SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform'! RBPlatform subclass: #RBSqueakPlatform instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform'! !RBSqueakPlatform class methodsFor: 'class initialization' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:40'! initialize Current := self new! ! !RBSqueakPlatform methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:46'! changeStamp ^ Utilities changeStamp! ! !RBRefactoringBrowserTest methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:25'! timeout: aBlock after: anInteger "Null-out the stupid Squeak behavior of trying to time-out tests with a fixed timeout." ^ aBlock value! ! !RBBrowserEnvironmentTest methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:25'! timeout: aBlock after: anInteger "Null-out the stupid Squeak behavior of trying to time-out tests with a fixed timeout." ^ aBlock value! ! !RBRefactoringChangeTests methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:25'! timeout: aBlock after: anInteger "Null-out the stupid Squeak behavior of trying to time-out tests with a fixed timeout." ^ aBlock value! ! !Class methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:36'! addClassVarNamed: aString self addClassVarName: aString! ! !Class methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:37'! removeClassVarNamed: aString self removeClassVarName: aString! ! !ClassDescription methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:32'! addInstVarNamed: aString self addInstVarName: aString! ! !ClassDescription methodsFor: '*refactoring-squeak-platform' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2011 17:32'! removeInstVarNamed: aString self removeInstVarName: aString! ! RBSqueakPlatform initialize!