SystemOrganization addCategory: #'PetitBeta-Processor'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'PetitBeta-JIT'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'PetitBeta-Tests'! !PPParser methodsFor: '*petitbeta-operations' stamp: 'lr 4/16/2010 15:43'! dynamicChoice: aParser | dynamicChoice | ^ dynamicChoice := self | aParser / [ :stream | | resolution | resolution := UIManager default chooseFrom: { self name. aParser name } values: { self. aParser } title: 'Resolve ambiguity'. dynamicChoice def: resolution. resolution parseOn: stream ] asParser! ! !PPParser methodsFor: '*petitbeta-operations' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 23:13'! optimize "Optimizes the receiving parser for speed and size." ^ PPOptimizer new optimize: self! ! !PPParser methodsFor: '*petitbeta-operations' stamp: 'lr 4/16/2010 21:09'! whatFollows: aString at: anInteger | stream | stream := aString asPetitStream. (self transform: [ :parser | parser ==> [ :node | stream position < anInteger ifTrue: [ node ] ifFalse: [ ^ parser followSets ] ] ]) parseOn: stream. ^ #()! ! PPAbstractParseTest subclass: #PPOptimizerTest instanceVariableNames: 'a b c' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PetitBeta-Tests'! !PPOptimizerTest class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 5/31/2010 18:50'! packageNamesUnderTest ^ #('PetitBeta')! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 23:21'! optimize: aParser ^ aParser optimize! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 23:20'! setUp super setUp. a := $a asParser. b := $b asParser. c := $c asParser! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 21:49'! testEmptyChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: PPChoiceParser new. self assert: grammar class = PPEpsilonParser! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/28/2010 20:57'! testNestedChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: a / (b / c). self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 3. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. self assert: grammar children last class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: (a / b) / c. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 3. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. self assert: grammar children last class = PPLiteralObjectParser! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/28/2010 20:57'! testNulledChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: a / nil asParser / b / c. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 2. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. self assert: grammar children last class = PPEpsilonParser. grammar := self optimize: a / b / nil asParser / c. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 3. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. self assert: grammar children last class = PPEpsilonParser. grammar := self optimize: a / b / c / nil asParser. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 4. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. self assert: grammar children last class = PPEpsilonParser ! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 22:10'! testPostfixChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: (a , b) / (c , b). self assert: grammar class = PPSequenceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 2. self assert: grammar children first class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children first children size = 2. self assert: grammar children first children first literal = $a. self assert: grammar children first children last literal = $c. self assert: grammar children last literal = $b! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 22:09'! testPrefixChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: (a , b) / (a , c). self assert: grammar class = PPSequenceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 2. self assert: grammar children first literal = $a. self assert: grammar children last class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children last children size = 2. self assert: grammar children last children first literal = $b. self assert: grammar children last children last literal = $c! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-delegate' stamp: 'lr 4/19/2010 18:39'! testReduceDelegate | grammar | grammar := self optimize: (PPAndParser on: (PPAndParser on: a)). self assert: grammar class = PPAndParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: (PPNotParser on: (PPNotParser on: a)). self assert: grammar class = PPNotParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: (PPFlattenParser on: (PPFlattenParser on: a)). self assert: grammar class = PPFlattenParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: (PPTokenParser on: (PPTokenParser on: a)). self assert: grammar class = PPTokenParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: (PPMemoizedParser on: (PPMemoizedParser on: a)). self assert: grammar class = PPMemoizedParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: (PPTrimmingParser on: (PPTrimmingParser on: a)). self assert: grammar class = PPTrimmingParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-delegate' stamp: 'lr 4/28/2010 20:57'! testRemoveDelegate | grammar | grammar := self optimize: a wrapped. self assert: grammar class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: a wrapped wrapped. self assert: grammar class = PPLiteralObjectParser. grammar := self optimize: a wrapped / b wrapped wrapped. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children first class = PPLiteralObjectParser. self assert: grammar children last class = PPLiteralObjectParser! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/28/2010 20:57'! testRepeatedChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: a / a / b / c. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 3. grammar := self optimize: a / b / a / a. self assert: grammar class = PPChoiceParser. self assert: grammar children size = 2. grammar := self optimize: a / a / a / a. self assert: grammar class = PPLiteralObjectParser! ! !PPOptimizerTest methodsFor: 'testing-choice' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 21:50'! testSingleChoice | grammar | grammar := self optimize: (PPChoiceParser with: a). self assert: grammar class = PPLiteralObjectParser! ! Object subclass: #PPJitCompiler instanceVariableNames: 'methodTemplates inlineTemplates literalMapping' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PetitBeta-JIT'! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 18:24'! compile: aParser "Try to optimize aParser. If no reasonable optimization can be performed return the original parser." | methodTree | methodTree := (methodTemplates at: aParser class ifAbsent: [ ^ aParser ]) copy. literalMapping := IdentityDictionary new. methodTree := self inlineAll: methodTree for: aParser. methodTree := self rewrite: (self rewrite: (self rewrite: methodTree removeDeadCode using: self rewriteParserBlocks) using: self rewriteEmtpyIfTrue) using: self rewriteEmptyBlock. Transcript clear; show: methodTree formattedCode. ^ PPJitParser on: aParser method: (self patchLiterals: (self rootParserClass compilerClass new compile: methodTree formattedCode in: self rootParserClass classified: nil notifying: nil ifFail: [ ^ aParser ]) generate)! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 14:55'! initialize self initializeTemplates! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 17:58'! initializeTemplate: class | parseTree | parseTree := (class lookupSelector: self parseOnSelector) parseTree. (parseTree isNil or: [ parseTree isPrimitive or: [ parseTree superMessages notEmpty ] ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. parseTree := (self rewrite: (self rewrite: (self rewrite: parseTree using: self rewriteGuardClause) using: self rewriteIfTrue) using: self rewriteReturns) addSelfReturn; yourself. (parseTree body temporaries isEmpty and: [ parseTree body statements size = 1 and: [ parseTree body statements first isReturn and: [ parseTree body statements first value containsReturn not ] ] ]) ifTrue: [ inlineTemplates at: class put: parseTree body statements first value ]. methodTemplates at: class put: parseTree! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 18:24'! initializeTemplates methodTemplates := IdentityDictionary new. inlineTemplates := IdentityDictionary new. self rootParserClass withAllSubclassesDo: [ :class | self initializeTemplate: class ]! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 19:00'! inlineAll: aNode for: aParser | rewriter1 rewriter2 | rewriter1 := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter1 replace: '`variable value: `@expr' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineBlock: node for: aParser ] when: [ :node | (self instanceVariable: node receiver for: aParser) isBlock ]; replace: '`variable parseOn: `stream' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineParser: node for: aParser ] when: [ :node | (self instanceVariable: node receiver for: aParser) isPetitParser ]; replace: '`variable `@msg: `@args' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineCollection: node for: aParser ] when: [ :node | (self instanceVariable: node receiver for: aParser) isCollection ]. rewriter2 := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter2 replace: '`variable' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineVariable: node for: aParser ]. ^ rewriter2 executeTree: (rewriter1 executeTree: aNode; tree); tree! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 18:05'! inlineBlock: aNode for: aParser | block tree | block := self instanceVariable: aNode receiver for: aParser. (block numArgs = 1 and: [ block numCopiedValues = 0 ]) ifFalse: [ ^ aNode ]. tree := RBParser parseExpression: block asString onError: [ :msg :pos | ^ aNode ]. (tree isBlock and: [ tree body temporaries isEmpty and: [ tree body statements size = 1 and: [ tree containsReturn not ] ] ]) ifFalse: [ ^ aNode ]. ^ RBParseTreeRewriter new replaceTree: tree arguments first withTree: aNode arguments first; executeTree: tree body; tree! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 18:18'! inlineCollection: aNode for: aParser | collection arguments | collection := self instanceVariable: aNode receiver for: aParser. arguments := aNode arguments collect: [ :each | each isLiteral ifTrue: [ each value ] ifFalse: [ ^ aNode ] ]. ^ RBLiteralNode value: (collection perform: aNode selector withArguments: arguments)! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 18:13'! inlineObject: anObject "Inlines anObject into the literal frame of the generated method." ^ RBLiteralNode value: (literalMapping at: anObject ifAbsentPut: [ ('__ref_' , literalMapping size asString) asSymbol ])! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 17:52'! inlineParser: aNode for: aParser | parser tree | parser := self instanceVariable: aNode receiver for: aParser. tree := (inlineTemplates at: parser class ifAbsent: [ ^ aNode ]) copy. ^ self inlineAll: tree for: parser! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 16:56'! inlineVariable: aNode for: aParser | value | value := self instanceVariable: aNode for: aParser ifAbsent: [ ^ aNode ]. value isLiteral ifTrue: [ ^ RBLiteralNode value: value ]. ^ self inlineObject: value! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 17:41'! inlineVariables: aNode for: aParser | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '`var value' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineBlock: node for: aParser ] when: [ :node | (self instanceVariable: node receiver for: aParser) isBlock ]; replace: '`var parseOn: aStream' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineParser: node for: aParser ] when: [ :node | (self instanceVariable: node receiver for: aParser) isPetitParser ]; replace: '`var' withValueFrom: [ :node | self inlineVariable: node for: aParser ]. ^ rewriter executeTree: aNode; answer! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 16:56'! instanceVariable: aNode for: aParser ^ self instanceVariable: aNode for: aParser ifAbsent: [ nil ]! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2010 16:56'! instanceVariable: aNode for: aParser ifAbsent: aBlock | index | (aNode whoDefines: aNode name) notNil ifTrue: [ ^ aBlock value ]. index := aParser class allInstVarNames indexOf: aNode name ifAbsent: [ ^ aBlock value ]. ^ aParser instVarAt: index! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 8/1/2010 08:52'! parseOnSelector ^ #parseOn:! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 21:53'! patchLiterals: aCompiledMethod | inverseMapping | inverseMapping := IdentityDictionary new: literalMapping size. literalMapping keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | inverseMapping at: value put: key ]. 2 to: aCompiledMethod numLiterals + 1 do: [ :index | aCompiledMethod objectAt: index put: (inverseMapping at: (aCompiledMethod objectAt: index) ifAbsent: [ aCompiledMethod objectAt: index ]) ]. ^ aCompiledMethod! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 17:33'! rewrite: aNode using: aRewriter "Apply aRewriter repeatedly to aNode until no more changes can be performed." | tree | tree := aNode. [ aRewriter executeTree: tree ] whileTrue: [ tree := aRewriter tree ]. ^ tree! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 17:51'! rewriteEmptyBlock | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '[ ``.object ] value' with: '``.object' when: [ :aNode | aNode parent isCascade not ]; replace: '| `@temps | ``@.Stmts1. [ | `@bTemps | ``@.bStmts ] value. ``@.Stmts2' with: '| `@temps `@bTemps | ``@.Stmts1. ``@.bStmts. ``@.Stmts2'. ^ rewriter! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 17:51'! rewriteEmtpyIfTrue | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '``@boolean ifTrue: [ ] ifFalse: [ | `@temps | ``@.Stmts ]' with: '``@boolean ifFalse: [ |`@temps | ``@.Stmts ]'; replace: '``@boolean ifFalse: [ ] ifTrue: [ | `@temps | ``@.Stmts ]' with: '``@boolean ifTrue: [ |`@temps | ``@.Stmts ]'; replace: '``@boolean ifTrue: [ | `@temps | ``@.Stmts ] ifFalse: [ ]' with: '``@boolean ifTrue: [ |`@temps | ``@.Stmts ]'; replace: '``@boolean ifFalse: [ | `@temps | ``@.Stmts ] ifTrue: [ ]' with: '``@boolean ifFalse: [ |`@temps | ``@.Stmts ]'. ^ rewriter! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 17:33'! rewriteGuardClause | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replaceMethod: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]. `@.s2. ^`@r2' with: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1] ifFalse: [`@.s2. ^`@r2]'; replaceMethod: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]. `@.s2. ^`@r2' with: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifTrue: [`@.s2. ^`@r2] ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]'; replaceMethod: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]. `@.s2' with: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1] ifFalse: [`@.s2. ^self]'; replaceMethod: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]. `@.s2' with: '`@methodName: `@args | `@temps | `@.s1. `@boolean ifTrue: [`@.s2. ^self] ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]'. ^ rewriter! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 17:32'! rewriteIfTrue | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '| `@temps | ``@.s1. ``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | ``@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]. ``@.s2. ^``@r2' with: '| `@temps | ``@.s1. ``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | ``@.Stmts1. ^`@r1] ifFalse: [``@.s2. ^``@r2]'; replace: '| `@temps | ``@.s1. ``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | ``@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]. ``@.s2. ^``@r2' with: '| `@temps | ``@.s1. ``@boolean ifTrue: [``@.s2. ^``@r2] ifFalse: [| `@t1 | ``@.Stmts1. ^`@r1]'. ^ rewriter! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 18:01'! rewriteParserBlocks | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '| `@temps1 | `@.stmts1. [ `collection size < 0 ] whileTrue: [ | `@temps2 | `@.stmts2 ]. `@.stmts3' with: '| `@temps1 | `@.stmts1. `@.stmts3'; replace: '| `@temps1 | `@.stmts1. [ `collection size < 1 ] whileTrue: [ | `@temps2 | `@.stmts2 ]. `@.stmts3' with: '| `@temps1 `@temps2 | `@.stmts1. `@.stmts2. `@.stmts3'; replace: '| `@temps1 | `@.stmts1. [ `collection size < 1073741823 ] whileTrue: [ | `@temps2 | `@.stmts2 ]. `@.stmts3' with: '| `@temps1 | `@.stmts1. [ | `@temps2 | `@.stmts2 ] repeat'. ^ rewriter! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'rewriting' stamp: 'lr 8/2/2010 17:32'! rewriteReturns | rewriter | rewriter := RBParseTreeRewriter new. rewriter replace: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ^``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ^``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ^``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ^``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ^``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifTrue: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifFalse: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'; replace: '``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ^``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ^``@r2]' with: '^``@boolean ifFalse: [| `@t1 | `@.Stmts1. ``@r1] ifTrue: [| `@t2 | `@.Stmts2. ``@r2]'. ^ rewriter! ! !PPJitCompiler methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 8/1/2010 08:52'! rootParserClass ^ PPParser! ! Object subclass: #PPOptimizer instanceVariableNames: 'rewriter' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PetitBeta-Processor'! !PPOptimizer commentStamp: '' prior: 0! PPOptimizer improves the internal structure of a grammar without touching its behavior. Instance Variables: rewriter The rewriter that knows how to optimize a grammar.! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:40'! emptyChoice rewriter replace: PPChoiceParser new with: PPEpsilonParser new! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:41'! identityWrapper rewriter replace: (PPPattern kind: PPDelegateParser) withValueFrom: [ :parser | parser children first ]! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:41'! idepotentDelegate rewriter replace: PPPattern any withValueFrom: [ :parser | parser children first ] when: [ :parser | parser children size = 1 and: [ parser class = parser children first class and: [ #(PPAndParser PPNotParser PPEndOfInputParser PPFlattenParser PPTokenParser PPMemoizedParser PPTrimmingParser) includes: parser class name ] ] ]! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:01'! initialize rewriter := PPRewriter new. (Pragma allNamed: #optimize in: self class) do: [ :each | self perform: each selector ]! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations-choice' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 21:50'! nestedChoice | before inside after | before := PPListPattern any. inside := PPListPattern any. after := PPListPattern any. rewriter replace: before / (PPChoiceParser with: inside) / after with: before / inside / after! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:40'! nulledChoice | before parser after | before := PPListPattern any. parser := PPPattern any. after := PPListPattern any. rewriter replace: before / PPEpsilonParser new / parser / after with: before / PPEpsilonParser new! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:29'! optimize: aParser "Transform aParser by applying all the matching optimization rules. Repeatedly apply the rules until no more changes can be done." | current | current := aParser. [ current := rewriter execute: current. rewriter hasChanged ] whileTrue. ^ current! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 23:19'! prefixedChoice | before prefix body1 body2 postfix after | before := PPListPattern any. prefix := PPPattern any. body1 := PPListPattern any. body2 := PPListPattern any. postfix := PPPattern any. after := PPListPattern any. rewriter replace: before / (prefix , body1) / (prefix , body2) / after with: before / (prefix , (body1 / body2)) / after. rewriter replace: before / (body1 , postfix) / (body2 , postfix) / after with: before / ((body1 / body2) , postfix) / after! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations-choice' stamp: 'lr 4/29/2010 21:41'! repeatedChoice | before parser between after | before := PPListPattern any. parser := PPPattern any. between := PPListPattern any. after := PPListPattern any. rewriter replace: before / parser / between / parser / after with: before / parser / between / after! ! !PPOptimizer methodsFor: 'optimizations-choice' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 21:50'! singleChoice | parser | parser := PPPattern any. rewriter replace: (PPChoiceParser with: parser) with: parser! ! PPDelegateParser subclass: #PPJitParser instanceVariableNames: 'method' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PetitBeta-JIT'! !PPJitParser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 8/1/2010 09:02'! on: aParser method: aCompiledMethod ^ (self on: aParser) setMethod: aCompiledMethod! ! !PPJitParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 8/1/2010 15:51'! method ^ method! ! !PPJitParser methodsFor: 'parsing' stamp: 'lr 7/31/2010 23:15'! parseOn: aStream ^ self withArgs: (Array with: aStream) executeMethod: method! ! !PPJitParser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 7/31/2010 23:16'! setMethod: aCompiledMethod method := aCompiledMethod! ! TestCase subclass: #PPJitTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'PetitBeta-JIT'!