SystemOrganization addCategory: #'AST-Tests-Core'! TestCase subclass: #RBFormatterTests instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AST-Tests-Core'! !RBFormatterTests methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/4/2010 16:56'! formatClass: aClass aClass selectors do: [ :each | self formatClass: aClass selector: each ]! ! !RBFormatterTests methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/4/2010 16:57'! formatClass: aClass selector: aSymbol self formatters do: [ :each | self formatClass: aClass selector: aSymbol formatter: each ]! ! !RBFormatterTests methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/4/2010 16:57'! formatClass: aClass selector: aSymbol formatter: aFormatterClass | source tree1 tree2 | source := aClass sourceCodeAt: aSymbol. tree1 := RBParser parseMethod: source. tree2 := RBParser parseMethod: (aFormatterClass new format: tree1) onError: [ :err :pos | self assert: false ]. self assert: tree1 = tree2! ! !RBFormatterTests methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/2/2009 09:14'! formatters ^ Array with: RBFormatter with: RBConfigurableFormatter! ! !RBFormatterTests methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 9/4/2010 16:55'! testCoreSystem #(Object Behavior Boolean True False Integer SmallInteger Collection String) do: [ :each | | class | class := Smalltalk globals classNamed: each. self formatClass: class; formatClass: class class ]! ! TestCase subclass: #RBParserTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AST-Tests-Core'! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: ''! compare: anObject to: anotherObject self assert: anObject hash = anotherObject hash. self assert: anObject = anotherObject! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:58'! exampleClasses ^ Array with: RBParser with: RBScanner with: RBProgramNode with: RBConfigurableFormatter! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:10'! parseError: each RBParser parseExpression: each first onError: [ :string :pos | ^ self assert: pos = each last ]. self assert: false description: 'Parser didn''t fail'! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 20:44'! testArray | tree | #(('{}' 0 0) ('{.}' 0 1) ('{..}' 0 2) ('{foo. bar}' 2 1) ('{foo. bar.}' 2 2) ('{foo. bar. .}' 2 3) ('{. foo. bar}' 2 2) ('{foo.. bar}' 2 2)) do: [ :each | tree := RBParser parseExpression: each first. self assert: tree statements size = each second. self assert: tree periods size = each last. self assert: tree left = 1. self assert: tree right = each first size ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 10/27/2009 14:31'! testBestNodeFor | tree | tree := self treeWithReallyEverything. tree nodesDo: [:each | each sourceInterval isEmpty ifFalse: [self assert: ((tree bestNodeFor: each sourceInterval) = each or: [each parent isCascade and: [each parent messages last = each]])]]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/2/2009 00:14'! testBlockRewrites | rewriter tree | tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'method: asdf ^asdf + self foo + asdf'. rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: 'asdf' with: 'fdsa' when: [:aNode | aNode parent parent isReturn]. rewriter replace: 'self foo' withValueFrom: [:aNode | RBVariableNode named: aNode selector asString]. rewriter replaceArgument: 'asdf' withValueFrom: [:aNode | RBVariableNode named: 'xxx'] when: [:aNode | false]. rewriter executeTree: tree. self compare: tree to: (RBParser parseMethod: 'method: asdf ^asdf + foo + fdsa')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: ''! testCascadeReplacement | cascade | cascade := RBParser parseExpression: 'self foo; bar; baz'. (cascade messages at: 2) replaceWith: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self bar: 2'). self compare: cascade to: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self foo; bar: 2; baz')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:19'! testComparingTrees self compare: self treeWithEverything to: self treeWithEverything. self compare: self treeWithReallyEverything to: self treeWithReallyEverything. self exampleClasses do: [ :class | class selectors do: [ :selector | self compare: (class parseTreeFor: selector) to: (class parseTreeFor: selector) ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:18'! testCopy | tree | tree := self treeWithEverything. self compare: tree to: tree copy. tree := self treeWithReallyEverything. self compare: tree to: tree copy. self exampleClasses do: [ :class | class selectors do: [ :each | tree := class parseTreeFor: each. self compare: tree to: tree copy ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:18'! testCopyInContext | tree | tree := self treeWithEverything. self compare: tree to: (tree copyInContext: Dictionary new). tree := self treeWithReallyEverything. self compare: tree to: (tree copyInContext: Dictionary new). self exampleClasses do: [ :class | class selectors do: [ :each | tree := class parseTreeFor: each. self compare: tree to: (tree copyInContext: Dictionary new) ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'ms 4/1/2007 12:11'! testCreationProtocol | messageNode | self compare: (RBMessageNode receiver: (RBVariableNode named: 'self') selector: #+ arguments: (Array with: (RBLiteralNode value: 0))) to: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self + 0'). messageNode := RBMessageNode receiver: (RBVariableNode named: 'self') selector: #foo. self compare: (RBMethodNode selector: #bar body: (RBSequenceNode statements: (OrderedCollection with: (RBCascadeNode messages: (OrderedCollection with: messageNode with: messageNode))))) to: (RBParser parseMethod: 'bar self foo; foo')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:19'! testEqualToWithMapping | tree | tree := self treeWithEverything. self assert: (tree equalTo: tree withMapping: Dictionary new). tree := self treeWithReallyEverything. self assert: (tree equalTo: tree withMapping: Dictionary new). self exampleClasses do: [ :class | class selectors do: [ :each | tree := class parseTreeFor: each. self assert: (tree equalTo: tree withMapping: Dictionary new) ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'nk 2/23/2005 15:58'! testEquivalentExceptRenaming #(('a 3-4' 'a 4-3' false ) ('a #[3 4]' 'a #(3 4)' false ) ('a variable1 ~~ "comment" variable2' 'a variable1 ~~ variable2' true ) ('a variable1' 'a variable2' false ) ('a [:a :b | a + b]' 'a [:b :a | a + b]' false ) ('a | a b | a + b' 'a | b a | a + b' true ) ('a | a | a msg1; msg2' 'a | b | b msg2; msg2' false ) ('a c' 'a d' true ) ('a | a b | a := b. ^b msg1' 'a | a b | b := a. ^a msg1' true ) ('a | a b | a := b. ^b msg1: a' 'a | a b | b := a. ^b msg1: a' false ) ('a: b b + 4' 'a: e e + 4' true ) ('a: b b + 4' 'b: b b + 4' false ) ('a: b b: c b + c' 'a: c b: b c + b' true ) ('a: a b: b a + b' 'a: b b: a a + b' false ) ) do: [:each | self assert: ((RBParser parseMethod: each first) equalTo: (RBParser parseMethod: (each at: 2)) exceptForVariables: #('c' )) == each last ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:20'! testFormatter self exampleClasses do: [ :class | class selectors do: [ :selector | self compare: (class parseTreeFor: selector) to: (RBParser parseMethod: (class parseTreeFor: selector) printString) ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 21:59'! testIntervals | tree | tree := self treeWithReallyEverything. tree nodesDo: [:each | (each parent isNil or: [each parent isCascade not and: [ each parent isLiteral not]]) ifTrue: [| newNode source | source := tree source copyFrom: each start to: each stop. each isPragma ifFalse: [ newNode := each isMethod ifTrue: [RBParser parseMethod: source] ifFalse: [RBParser parseExpression: source]. self compare: each to: newNode]]]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'TestRunner 11/2/2009 21:21'! testIsA | nodes types | nodes := Bag new. types := Set new. #(#(#isAssignment 1) #(#isBlock 1) #(#isCascade 1) #(#isLiteral 2) #(#isMessage 3) #(#isMethod 1) #(#isReturn 1) #(#isSequence 2) #(#isValue 15) #(#isVariable 7) #(#isUsed 10) #(#isDirectlyUsed 9) #(#hasParentheses 1) #(#isBinary 0) #(#isPrimitive 0) #(#isImmediate 10) #(#isWrite 1) #(#isRead 3)) do: [:each | each last timesRepeat: [nodes add: each first]. types add: each first]. self treeWithEverything nodesDo: [:each | types do: [:sel | ((each respondsTo: sel) and: [each perform: sel]) ifTrue: [nodes remove: sel]]]. self assert: nodes isEmpty! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 20:36'! testLiteralArray | tree collection | tree := RBParser parseExpression: '#( a #b #''c'' . + - 1 -2 3.4 #true true #false false #nil nil "comment" ''string'' #[ 1 2 3 ] #(1 2 3))'. collection := OrderedCollection new. collection add: #a; add: #b; add: #c; add: #'.'; add: #+; add: #-; add: 1; add: -2; add: 3.4; add: #true; add: true; add: #false; add: false; add: #nil; add: nil; add: 'string'; add: #[1 2 3]; add: #(1 2 3). tree value with: collection do: [ :token :value | self assert: token value = value ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 20:40'! testLiteralIntevals | tree | tree := RBParser parseExpression: '#(#a b #( c ))'. self assert: tree contents first start = 3. self assert: tree contents first stop = 4. self assert: tree contents last contents first start = 11! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:21'! testMatchInContext | tree | tree := self treeWithEverything. self assert: (tree match: tree inContext: Dictionary new). tree := self treeWithReallyEverything. self assert: (tree match: tree inContext: Dictionary new). self exampleClasses do: [ :class | class selectors do: [ :each | tree := class parseTreeFor: each. self assert: (tree match: tree inContext: Dictionary new) ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: ''! testMethodPatterns #(#('+ a ^self + a' #+) #('foo ^self foo' #foo) #('foo: a bar: b ^a + b' #foo:bar:)) do: [:each | self assert: (RBParser parseMethodPattern: each first) == each last]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'md 2/26/2006 14:48'! testModifying | tree | tree := RBParser parseMethod: 'foo: a bar: b | c | self first. self second. a + b + c'. self deny: tree lastIsReturn. self deny: (tree body statements at: 2) isUsed. self assert: tree body statements last arguments first isUsed. self assert: (tree isLast: tree body statements last). self deny: (tree isLast: tree body statements first). self assert: (tree defines: 'a'). self deny: (tree defines: 'c'). self assert: (tree body defines: 'c'). self deny: (tree body defines: 'a'). tree addReturn; selector: #bar:foo:. (tree body) addTemporaryNamed: 'd'; removeTemporaryNamed: 'c'. self compare: tree to: (RBParser parseMethod: 'bar: a foo: b | d | self first. self second. ^a + b + c'). self assert: ((tree argumentNames asSet) removeAll: #('a' 'b'); yourself) isEmpty. self assert: ((tree allDefinedVariables asSet) removeAll: #('a' 'b' 'd'); yourself) isEmpty. tree := RBParser parseExpression: 'self foo: 0'. tree selector: #+. self compare: tree to: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self + 0'). self should: [tree selector: #foo] raise: TestResult error.! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/2/2009 00:14'! testMultimatch | rewriter count | count := 0. rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '``@object at: ``@foo' with: '``@object foo: ``@foo' when: [:aNode | (count := count + 1) == 2]. self compare: (rewriter executeTree: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self at: (bar at: 3)'); tree) to: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self at: (bar foo: 3)')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 20:50'! testNodesDo | size | size := 0. self treeWithEverything nodesDo: [:e | size := size + 1]. self assert: size = 19! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 12/16/2009 19:16'! testNumberParsing | numbers node | numbers := #(('1' 1) ('-1' -1) ('123' 123) ('123' 123) ('-123' -123) ('1.1' 1.1) ('-1.1' -1.1) ('1.23' 1.23) ('-1.23' -1.23) ('1e3' 1e3) ('1d3' 1d3) ('1q3' 1q3) ('-1e3' -1e3) ('1e-3' 1e-3) ('-1e-3' -1e-3) ('2r1e8' 2r1e8) ('-2r1e8' -2r1e8) ('2r1e-8' 2r1e-8) ('-2r1e-8' -2r1e-8) ('0.50s2' 0.50s2) ('0.500s3' 0.500s3) ('0.050s3' 0.050s3)). numbers do: [ :spec | node := RBParser parseExpression: spec first. self assert: node token source = spec first. self assert: node value = spec second ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 12/16/2009 09:22'! testNumberRadixParsing 2 to: 32 do: [ :radix | | radixString | radixString := radix printString, 'r'. 0 to: 72 do: [ :i | self assert: (RBParser parseExpression: (radixString, (i radix: radix))) value = i ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 19:03'! testParents (Array with: self treeWithEverything with: self treeWithReallyEverything) do: [ :tree | (Array with: tree with: tree copy) do: [ :root | root nodesDo: [ :node | node children do: [ :each | (each parent isMessage and: [ each parent isCascaded ]) ifFalse: [ self assert: each parent == node. self assert: each methodNode == root ] ] ] ] ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 20:38'! testParserErrors #(#('self foo. + 3' 11) #('#(' 3) #('self 0' 6) #('self asdf;;asfd' 11)) do: [:each | self parseError: each]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 10/27/2009 15:53'! testParsingLiteralMessages self assert: (RBParser parseExpression: 'nil self nil') isMessage. self assert: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self true') isMessage. self assert: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self false') isMessage. self assert: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self -1') isMessage. self assert: (RBParser parseMethod: 'nil') isMethod. self assert: (RBParser parseMethod: 'true') isMethod. self assert: (RBParser parseMethod: 'false') isMethod! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/2/2009 00:14'! testPatternCascade | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: 'self `;messages; foo: 4; `;messages1' with: 'self `;messages1; bar: 4; `;messages'. self compare: (rewriter executeTree: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self foo; printString; foo: 4; bar. self foo: 4'); tree) to: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self bar; bar: 4; foo; printString. self foo:4')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'ms 4/1/2007 12:32'! testPositions | blockNode | blockNode := RBParser parseExpression: '[:a :b | ]'. self assert: blockNode left = 1. self assert: blockNode right = 10. self assert: blockNode bar = 8. self assert: blockNode sourceInterval = (1 to: 10). self assert: blockNode size = 1. "test dummy collection protocol" blockNode printString. "coverage" self deny: (blockNode isLast: (RBVariableNode named: 'b')). self compare: blockNode to: (RBBlockNode arguments: (OrderedCollection with: (RBVariableNode named: 'a') with: (RBVariableNode named: 'b')) body: (RBSequenceNode statements: OrderedCollection new)). ! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/16/2009 22:19'! testPragmas | tree node | #( ('foo ' #foo ()) ('foo ' #foo: (1)) ('foo ' #foo: (1.2)) ('foo ' #foo: (-3)) ('foo ' #foo: (a)) ('foo ' #foo: (a)) ('foo ' #foo: ($a)) ('foo ' #foo: ('bar')) ('foo ' #foo: (true)) ('foo ' #foo: (false)) ('foo ' #foo: (nil)) ('foo ' #foo: ((1 2))) ('foo ' #foo:bar: (1 2))) do: [ :each | tree := RBParser parseMethod: each first. self assert: (tree pragmas size = 1). node := tree pragmas first. self assert: node selector = each second. 1 to: node arguments size do: [ :i | self assert: (node arguments at: i) value = (each last at: i) ]. self assert: (each first at: node start) = $<. self assert: (each first at: node stop) = $> ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'ms 4/1/2007 13:49'! testPrimitives self assert: (Object parseTreeFor: #basicAt:) isPrimitive. #(('foo ^true' false ) ('foo ^true' false ) (' foo ^true' true ) ) do: [:each | self assert: (RBParser parseMethod: each first) isPrimitive = each last]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: ''! testQuerying | tree aNode arg1Node bNode | tree := RBParser parseMethod: ('test: a` | b |` b := (self foo: a; bar) baz.` b := super test: b.` ^[:arg1 | self foa1 + (super foo: arg1 foo: a foo: b)]' copyReplaceAll: '`' with: (String with: (Character value: 13))). self assert: tree selfMessages asSortedCollection asArray = #(#bar #foa1 #foo:). self assert: tree superMessages asSortedCollection asArray = #(#foo:foo:foo: #test:). aNode := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy: (112 to: 112). self assert: aNode name = 'a'. bNode := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy: (119 to: 119). self assert: bNode name = 'b'. arg1Node := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy: (102 to: 105). self assert: arg1Node name = 'arg1'. self assert: (arg1Node statementNode isMessage and: [arg1Node statementNode selector = #+]). self assert: (arg1Node whoDefines: 'arg1') isBlock. self assert: (aNode whoDefines: 'a') isMethod. self assert: (aNode whoDefines: 'b') isSequence. self assert: (tree whichNodeIsContainedBy: (91 to: 119)) selector = #foo:foo:foo:. self assert: (tree whichNodeIsContainedBy: (69 to: 121)) isBlock. self assert: (tree whichNodeIsContainedBy: (69 to: 118)) isNil. self assert: aNode blockVariables asSortedCollection asArray = #('arg1'). self assert: aNode temporaryVariables asSortedCollection asArray = #('b'). self assert: tree allDefinedVariables asSortedCollection asArray = #('a' 'arg1' 'b'). self assert: tree allArgumentVariables asSortedCollection asArray = #('a' 'arg1'). self assert: tree allTemporaryVariables asSortedCollection asArray = #('b')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'nk 2/23/2005 15:58'! testReadBeforeWritten #(('a ifTrue: [^self]' true ) ('self foo. a := b' false ) ('condition ifTrue: [a := b] ifFalse: [self foo: a]' true ) ('condition ifTrue: [a := b] ifFalse: [self foo]. a isNil' true ) ('condition ifTrue: [a := b]. a := c' false ) ('[a := b] whileFalse: [a isNil]' false ) ('self foo: b' false ) ) do: [:each | self assert: ((RBReadBeforeWrittenTester readBeforeWritten: #('a' ) in: (RBParser parseExpression: each first)) includes: 'a') == each last. self assert: (RBReadBeforeWrittenTester isVariable: 'a' readBeforeWrittenIn: (RBParser parseExpression: each first)) = each last]. #('| temp read written written1 | read ifTrue: [^self]. written1 := self foo ifFalse: [written := true] ifTrue: [written := false]. [temp := true] whileTrue: [temp notNil & written]. ^temp' '| read written | self foo ifTrue: [written := true] ifFalse: [written := false]. self foo ifTrue: [read := true]. ^read' '| read written | self foo do: [:i | i]. [| i | i := 1. i == 1] whileFalse: [read notNil]' '| written | [written := 2] whileFalse. self do: [:each | | read | each & read]' '| read | self do: [:each | read := each]. self do: [:each | each & read]' ) do: [:each | | read | read := RBReadBeforeWrittenTester variablesReadBeforeWrittenIn: (RBParser parseExpression: each). self assert: (read size = 1 and: [read includes: 'read'])]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: ''! testReadBeforeWritten1 self assert: (RBReadBeforeWrittenTester variablesReadBeforeWrittenIn: (RBParser parseMethod: 'addAll: aCollection "Answer aCollection, having added all elements of aCollection to the receiver. Fail if aCollection is not a kind of Collection." | newSize elementsSize growSize | (newSize := aCollection size * 2) > elements size ifTrue: [self rehash: newSize]. elementsSize := elements size. growSize := elementsSize // 2. aCollection do: [:newObject | | hashIndex element | newObject == nil ifFalse: [hashIndex := self hashIndexFor: newObject. [(element := elements at: hashIndex) == nil ifTrue: [elements at: hashIndex put: newObject. (elementCount := elementCount + 1) > growSize ifTrue: [self expand. elementsSize := elements size. growSize := elementsSize // 2]. true] ifFalse: [element == newObject]] whileFalse: [(hashIndex := hashIndex + 1) > elementsSize ifTrue: [hashIndex := 1]]]]. ^aCollection')) isEmpty! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/2/2009 00:14'! testReplacingNodes | tree search block | tree := RBParser parseMethod: '+ a | a b | self ifTrue: [a] ifFalse: [b := c]. a := b. [:b :c :a | a foo: a; foo1: a; foo2: a foo: b]. {a. b}. ^a'. search := RBParseTreeSearcher new. block := [:aNode :answer | aNode replaceWith: (RBVariableNode named: 'q')]. search matches: 'a' do: block; matchesArgument: 'a' do: block. search executeTree: tree. self assert: tree = (RBParser parseMethod: '+ q | q b | self ifTrue: [q] ifFalse: [b := c]. q := b. [:b :c :q | q foo: q; foo1: q; foo2: q foo: b]. {q. b}. ^q'). self assert: tree removeDeadCode = (RBParser parseMethod: '+ q | q b | self ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [b := c]. q := b. {q. b}. ^q')! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 5/30/2010 12:15'! testRewriteMethods "#('source' 'target' 'source pattern' 'target pattern')" #(#('arg1: a arg2: b | temp1 temp2 | self stmt1 ifTrue: [^a]. self arg1: a arg2: b' 'arg2: a arg1: b | temp1 temp2 | self stmt1 ifTrue: [^a]. self arg2: b arg2: a' '`arg1: `var1 `arg2: `var2 | `@temps | ``@.stmts. self `arg1: `var1 `arg2: `var2. `@.stmts1' '`arg2: `var1 `arg1: `var2 | `@temps | ``@.stmts. self `arg2: `var2 `arg2: `var1. `@.stmts1') #('arg1: a arg2: b | temp1 temp2 | self stmt1. self arg1: a arg2: b' 'arg1: a arg2: b | temp1 temp2 | [self stmt1] repeat' '`@args: `@vars | `@temps | `@.stmts. self `@args: `@vars' '`@args: `@vars | `@temps | [`@.stmts] repeat') #('+ a | temps | ^self primitiveValue' '- a | temps | ^self primitiveValue' '+ `temp | `@tmps | `@.stmts' '- `temp | `@tmps | `@.stmts') #('a self stmt1. self stmt2' 'a self stmt1. self stmt2' 'b | `@temps | `@.stmts' 'c | `@temps | `@.stmts') #('a ' 'a ' 'a <`sel1: `#arg1 `sel2: `#arg2>' 'a <`sel2: `#arg2 `sel1: `#arg1>') #('a self foo' 'b self foo' 'a `@.stmts' 'b `@.stmts')) do: [:each | | rewrite | rewrite := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewrite replaceMethod: (each at: 3) with: each last. self compare: (RBParser parseMethod: (rewrite executeTree: (RBParser parseMethod: each first); tree) formattedCode) to: (RBParser parseMethod: (each at: 2)). rewrite := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewrite replaceTree: (RBParser parseRewriteMethod: (each at: 3)) withTree: (RBParser parseRewriteMethod: each last). self compare: (RBParser parseMethod: (rewrite executeTree: (RBParser parseMethod: each first); tree) formattedCode) to: (RBParser parseMethod: (each at: 2))]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 5/30/2010 11:45'! testRewrites "#('source' 'target' 'source pattern' 'target pattern')" #(('[:c | |a| a foo1; foo2]' '[:c | |a| b foo1; foo2]' 'a' 'b' ) ('self foo: 1. bar foo1 foo: 2. (self foo: a) foo: (b foo: c)' 'self bar: 1. bar foo1 bar: 2. (self bar: a) bar: (b bar: c)' '``@rcvr foo: ``@arg1' '``@rcvr bar: ``@arg1' ) ('3 + 4' '4 + 4' '3' '4' ) ('a := self a' 'b := self a' 'a' 'b' ) ('^self at: 1 put: 2' '^self put: 1 put: 2' '^`@rcvr `at: `@arg1 put: `@arg2' '^`@rcvr put: `@arg1 put: `@arg2' ) ('1 + 2 + 3' '0 + 0 + 0' '`#literal' '0' ) ('1 + 2 + 3. 3 foo: 4' '3 + (2 + 1). 4 foo: 3' '``@rcvr `msg: ``@arg' '``@arg `msg: ``@rcvr' ) ('self foo: a bar: b. 1 foo: a bar: b' '2 foo: a bar: b. 1 foo: a bar: b' 'self `@msg: `@args' '2 `@msg: `@args' ) ('a := b. a := c + d' 'b := a. a := c + d' '`var1 := `var2' '`var2 := `var1' ) ('^self foo value: 1' 'self return: (self foo value: 1)' '^`@anything' 'self return: `@anything' ) ('self first; second. self first; second. self a. self b' '2 timesRepeat: [self first; second]. self a. self b' '`.Stmt1. `.Stmt1. `@.stmts' '2 timesRepeat: [`.Stmt1]. `@.stmts' ) ('[:a | self a: 1 c: 2; b]' '[:a | self d: 2 e: 1; f. self halt]' '`@rcvr `msg1: `@arg1 `msg2: `@arg2; `msg' '`@rcvr d: `@arg2 e: `@arg1; f. self halt' ) ) do: [:each | | rewrite | rewrite := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewrite replace: (each at: 3) with: each last. self compare: (RBParser parseExpression: (rewrite executeTree: (RBParser parseExpression: each first); tree) formattedCode) to: (RBParser parseExpression: (each at: 2))]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/2/2009 00:14'! testSearching | searcher | searcher := RBParseTreeSearcher new. searcher matches: '``@rcv at: ``@arg `sel: ``@arg1' do: [:aNode :answer | answer + 1]. self assert: (searcher executeTree: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self at: 1 put: 2; at: 2 ifAbsent: []; ifAbsent: 2 at: 1; at: 4; foo') initialAnswer: 0) = 2. searcher := RBParseTreeSearcher new. searcher matches: '``@rcv `at: ``@arg1 `at: ``@arg2' do: [:aNode :answer | answer + 1]. self assert: (searcher executeTree: (RBParser parseExpression: 'self at: 1 at: 3; at: 1 put: 32; at: 2; foo; at: 1 at: 1 at: 2') initialAnswer: 0) = 1. searcher := RBParseTreeSearcher new. searcher matchesMethod: 'at: `object `put: `o1 ``@rcv `put: 1' do: [:aNode :answer | true]. self assert: (searcher executeTree: (RBParser parseMethod: 'at: a put: b self foo put: 1') initialAnswer: false)! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 11/1/2009 20:32'! testStatements | tree | #(('' 0 0) ('.' 0 1) ('| bar |' 0 0) ('| bar | .' 0 1) ('| bar | ..' 0 2) ('foo. bar' 2 1) ('foo. bar.' 2 2) ('foo. bar. .' 2 3) ('. foo. bar' 2 2)) do: [ :each | tree := RBParser parseExpression: each first. self assert: tree statements size = each second. self assert: tree periods size = each last ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 4/21/2010 16:12'! testSymbolLiteral | tree | #(('# foo' #foo) ('#"bar"foo' #foo) ('##foo' #foo) ('###foo' #foo) ('#foo:' #foo:) ('#foo::' #'foo::') ('#foo::bar' #'foo::bar') ('#foo::bar:' #'foo::bar:') ('#foo::bar::' #'foo::bar::')) do: [ :pair | tree := RBParser parseExpression: pair first. self assert: tree value = pair second. self assert: tree start = 1. self assert: tree stop = pair first size ]. #(('#1' 1) ('#12' 12) ('#12.3' 12.3) ('# 1' 1) ('##1' 1) ('#"bar"1' 1)) do: [ :pair | tree := RBParser parseExpression: pair first. self assert: tree value = pair second. self assert: tree start > 1. self assert: tree stop = pair first size ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'tests' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:22'! testSymbolNumber | tree | #(('#1' 1) ('#12' 12) ('#12.3' 12.3) ('# 1' 1) ('##1' 1) ('#"bar"1' 1)) do: [ :pair | tree := RBParser parseExpression: pair first. self assert: tree value = pair second. self assert: tree start > 1. self assert: tree stop = pair first size ]! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:09'! treeWithEverything ^ RBParser parseMethod: 'method: arg1 | temps | temps := #(10). temps foo; foo. ^(temps collect: [:e | ])'! ! !RBParserTest methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:09'! treeWithReallyEverything ^ RBParser parseMethod: 'method: arg1 | temps | temps := #[ 1 2 3 ]. temps := #(true false nil 1 1.2 $a foo #foo ''foo'' #() #(1 2) #[] #[1 2]). { 1 negated. 1 + 2. 1 raisedTo: 2 }. temps foo; foo: self. ^ (temps collect: [:e | | btemps | ((e isNil)) ])'! ! TestCase subclass: #RBProgramNodeTest instanceVariableNames: 'node previous' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AST-Tests-Core'! !RBProgramNodeTest class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2011 15:06'! packageNamesUnderTest ^ #('AST-Core')! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:48'! node ^ node ifNil: [ node := RBProgramNode new ]! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 2/21/2010 12:17'! parseExpression: aString ^ RBParser parseExpression: aString! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 2/21/2010 12:17'! parseMethod: aString ^ RBParser parseMethod: aString! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'lr 3/26/2010 17:35'! setUp super setUp. previous := RBProgramNode formatterClass. RBProgramNode formatterClass: RBFormatter! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'lr 3/26/2010 17:35'! tearDown super tearDown. RBProgramNode formatterClass: previous! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-properties' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:49'! testHasProperty self deny: (self node hasProperty: #foo). self node propertyAt: #foo put: 123. self assert: (self node hasProperty: #foo)! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-properties' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:49'! testPropertyAt self should: [ self node propertyAt: #foo ] raise: Error. self node propertyAt: #foo put: true. self assert: (self node propertyAt: #foo)! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-properties' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:49'! testPropertyAtIfAbsent self assert: (self node propertyAt: #foo ifAbsent: [ true ]). self node propertyAt: #foo put: true. self assert: (self node propertyAt: #foo ifAbsent: [ false ])! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-properties' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:46'! testPropertyAtIfAbsentPut self assert: (self node propertyAt: #foo ifAbsentPut: [ true ]). self assert: (self node propertyAt: #foo ifAbsentPut: [ false ])! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-properties' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:47'! testRemoveProperty self should: [ self node removeProperty: #foo ] raise: Error. self node propertyAt: #foo put: true. self assert: (self node removeProperty: #foo)! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-properties' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:47'! testRemovePropertyIfAbsent self assert: (self node removeProperty: #foo ifAbsent: [ true ]). self node propertyAt: #foo put: true. self assert: (self node removeProperty: #foo ifAbsent: [ false ])! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:38'! testReplaceLiteral | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" 123 "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: '$a'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" $a "2"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" 123 "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'zork'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" zork "2"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:38'! testReplaceLiteralArray | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" #(1 2 3) "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: '#[1 2 3]'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" #[1 2 3] "2"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" #(1 2 3) "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: '123'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" 123 "2"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" #[1 2 3] "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: '#(1 2 3)'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" #(1 2 3) "2"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" #[1 2 3] "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: '123'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" 123 "2"' ! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 2/21/2010 13:50'! testReplaceMessage | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" self "2" run "3"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'self runCase'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" self "2" runCase "3"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:36'! testReplaceMessageArgument | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" foo "4"'. tree body statements first arguments first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'bar'). self assert: tree newSource = 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" bar "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" foo "4"'. tree body statements first arguments first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'bar msg1 msg2'). self assert: tree newSource = 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" bar msg1 msg2 "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" foo bar "4"'. tree body statements first arguments first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'bar'). self assert: tree newSource = 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" bar "4"'. ! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:36'! testReplaceMessageReceiver | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" 123 "4"'. tree body statements first receiver replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'bar'). self assert: tree newSource = 'foo "1" bar "2" foo: "3" 123 "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'foo "1" self "2" foo: "3" 123 "4"'. tree body statements first receiver replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'bar msg1 msg2'). self assert: tree newSource = 'foo "1" bar msg1 msg2 "2" foo: "3" 123 "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'foo "1" self foo "2" foo: "3" 123 "4"'. tree body statements first receiver replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'bar'). self assert: tree newSource = 'foo "1" bar "2" foo: "3" 123 "4"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:39'! testReplaceMethodBinary | tree | tree := self parseMethod: '= "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #runCase andArguments: #(). self assert: tree newSource = 'runCase "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree := self parseMethod: '= "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #~~ andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = '~~ "1" first "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree := self parseMethod: '= "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #assert: andArguments: (Array with: (RBVariableNode named: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: "1" first "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree := self parseMethod: '= "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #assert:description: andArguments: (Array with: (RBVariableNode named: 'first') with: (RBVariableNode named: 'second')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: first description: second "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:39'! testReplaceMethodKeyword | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #runCase andArguments: #(). self assert: tree newSource = 'runCase "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #~~ andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = '~~ "1" first "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #assert: andArguments: (Array with: (RBVariableNode named: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: "1" first "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'. tree renameSelector: #assert:description: andArguments: (Array with: (RBVariableNode named: 'first') with: (RBVariableNode named: 'second')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: first description: second "2" ^ "3" 4 "5"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:39'! testReplaceMethodKeywordLong | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" description: "3" anotherObject "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree renameSelector: #runCase andArguments: #(). self assert: tree newSource = 'runCase "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" description: "3" anotherObject "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree renameSelector: #~~ andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = '~~ first "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" description: "3" anotherObject "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree renameSelector: #assert: andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: first "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'deny: "1" anObject "2" description: "3" anotherObject "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'. tree renameSelector: #assert:description: andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first') with: (self parseExpression: 'second')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: "1" first "2" description: "3" second "4" ^ "5" 6 "7"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:39'! testReplaceMethodUnary | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree renameSelector: #runCase andArguments: #(). self assert: tree newSource = 'runCase "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree renameSelector: #~~ andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = '~~ first "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree renameSelector: #assert: andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: first "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'. tree renameSelector: #assert:description: andArguments: (Array with: (self parseExpression: 'first') with: (self parseExpression: 'second')). self assert: tree newSource = 'assert: first description: second "1" ^ "2" 3 "4"'! ! !RBProgramNodeTest methodsFor: 'testing-replacing' stamp: 'lr 5/26/2010 08:39'! testReplaceVariable | tree | tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" foo "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: 'zork'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" zork "2"'. tree := self parseMethod: 'run "1" foo "2"'. tree body statements first replaceWith: (self parseExpression: '123'). self assert: tree newSource = 'run "1" 123 "2"'! ! TestCase subclass: #RBSmallDictionaryTest instanceVariableNames: 'dict' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'AST-Tests-Core'! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:54'! setUp super setUp. dict := RBSmallDictionary new! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:56'! testAtError dict at: #a put: 1. self shouldnt: [ dict at: #a ] raise: Error. self should: [ dict at: #b ] raise: Error! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:56'! testAtIfAbsent dict at: #a put: 666. self assert: (dict at: #a ifAbsent: [ nil ]) = 666. self assert: (dict at: #b ifAbsent: [ nil ]) isNil! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:02'! testAtPut self assert: (dict at: #a put: 3) = 3. self assert: (dict at: #a) = 3. self assert: (dict at: #a put: 4) = 4. self assert: (dict at: #a) = 4. self assert: (dict at: nil put: 5) = 5. self assert: (dict at: nil) = 5 ! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:08'! testCopy | copy | dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. copy := dict copy. copy at: 'Germany' put: 'Berlin'. dict at: 'Switzerland' put: 'Bern'. self assert: copy size = 3. self assert: (copy includesKey: 'Germany'). self deny: (copy includesKey: 'Switzerland'). self assert: dict size = 3. self assert: (dict includesKey: 'Switzerland'). self deny: (dict includesKey: 'Germany') ! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:01'! testEmpty dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. dict empty. self assert: dict isEmpty. self deny: (dict includesKey: 'France'). self deny: (dict includesKey: 'Italie'). self assert: dict keys isEmpty. self assert: dict values isEmpty! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:56'! testIncludesKey dict at: 'Italie' put: nil. dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. self assert: (dict includesKey: 'Italie'). self assert: (dict includesKey: 'France'). self deny: (dict includesKey: 'Switzerland')! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:05'! testKeys dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. self assert: dict keys = #('France' 'Italie')! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:04'! testKeysAndValuesDo | keys values | dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. keys := OrderedCollection new. values := OrderedCollection new. dict keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | keys add: key. values add: value ]. self assert: keys asArray = #('France' 'Italie'). self assert: values asArray = #('Paris' 'Rome')! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:05'! testKeysDo | keys | dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. keys := OrderedCollection new. dict keysDo: [ :each | keys add: each ]. self assert: keys asArray = #('France' 'Italie')! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 12:59'! testRemoveKey dict at: #a put: 1. dict at: #b put: 2. self assert: (dict keys size) = 2. self assert: (dict removeKey: #a) = 1. self assert: (dict keys size) = 1. self assert: (dict at: #a ifAbsent: [ true ]). self assert: (dict at: #b) = 2. self should: [ dict removeKey: #a ] raise: Error! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:00'! testRemoveKeyIfAbsent dict at: #a put: 1. dict at: #b put: 2. self assert: (dict keys size) = 2. self assert: (dict removeKey: #a ifAbsent: [ false ]) = 1. self assert: (dict keys size) = 1. self assert: (dict at: #a ifAbsent: [ true ]). self assert: (dict at: #b) = 2. self assert: (dict removeKey: #a ifAbsent: [ true ])! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:05'! testValues dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. self assert: dict values = #('Paris' 'Rome')! ! !RBSmallDictionaryTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 12/29/2009 13:04'! testValuesDo | values | dict at: 'France' put: 'Paris'. dict at: 'Italie' put: 'Rome'. values := OrderedCollection new. dict valuesDo: [ :each | values add: each ].. self assert: values asArray = #('Paris' 'Rome')! !