'Community Access'; comment: 'Assistance for community-based activities, such as taking the bus, using a pay phone, using an ATM, learning traffic signs, etc.'; image: 'community.jpg'; yourself); add: (AIMSCategory new name: 'Other'; comment: 'Non Categorized'; image: 'community.jpg'; yourself); yourself! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:37'! save self save: 'aim.obj'! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:37'! save: aString | stream | stream := ReferenceStream fileNamed: aString. [ stream nextPut: self ] ensure: [ stream close ]! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:35'! tasks ^ tasks! ! !AIMSStorage methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:38'! users ^ users! ! Object subclass: #AIMSTask instanceVariableNames: 'title comment author submitted created modified image taskfile taskreport filehash reviewed notes category person' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Model'! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! author ^ author! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:47'! author: aString author := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! category ^ category! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:50'! category: aCategory category := aCategory! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:31'! comment ^ comment! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:47'! comment: aString comment := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! created ^ created! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:49'! created: aTimeStamp created := aTimeStamp! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! filehash ^ filehash! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:48'! filehash: aString filehash := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! image ^ image! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:48'! image: aString image := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! modified ^ modified! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:48'! modified: aTimeStamp modified := aTimeStamp! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! notes ^ notes! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:50'! notes: aString notes := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! person ^ person! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:50'! person: aPerson person := aPerson! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:44'! printOn: aStream super printOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ' title: '; print: self title! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! reviewed ^ reviewed! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:49'! reviewed: aBoolean reviewed := aBoolean! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! submitted ^ submitted! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:48'! submitted: aTimeStamp submitted := aTimeStamp! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:49'! taskfile ^ taskfile! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:50'! taskfile: aString taskfile := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:49'! taskreport ^ taskreport! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:48'! taskreport: aString taskreport := aString! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:30'! title ^ title! ! !AIMSTask methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:47'! title: aString title := aString! ! WASession subclass: #AIMSSession instanceVariableNames: 'loggedUser' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Session'! !AIMSSession methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:30'! loggedUser ^ loggedUser! ! !AIMSSession methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:36'! loggedUser: aUser loggedUser := aUser! ! !AIMSSession methodsFor: 'accessing-readonly' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 20:57'! storage ^ AIMSStorage default! ! !AIMSSession methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 12/10/2007 21:35'! userForLogin: aString ^ self storage users detect: [ :each | each login = aString ] ifNone: [ nil ]! ! WAReportColumn subclass: #AIMSReportColumn instanceVariableNames: 'hiddenBlock' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AIMS-Old'! !AIMSReportColumn methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/30/2006 16:08'! hiddenBlock: aBlock hiddenBlock := aBlock! ! !AIMSReportColumn methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'rbb 10/30/2006 16:34'! isHidden ^ hiddenBlock notNil ifTrue: [hiddenBlock value] ifFalse: [false]! ! AIMSLoginUser initialize! AIMSMain initialize!