SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core-Pattern'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core-Actions'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core-Highlighting'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core-Completion'! SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Helvetia-Core-Tests'! !OBMorphicIcons methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-icons' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 15:41'! error ^ (ColorForm extent: 16@16 depth: 8 fromArray: #( 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606214937 488184354 606348324 606348324 555490848 538975772 556016676 606348322 469770015 522133248 471999524 606348307 100663296 0 118694948 606348304 17040645 84215044 34612260 606348309 304292643 589505315 303375396 606348304 285412364 202116099 286270500 606348307 252184584 134744072 252912676 606348311 336071435 185273096 236397604 606348324 403507457 16845326 405021732 606348324 605491984 370152215 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324 606348324) offset: 0@0) colorsFromArray: #(#(0.948 0.455 0.462) #(0.913 0.415 0.431) #(0.921 0.427 0.443) #(0.976 0.721 0.729) #(0.976 0.729 0.737) #(0.983 0.807 0.815) #(0.874 0.309 0.341) #(0.87 0.309 0.341) #(0.933 0.345 0.384) #(0.886 0.328 0.357) #(0.882 0.328 0.361) #(0.936 0.372 0.4) #(0.983 0.788 0.8) #(0.807 0.156 0.215) #(0.807 0.16 0.219) #(0.866 0.25 0.301) #(0.839 0.297 0.345) #(0.921 0.333 0.376) #(0.944 0.369 0.419) #(0.89 0.525 0.552) #(0.807 0.145 0.207) #(0.807 0.18 0.242) #(0.807 0.188 0.25) #(0.936 0.788 0.811) #(0.901 0.671 0.71) #(0.811 0.431 0.361) #(0.843 0.541 0.49) #(0.858 0.587 0.541) #(0.788 0.278 0.242) #(0.811 0.353 0.321) #(0.893 0.4 0.38) #(0.952 0.486 0.486) #(0.921 0.486 0.486) #(0.89 0.768 0.768) #(0.921 0.831 0.831) #(1.0 1.0 1.0) #( ) )! ! !OBMorphicIcons methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-icons' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 15:40'! warning ^ (ColorForm extent: 16@16 depth: 8 fromArray: #( 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249124 606743339 724249387 724249387 724248584 136457003 724249387 724249387 724181777 287517227 724249387 724249387 723519506 336077099 724249387 724249387 622725141 319299109 724249387 724249387 520096533 319488039 724249387 724249375 620825110 319357221 657140523 724249371 17566732 202116097 489368363 724245507 252644885 319687949 36055851 724244485 269488146 336597008 68692779 724244777 117900806 101058054 689580843 724249367 387389207 387389207 388705067 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387 724249387) offset: 0@0) colorsFromArray: #(#(0.995 0.858 0.451) #(1.0 0.87 0.505) #(1.0 0.886 0.56) #(0.995 0.886 0.556) #(1.0 0.89 0.591) #(0.995 0.893 0.591) #(1.0 0.901 0.619) #(0.995 0.897 0.619) #(1.0 0.933 0.757) #(0.995 0.761 0.297) #(0.995 0.764 0.301) #(0.995 0.764 0.309) #(0.995 0.784 0.357) #(1.0 0.804 0.419) #(0.995 0.804 0.419) #(1.0 0.804 0.423) #(0.995 0.815 0.455) #(1.0 0.866 0.599) #(0.725 0.427 0.0) #(0.509 0.301 0.0) #(0.365 0.215 0.0) #(0.768 0.501 0.141) #(0.768 0.509 0.172) #(0.667 0.501 0.285) #(0.678 0.513 0.293) #(0.671 0.505 0.289) #(0.671 0.509 0.289) #(0.694 0.529 0.305) #(0.682 0.517 0.301) #(0.69 0.529 0.309) #(0.71 0.541 0.321) #(0.698 0.533 0.317) #(0.753 0.584 0.361) #(0.749 0.58 0.361) #(0.764 0.595 0.372) #(0.757 0.587 0.369) #(0.768 0.599 0.376) #(0.784 0.634 0.435) #(0.686 0.517 0.301) #(0.702 0.533 0.317) #(0.764 0.591 0.372) #(0.807 0.682 0.521) #(0.866 0.8 0.725) #( ) )! ! !MultiDisplayScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 11:32'! gutterIcon: aForm aForm displayOn: bitBlt destForm at: (rightMargin - aForm width) @ (lineHeight - aForm height // 2 + destY) clippingBox: bitBlt clipRect rule: Form blend fillColor: nil! ! !MultiDisplayScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 14:52'! highlight: anAttribute | width | (lastIndex isNil or: [ runStopIndex isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. width := (font ifNil: [ textStyle fontAt: 1 ]) widthOfString: text string from: lastIndex to: runStopIndex. anAttribute draw: (destX @ lineY extent: width @ lineHeight) on: bitBlt! ! !MethodNode methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-override' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2010 13:25'! rawSourceRangesAndMethodDo: aBinaryBlock "Evaluate aBinaryBlock with the rawSourceRanges and method generated from the receiver." | method ranges | method := self generate. ranges := Dictionary new. self encoder rawSourceRanges keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :range | range notNil ifTrue: [ ranges at: key put: range ] ]. ^ aBinaryBlock value: ranges value: method! ! !DisplayScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 11:33'! gutterIcon: aForm aForm displayOn: bitBlt destForm at: (rightMargin - aForm width) @ (lineHeight - aForm height // 2 + destY) clippingBox: bitBlt clipRect rule: Form blend fillColor: nil! ! !DisplayScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 14:59'! highlight: anAttribute | width | (lastIndex isNil or: [ runStopIndex isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. width := (font ifNil: [ textStyle fontAt: 1 ]) widthOfString: text string from: lastIndex to: runStopIndex. anAttribute draw: (destX @ lineY extent: width @ lineHeight) on: bitBlt! ! QQCompiler subclass: #CHCompiler instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core'! !CHCompiler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 23:15'! parse: methodBoolean | tree | tree := (CHParser class: class stream: source readStream doIt: methodBoolean not) start. (CHTransformer class: class tree: tree) start. (CHAnnotator class: class tree: tree) start. tree methodNode source: source. ^ tree! ! !Behavior methodsFor: '*helvetia-core' stamp: 'lr 12/2/2008 19:17'! recompile self selectors do: [ :each | self recompile: each from: self ]! ! !Behavior methodsFor: '*helvetia-core' stamp: 'lr 12/2/2008 19:17'! recompileAll self withAllSubclassesDo: [ :each | each recompile ]! ! ECController subclass: #CHCompletionController instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Completion'! !CHCompletionController methodsFor: 'menu morph' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:35'! openMenuFor: aParagraphEditor | theMenu | context := CHCompletionContext controller: self class: model selectedClassOrMetaClass source: aParagraphEditor text string position: aParagraphEditor caret - 1. editor := aParagraphEditor. theMenu := ECMenuMorph controller: self position: (aParagraphEditor selectionPosition: context completionToken). theMenu isClosed ifFalse: [ menuMorph := theMenu ]! ! !CharacterScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 16:01'! gutterIcon: aForm ! ! !CharacterScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:31'! highlight: anAttribute! ! !MultiCharacterScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 16:01'! gutterIcon: aForm ! ! !MultiCharacterScanner methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:32'! highlight: anAttribute! ! !Color methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-converting' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 12:05'! acceptDsl: aVisitor (TextColor color: self) acceptDsl: aVisitor! ! Error subclass: #CHParserError instanceVariableNames: 'position' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! !CHParserError class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 10:04'! signal: aString at: anInteger | exception | ^ (exception := self new) tag: exception; position: anInteger; signal: aString! ! !CHParserError methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 10:51'! position ^ position ifNil: [ 1 ]! ! !CHParserError methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 10:03'! position: anInteger position := anInteger! ! ECContext subclass: #CHCompletionContext instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Completion'! !CHCompletionContext methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:35'! createModel ^ CHCompletionModel class: theClass original: super createModel! ! !BlockContext methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-visitor' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 15:48'! acceptDsl: aVisitor ^ self valueWithPossibleArgument: aVisitor! ! !Collection methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-visiting' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 12:06'! acceptDsl: aVisitor ^ self collect: [ :each | aVisitor visit: each ]! ! !Text methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-copying' stamp: 'lr 3/27/2009 18:12'! asSymbol ^ self asString asSymbol! ! !Text methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-copying' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 09:31'! removeAttributesFrom: aStartInteger to: aStopInteger self replaceFrom: aStartInteger to: aStopInteger with: (string copyFrom: aStartInteger to: aStopInteger)! ! TextAttribute subclass: #CHClickAttribute instanceVariableNames: 'block visitor' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Highlighting'! !CHClickAttribute methodsFor: 'events' stamp: 'lr 4/10/2008 09:42'! actOnClickFor: aModel in: aParagraph at: aPoint editor: anEditor | replacement definition | replacement := block numArgs = 1 ifTrue: [ block value: visitor ] ifFalse: [ block value: visitor value: aModel ]. replacement ifNil: [ ^ false ]. definition := aModel getDefinition. definition instVarNamed: 'source' put: replacement. aModel browser announce: definition. ^ true! ! !CHClickAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/10/2008 09:41'! block: aBlock block := aBlock! ! !CHClickAttribute methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 4/10/2008 09:37'! mayActOnClick ^ true! ! !CHClickAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/10/2008 09:40'! visitor: aVisitor visitor := aVisitor! ! TextAttribute subclass: #CHGutterAttribute instanceVariableNames: 'icon' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Highlighting'! !CHGutterAttribute class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 12:03'! error ^ self new icon: (OBMorphicIcons iconNamed: #error)! ! !CHGutterAttribute class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 12:03'! warning ^ self new icon: (OBMorphicIcons iconNamed: #warning)! ! !CHGutterAttribute methodsFor: 'scanning' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 12:14'! emphasizeScanner: aScanner aScanner gutterIcon: icon! ! !CHGutterAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 11:52'! icon: aForm icon := aForm! ! TextAttribute subclass: #CHHighlightAttribute instanceVariableNames: 'color outline borderWidth borderColor' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Highlighting'! !CHHighlightAttribute class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'lr 4/1/2009 16:34'! wave: aColor height: anInteger | form | form := Form extent: (2 * anInteger) - 2 @ anInteger depth: Display depth. 1 to: anInteger do: [ :x | form colorAt: (x - 1) @ (anInteger - x) put: aColor ]. 1 to: anInteger - 1 do: [ :x | form colorAt: (anInteger + x - 1) @ x put: aColor ]. ^ form! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:18'! borderColor ^ borderColor! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 14:58'! borderColor: anArrayOrColor borderColor := anArrayOrColor isArray ifTrue: [ anArrayOrColor ] ifFalse: [ Array new: 4 withAll: anArrayOrColor ]! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:37'! borderColorBottom: aColor self borderColor at: 3 put: aColor! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:37'! borderColorLeft: aColor self borderColor at: 4 put: aColor! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:37'! borderColorRight: aColor self borderColor at: 2 put: aColor! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:37'! borderColorTop: aColor self borderColor at: 1 put: aColor! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:18'! borderWidth ^ borderWidth! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 14:58'! borderWidth: anArrayOrInteger borderWidth := anArrayOrInteger isArray ifTrue: [ anArrayOrInteger ] ifFalse: [ Array new: 4 withAll: anArrayOrInteger ]! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:38'! borderWidthBottom: anInteger self borderWidth at: 3 put: anInteger! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:38'! borderWidthLeft: anInteger self borderColor at: 4 put: anInteger! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:38'! borderWidthRight: anInteger self borderColor at: 2 put: anInteger! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing-convenience' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 15:38'! borderWidthTop: anInteger self borderColor at: 1 put: anInteger! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:18'! color ^ color! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:19'! color: aColor color := aColor! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'lr 4/6/2009 10:34'! draw: aRectangle color: aColorOrForm on: aBitBlt | bitBlt | bitBlt := GrafPort new. bitBlt copyFrom: aBitBlt. aColorOrForm isColor ifTrue: [ bitBlt sourceForm: nil; fillPattern: aColorOrForm; combinationRule: Form blend; fillRect: aRectangle offset: nil ] ifFalse: [ bitBlt clipRect: aRectangle; combinationRule: Form paint; fillColor: nil; sourceForm: aColorOrForm; sourceRect: aColorOrForm boundingBox; colorMap: (aColorOrForm colormapIfNeededFor: bitBlt destForm). aRectangle origin x // aColorOrForm width * aColorOrForm width to: aRectangle corner x by: aColorOrForm width do: [ :x | aRectangle origin y to: aRectangle corner y by: aColorOrForm height do: [ :y | bitBlt destX: x; destY: y; copyBits ] ] ]! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'drawing' stamp: 'lr 4/1/2009 16:50'! draw: aRectangle on: aBitBlt | bounds | bounds := Rectangle left: aRectangle left - self outline fourth right: aRectangle right + self outline second top: aRectangle top - self outline first bottom: aRectangle bottom + self outline third. self draw: bounds color: self color on: aBitBlt. self borderWidth first > 0 ifTrue: [ self draw: (bounds withHeight: self borderWidth first) color: self borderColor first on: aBitBlt ]. self borderWidth second > 0 ifTrue: [ self draw: (bounds withLeft: bounds right - self borderWidth second) color: self borderColor second on: aBitBlt ]. self borderWidth third > 0 ifTrue: [ self draw: (bounds withTop: bounds bottom - self borderWidth third) color: self borderColor third on: aBitBlt ]. self borderWidth fourth > 0 ifTrue: [ self draw: (bounds withWidth: self borderWidth fourth) color: self borderColor fourth on: aBitBlt ]! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'scanning' stamp: 'lr 3/31/2009 11:32'! emphasizeScanner: aScanner aScanner highlight: self! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 4/6/2009 10:34'! initialize super initialize. self outline: 0. self color: Color transparent. self borderColor: Color transparent. self borderWidth: 0! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/1/2009 16:45'! outline ^ outline! ! !CHHighlightAttribute methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/1/2009 16:44'! outline: anArrayOrInteger outline := anArrayOrInteger isArray ifTrue: [ anArrayOrInteger ] ifFalse: [ Array new: 4 withAll: anArrayOrInteger ]! ! !TextAttribute methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-visiting' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 09:52'! acceptDsl: aVisitor aVisitor text addAttribute: self from: aVisitor scopeStart to: aVisitor scopeStop! ! !BlockClosure methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-visitor' stamp: 'lr 2/18/2010 20:15'! acceptDsl: aVisitor ^ self valueWithPossibleArgument: aVisitor! ! SHTextStyler subclass: #CHTextStyler instanceVariableNames: 'classOrMetaClass' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Highlighting'! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2007 14:24'! classOrMetaClass: aBehavior classOrMetaClass := aBehavior! ! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/12/2007 08:42'! environment: anObject! ! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/7/2007 15:48'! font: aFont! ! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2007 14:27'! privateFormat: aText ^ aText! ! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:32'! privateStyle: aText (CHHighlighter class: classOrMetaClass source: aText) start! ! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/11/2009 15:59'! sourceMap: aSortedCollection! ! !CHTextStyler methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/7/2008 10:51'! workspace: anObject! ! !RBCascadeNode methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:40'! receiver: aNode self messages reverseDo: [ :each | each receiver: aNode ]! ! ArrayedCollection subclass: #CHSlice instanceVariableNames: 'collection start stop' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core'! !CHSlice class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 09:36'! on: aSequenzeableCollection start: aStartInteger stop: aStopInteger ^ self basicNew initializeOn: aSequenzeableCollection start: aStartInteger stop: aStopInteger! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'lr 5/15/2008 16:06'! asInteger ^ self asString asInteger! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'lr 5/15/2008 16:05'! asNumber ^ self asString asNumber! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'lr 5/19/2008 10:44'! asString ^ String withAll: self! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'converting' stamp: 'lr 5/15/2008 16:05'! asSymbol ^ self asString asSymbol! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 4/8/2009 09:33'! at: anInteger ^ self at: anInteger ifAbsent: [ self errorOutOfBounds ]! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:22'! at: anInteger ifAbsent: aBlock ^ collection at: (self indexAt: anInteger) ifAbsent: aBlock! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/13/2007 10:31'! at: anInteger put: anObject self shouldNotImplement! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! collection "Answer the full underlying collection." ^ collection! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'enumerating' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! do: aBlock "Iterate over the elements of the receiver." start to: stop do: [ :index | aBlock value: (collection at: index) ]! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! indexAt: anInteger | index | ^ (anInteger < 1 or: [ (index := start + anInteger - 1) > stop ]) ifTrue: [ self errorOutOfBounds ] ifFalse: [ index ]! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! initializeOn: aSequenzeableCollection start: aStartInteger stop: aStopInteger collection := aSequenzeableCollection. start := aStartInteger. stop := aStopInteger! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! interval "Answer the interval in the underlying collection." ^ start to: stop! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'lr 5/19/2008 10:47'! printOn: aStream aStream print: self value! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 10:01'! readStream "Answer a read-stream on the receiver." ^ ReadStream on: self copy! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 12:28'! shallowCopy self primitiveFailed! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! size "Answer the size of the receiving collection." ^ stop - start + 1! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! sliceFrom: aFromInteger to: aToInteger ^ collection sliceFrom: (self indexAt: aFromInteger) to: (self indexAt: aToInteger)! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! species ^ collection species! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! start "Answer the start index within the underlying colleciton." ^ start! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! stop "Answer the stop index within the underlying colleciton." ^ stop! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/23/2009 13:20'! value "Answer the value of the receiver." ^ collection copyFrom: start to: stop! ! !CHSlice methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/17/2008 13:58'! writeStream self shouldNotImplement! ! TestCase subclass: #CHAstVisitorTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Tests'! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 11:38'! testClass self visit: [ :context | self assert: context theClass = self class ]! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-condition' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:25'! testConditionBasic self visit: CHConditionPattern new! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-condition' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:25'! testConditionElse | m1 | m1 := false. self visit: (CHConditionPattern new else: [ :visitor | m1 := true ]; yourself). self assert: m1! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-condition' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:25'! testConditionFalseTrue | m1 m2 m3 | m1 := m2 := m3 := false. self visit: (CHConditionPattern new if: [ :visitor | false ] then: [ :visitor | m1 := true ]; if: [ :visitor | true ] then: [ :visitor | m2 := true ]; else: [ :visitor | m3 := true ]; yourself). self deny: m1; assert: m2; deny: m3! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-condition' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:25'! testConditionOverlapping | m1 m2 m3 | m1 := m2 := m3 := false. self visit: (CHConditionPattern new if: [ :visitor | true ] then: [ :visitor | m1 := true ]; if: [ :visitor | true ] then: [ :visitor | m1 := true ]; else: [ :visitor | m1 := true ]; yourself). self assert: m1; deny: m2; deny: m3! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-condition' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:25'! testConditionSimple | m1 m2 | m1 := m2 := false. self visit: (CHConditionPattern new if: [ :visitor | false ] then: [ :visitor | m1 := true ]; else: [ :visitor | m2 := true ]; yourself). self deny: m1; assert: m2! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-match' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:26'! testMatchBasic self visit: (CHMatchPattern new expression: '\|\s*([a-z]+)\s*\|'; yourself)! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-match' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:26'! testMatchGroups | m1 m2 | m1 := m2 := nil. self visit: (CHMatchPattern new expression: '\|\s*([a-z]+)\s*\|'; at: 1 do: [ :c | m1 := c scopedString ]; at: 2 do: [ :c | m2 := c scopedString ]; yourself). self assert: m1 = '| visitor |'. self assert: m2 = 'visitor'.! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-match' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:26'! testMatchMultiple | m | m := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHMatchPattern new expression: 'an?([A-Z][a-z]+)'; at: 2 do: [ :c | m add: c scopedString ]; yourself). self assert: m size = 5. self assert: m first = 'Rule'. self assert: m second = 'String'. self assert: m last = 'Rule'! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-match' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:26'! testMatchNested | m | m := nil. self visit: (CHMatchPattern new expression: '\|(.*)\|'; at: 2 do: (CHMatchPattern new expression: '\s*([a-z]+)\s*'; at: 2 do: [ :c | m := c scopedString ]; yourself); yourself). self assert: m = 'visitor'! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-match' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:56'! testMatchOverlapping | m | m := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHMatchPattern new expression: 'visitor..'; at: 1 do: [ :c | m add: c scopedString ]; yourself). self assert: m size = 3. self assert: m first = 'visitor |'. self assert: m last = 'visitor v'! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:58'! testPragma self visit: [ :context | self assert: (context pragmas size) = 1. self assert: (context pragmaNamed: #pragma:) arguments first value = 1 ]! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-range' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:27'! testRangeActions | outer begin inner end | outer := begin := inner := end := nil. self visit: (CHRangePattern new begin: '\|\s+' do: [ :c | begin := c scopedText ]; end: '\s+\|' do: [ :c | end := c scopedText ]; inner: [ :c | inner := c scopedText ]; outer: [ :c | outer := c scopedText ]; yourself). self assert: outer = '| visitor |'. self assert: begin = '| '. self assert: inner = 'visitor'. self assert: end = ' |' ! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-range' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:27'! testRangeBasic self visit: (CHRangePattern new begin: '\|'; end: '\|'; yourself)! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-range' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:45'! testRangeMultiple | m | m := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHRangePattern new begin: 'visitor'; end: '\w+' do: [ :c | m add: c scopedText ]; yourself). self assert: m size = 3. self assert: m first = 'pragma'. self assert: m second = 'CHAstVisitor'. self assert: m last = 'visit'! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-range' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:27'! testRangeNested | outer begin inner end | outer := begin := inner := end := nil. self visit: (CHRangePattern new begin: '\|'; end: '\|'; outer: (CHRangePattern new begin: '\s+' do: [ :c | begin := c scopedText ]; end: '\s+' do: [ :c | end := c scopedText ]; inner: [ :c | inner := c scopedText ]; outer: [ :c | outer := c scopedText ]; yourself); yourself). self assert: outer = ' visitor '. self assert: begin = ' '. self assert: inner = 'visitor'. self assert: end = ' '. ! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-range' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:46'! testRangeOverlapping | m | m := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHRangePattern new begin: 'visitor'; end: 'class'; inner: [ :c | m add: c scopedText ]; yourself). self assert: m size = 2. self assert: m first = ' | visitor := CHAstVisitor '. self assert: m last = ' visit: aRule'! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 11/18/2008 13:47'! testSelectorInvalidBody | selector | self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: 'asString ^'. self assert: selector = #asString. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: '+ a ^'. self assert: selector = #+. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: 'between: a and: b ^'. self assert: selector = #between:and:! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 11/18/2008 13:47'! testSelectorInvalidSelector | selector | self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: ''. self assert: selector isNil. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: '+ ^ a'. self assert: selector isNil. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: 'between: a and:'. self assert: selector isNil! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 11/18/2008 13:47'! testSelectorValid | selector | self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ]. self assert: selector = #visit:using:. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: 'asString ^ b'. self assert: selector = #asString. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: '+ a ^ b'. self assert: selector = #+. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] using: 'between: a and: b ^ c'. self assert: selector = #between:and:! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 11/18/2008 13:47'! testText self visit: [ :context | self assert: context text = (self class sourceCodeAt: #visit:using:) ]! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 11:39'! testTree self visit: [ :context | self assert: (context tree isKindOf: RBProgramNode) ]! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:29'! testTreeBasic self visit: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`receiver `@message: `@arguments'; yourself)! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:47'! testTreeGroups | m1 m2 m3 | m1 := m2 := m3 := nil. self visit: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`var := `@.expr' do: [ :c | m1 := c scopedString ]; at: '`var' do: [ :c | m2 := c scopedString ]; at: '`@.expr' do: [ :c | m3 := c scopedString ]; yourself). self assert: m1 = 'visitor := CHAstVisitor class: self class source: aString'. self assert: m2 = 'visitor'. self assert: m3 = 'CHAstVisitor class: self class source: aString'! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:29'! testTreeMethod | context | self visit: (CHTreePattern new method: '`@method: `@arguments | `@temps | `@.statements' do: [ :c | context := c copy ]). self assert: context notNil. self assert: (context @ '`@method:') = 'visit:using:'. self assert: (context @ '`@arguments') size = 2. self assert: (context @ '`@arguments') first isVariable. self assert: (context @ '`@arguments') first name = 'aRule'. self assert: (context @ '`@arguments') last isVariable. self assert: (context @ '`@arguments') last name = 'aString'. self assert: (context @ '`@temps') isCollection. self assert: (context @ '`@temps') size = 1. self assert: (context @ '`@temps') first isVariable. self assert: (context @ '`@temps') first name = 'visitor'. self assert: (context @ '`@.statements') isCollection. self assert: (context @ '`@.statements') size = 2! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:46'! testTreeMultiple | strings classes | strings := OrderedCollection new. classes := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`.stmt' do: [ :c | strings add: c scopedString. classes add: c scopedTree class name ]; yourself). self assert: strings asArray = #( 'visitor := CHAstVisitor class: self class source: aString' 'visitor visit: aRule' ). self assert: classes asArray = #( RBAssignmentNode RBMessageNode )! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:46'! testTreeNested1 | m1 | m1 := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`var := `@.expr' do: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`.expr' do: [ :c | m1 add: c scopedString ]; yourself); yourself). self assert: m1 asArray = #( 'visitor := CHAstVisitor class: self class source: aString' )! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:46'! testTreeNested2 | m1 m2 | m1 := OrderedCollection new. m2 := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`.stmt' do: (Array with: [ :c | m1 add: c scopedString ] with: (CHTreePattern new expression: '`.stmt' do: [ :c | m2 add: c scopedString ]; yourself)); yourself). self assert: m1 size = 2. self assert: m1 asArray = m2 asArray! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:46'! testTreeOverlapping | strings selectors | strings := OrderedCollection new. selectors := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHTreePattern new expression: '``receiver `@message: ``@arguments' do: [ :c | strings add: c scopedString. selectors add: c scopedTree selector ]; yourself). self assert: strings asArray = #( 'CHAstVisitor class: self class source: aString' 'self class' 'visitor visit: aRule' ). self assert: selectors asArray = #( class:source: class visit: )! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing-tree' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:29'! testTreeVerification | strings selectors | strings := OrderedCollection new. selectors := OrderedCollection new. self visit: (CHTreePattern new verification: [ :node | node selector = #class ]; expression: '``receiver `@message: ``@arguments' do: [ :c | strings add: c scopedString. selectors add: c scopedTree selector ]; yourself). self assert: strings asArray = #( 'self class' ). self assert: selectors asArray = #( class )! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:24'! testVisitor | visitor | self visit: [ :context | visitor := context ]. self assert: (visitor isKindOf: CHAstVisitor)! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'lr 11/18/2008 13:41'! visit: aRule self visit: aRule using: (self class sourceCodeAt: #visit:using:)! ! !CHAstVisitorTest methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:24'! visit: aRule using: aString "Do not change this method, it does not only trigger the processing of aRule, but is also the target source-code for running the tests." | visitor | visitor := CHAstVisitor class: self class source: aString. visitor visit: aRule! ! TestCase subclass: #CHParseVisitorTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Tests'! !CHParseVisitorTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 10/23/2008 10:55'! testSelector | selector | self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] source: 'negated ---'. self assert: selector = #negated. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] source: 'at: a ---'. self assert: selector = #at:. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] source: 'at: a put: b ---'. self assert: selector = #at:put:. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] source: '+ a ---'. self assert: selector = #+. self visit: [ :context | selector := context selector ] source: '---'. self assert: selector isNil! ! !CHParseVisitorTest methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:32'! visit: aRule source: aString | visitor | visitor := CHParser class: self class stream: aString readStream doIt: false. visitor visit: aRule! ! TestCase subclass: #CHSliceTest instanceVariableNames: 'arraySlice stringSlice' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Tests'! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'running' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 15:39'! setUp arraySlice := #( 1 2 3 4 5 ) sliceFrom: 2 to: 4. stringSlice := 'abcde' sliceFrom: 2 to: 4! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2007 08:28'! testAt self assert: (arraySlice at: 1) = 2. self assert: (arraySlice at: 3) = 4. self assert: (stringSlice at: 1) = $b. self assert: (stringSlice at: 3) = $d! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 3/27/2008 09:33'! testAtOutOfBounds self should: [ arraySlice at: -1 ] raise: Error. self should: [ arraySlice at: 0 ] raise: Error. self should: [ arraySlice at: 4 ] raise: Error. self should: [ arraySlice at: 5 ] raise: Error. self should: [ stringSlice at: -1 ] raise: Error. self should: [ stringSlice at: 0 ] raise: Error. self should: [ stringSlice at: 4 ] raise: Error. self should: [ stringSlice at: 5 ] raise: Error! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 3/17/2008 13:59'! testAtPut self should: [ arraySlice at: 1 put: 2 ] raise: Error! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 13:44'! testCollect self assert: (arraySlice collect: [ :each | each * each ]) = #( 4 9 16 ). self assert: (stringSlice collect: [ :each | each asUppercase ]) = 'BCD'! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2007 09:40'! testCollection self assert: arraySlice collection = #( 1 2 3 4 5 ). self assert: stringSlice collection = 'abcde'! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:05'! testCopy self assert: arraySlice copy class = CHSlice. self assert: arraySlice copy = arraySlice. self assert: stringSlice copy class = CHSlice. self assert: stringSlice copy = stringSlice! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2007 08:35'! testDo | result | result := OrderedCollection new. arraySlice do: [ :each | result add: each ]. self assert: result asArray = #( 2 3 4 ). result := OrderedCollection new. stringSlice do: [ :each | result add: each ]. self assert: result asArray = #( $b $c $d ) ! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 10/12/2007 09:54'! testFirst self assert: arraySlice first = 2. self assert: stringSlice first = $b! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 3/17/2008 14:21'! testIncludes self deny: (arraySlice includes: 1). self assert: (arraySlice includes: 2). self assert: (arraySlice includes: 3). self assert: (arraySlice includes: 4). self deny: (arraySlice includes: 5). self deny: (stringSlice includes: $a). self assert: (stringSlice includes: $b). self assert: (stringSlice includes: $c). self assert: (stringSlice includes: $d). self deny: (stringSlice includes: $e)! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 3/17/2008 14:21'! testIndexOf self assert: (arraySlice indexOf: 1) = 0. self assert: (arraySlice indexOf: 2) = 1. self assert: (arraySlice indexOf: 3) = 2. self assert: (arraySlice indexOf: 4) = 3. self assert: (arraySlice indexOf: 5) = 0. self assert: (stringSlice indexOf: $a) = 0. self assert: (stringSlice indexOf: $b) = 1. self assert: (stringSlice indexOf: $c) = 2. self assert: (stringSlice indexOf: $d) = 3. self assert: (stringSlice indexOf: $e) = 0! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2007 08:32'! testLast self assert: arraySlice last = 4. self assert: stringSlice last = $d! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 10:03'! testReadStream | stream | stream := arraySlice readStream. self assert: stream position = 0. self assert: stream next = 2. self assert: stream position = 1. self assert: stream next = 3. self assert: stream position = 2. self assert: stream next = 4. self assert: stream position = 3. self assert: stream atEnd. self assert: (stream reset; next) = 2. self assert: (stream upTo: 5) = #( 3 4 ). stream := stringSlice readStream. self assert: stream position = 0. self assert: stream next = $b. self assert: stream position = 1. self assert: stream next = $c. self assert: stream position = 2. self assert: stream next = $d. self assert: stream position = 3. self assert: stream atEnd. self assert: (stream reset; upToEnd) = 'bcd'. self assert: (stream reset; next: 4) = 'bcd'! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 10:20'! testReject self assert: (arraySlice reject: [ :each | each = 3 ]) = #( 2 4 ). self assert: (stringSlice reject: [ :each | each = $c ]) = 'bd'! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing-derived' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2007 08:40'! testReversed self assert: arraySlice reversed = #( 4 3 2 ). self assert: stringSlice reversed = 'dcb'! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2007 08:30'! testSize self assert: arraySlice size = 3. self assert: stringSlice size = 3! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:05'! testSliceFromTo | result | result := arraySlice sliceFrom: 1 to: 2. self assert: result class = CHSlice. self assert: result value = #( 2 3 ). self assert: result start = 2. self assert: result stop = 3. result := stringSlice sliceFrom: 2 to: 3. self assert: result class = CHSlice. self assert: result value = 'cd'. self assert: result start = 3. self assert: result stop = 4! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 8/6/2007 08:33'! testSpecies self assert: arraySlice species = Array. self assert: stringSlice species = ByteString! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 10:52'! testStart self assert: arraySlice start = 2. self assert: stringSlice start = 2! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 10:51'! testStop self assert: arraySlice stop = 4. self assert: stringSlice stop = 4! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 5/19/2008 10:46'! testValue self assert: arraySlice value = #( 2 3 4 ). self assert: stringSlice value = 'bcd'! ! !CHSliceTest methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 3/17/2008 13:59'! testWriteStream self should: [ arraySlice writeStream ] raise: Error! ! ECModel subclass: #CHCompletionModel instanceVariableNames: 'original' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Completion'! !CHCompletionModel class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 13:33'! class: aClass original: aModel ^ (self new setOriginal: aModel) setClass: aClass! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'adding' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:50'! add: anEntry entries addLast: anEntry! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'adding' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:50'! addAll: aCollection entries addAll: aCollection! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:48'! initializeSelectors original initializeSelectors! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:43'! narrowString ^ narrowString! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'actions' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:32'! narrowWith: aString | morph | morph := self textMorph ifNil: [ ^ false ]. narrowString := aString. aString isEmpty ifFalse: [ CHCompleter new initializeOn: self class: clazz morph: morph; start ]! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:42'! original ^ original! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 12:27'! setOriginal: aModel original := aModel! ! !CHCompletionModel methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 13:37'! textMorph "Answer the text morph of the receiver, or nil if none." | context | context := thisContext. [ context isNil or: [ context receiver isKindOf: TextMorph ] ] whileFalse: [ context := context sender ]. ^ context isNil ifFalse: [ context receiver ]! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-copying' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:05'! sliceFrom: aFromInteger to: aToInteger ^ CHSlice on: self start: aFromInteger stop: aToInteger! ! !OBDefinitionPanel methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-override' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:35'! createCompletionController ^ CHCompletionController model: self! ! Object subclass: #CHRule instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core'! CHRule subclass: #CHClickAction instanceVariableNames: 'action' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Actions'! !CHClickAction class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 14:12'! on: aBlock ^ self new do: aBlock; yourself! ! !CHClickAction methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 4/2/2009 15:33'! acceptDsl: aVisitor ^ CHClickAttribute new block: action; visitor: aVisitor shallowCopy; acceptDsl: aVisitor! ! !CHClickAction methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/2/2010 11:08'! do: aBlock action := aBlock! ! CHRule subclass: #CHCompletionAction instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Actions'! !CHCompletionAction methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:51'! acceptDsl: aVisitor aVisitor model addAll: (aVisitor model original narrowWith: aVisitor model narrowString; entries)! ! CHRule subclass: #CHConditionPattern instanceVariableNames: 'conditions else' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Pattern'! !CHConditionPattern commentStamp: 'lr 5/6/2008 19:40' prior: 0! I implement an if/then construct.! !CHConditionPattern methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 7/2/2008 10:20'! acceptDsl: aVisitor conditions do: [ :assoc | (aVisitor visit: assoc key) ifTrue: [ ^ aVisitor visit: assoc value ] ]. ^ aVisitor visit: else! ! !CHConditionPattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 13:35'! else: anAction else := anAction! ! !CHConditionPattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 13:35'! if: aBlock then: anAction conditions add: aBlock -> anAction! ! !CHConditionPattern methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 10:29'! initialize super initialize. conditions := OrderedCollection new! ! CHRule subclass: #CHMatchPattern instanceVariableNames: 'expression actions' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Pattern'! !CHMatchPattern commentStamp: 'lr 5/6/2008 19:40' prior: 0! I check if some regexp is matched and execute an action on the matched string.! !CHMatchPattern methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:41'! acceptDsl: aVisitor | stream beginning | stream := aVisitor scopedText readStream. [ expression searchStream: stream ] whileTrue: [ 1 to: expression subexpressionCount do: [ :index | beginning := expression subBeginning: index. beginning isNil ifFalse: [ actions at: index ifPresent: [ :action | aVisitor scopeFrom: beginning first + 1 to: (expression subEnd: index) first with: nil visit: action ] ] ] ]! ! !CHMatchPattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 16:57'! at: anInteger do: anAction actions at: anInteger put: anAction! ! !CHMatchPattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2007 13:14'! expression: aString expression := aString asRegex! ! !CHMatchPattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 14:56'! expression: aString do: anAction self expression: aString. self at: 1 do: anAction! ! !CHMatchPattern methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2007 13:14'! initialize super initialize. actions := Dictionary new! ! CHRule subclass: #CHRangePattern instanceVariableNames: 'begin end outerAction beginAction innerAction endAction' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Pattern'! !CHRangePattern commentStamp: 'lr 5/6/2008 19:42' prior: 0! I use two regexps to match the start and the end of a section in the text code and executes actions on the whole match, on the start of the section and on the end (by using #outerAction: #innerAction: #beginAction: #endAction:).! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:43'! acceptDsl: aVisitor | stream beginStart beginStop endStart endStop | stream := aVisitor scopedText readStream. [ stream atEnd ] whileFalse: [ (begin searchStream: stream) ifTrue: [ beginStart := (begin subBeginning: 1) first. beginStop := (begin subEnd: 1) first. (end searchStream: stream) ifFalse: [ endStart := endStop := aVisitor scopedText size ] ifTrue: [ endStart := (end subBeginning: 1) first. endStop := (end subEnd: 1) first ]. aVisitor scopeFrom: beginStart + 1 to: endStop with: nil visit: outerAction. aVisitor scopeFrom: beginStart + 1 to: beginStop with: nil visit: beginAction. aVisitor scopeFrom: beginStop + 1 to: endStart with: nil visit: innerAction. aVisitor scopeFrom: endStart + 1 to: endStop with: nil visit: endAction ] ]! ! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/10/2007 15:34'! begin: aString begin := aString asRegex! ! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 17:14'! begin: aString do: anAction self begin: aString. beginAction := anAction! ! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/10/2007 15:35'! end: aString end := aString asRegex! ! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 17:14'! end: aString do: anAction self end: aString. endAction := anAction! ! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 17:14'! inner: anAction innerAction := anAction! ! !CHRangePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 17:14'! outer: anAction outerAction := anAction! ! !CHRule class methodsFor: 'finding' stamp: 'lr 12/2/2008 10:50'! find: aSymbol for: aClass "Find annotated DSL rules of the kind aSymbol applicable for aClass." | pragmas | pragmas := Pragma allNamed: aSymbol from: aClass class to: nil. pragmas do: [ :each | each setKeyword: aSymbol asMutator; setArguments: #(0) ]. pragmas := pragmas , (Pragma allNamed: aSymbol asMutator from: aClass class to: nil). pragmas := pragmas select: [ :each | (aClass class lookupSelector: each selector) = each method ]. pragmas sort: [ :a :b | a arguments first < b arguments first ]. ^ pragmas collect: [ :each | aClass perform: each selector ]! ! !CHRule methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 9/18/2007 11:56'! acceptDsl: aVisitor self subclassResponsibility! ! CHRule subclass: #CHShoutAction instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Actions'! !CHShoutAction commentStamp: 'lr 5/6/2008 19:41' prior: 0! I set the style of the text code using the standard Smalltalk-80 Shout syntax highlighter.! !CHShoutAction methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 23:03'! acceptDsl: aVisitor | styler ranges offset | styler := SHTextStylerST80 new. styler classOrMetaClass: aVisitor theClass. ranges := styler rangesIn: aVisitor scopedString setWorkspace: true. ranges isNil ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. offset := aVisitor scopeStart - 1. offset = 0 ifFalse: [ ranges do: [ :each | each start: each start + offset. each end: each end + offset ] ]. styler setAttributesIn: aVisitor text fromRanges: ranges! ! CHRule subclass: #CHTreePattern instanceVariableNames: 'searchTree verificationBlock action actions' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Pattern'! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:44'! acceptDsl: aVisitor | matcher | aVisitor scopedTree ifNil: [ ^ self ]. matcher := RBParseTreeSearcher new. matcher matchesTree: searchTree do: [ :node :answer | (verificationBlock value: node) ifTrue: [ matcher context keys do: [ :key | key isString ifFalse: [ matcher context at: key formattedCode put: (matcher context at: key) ] ]. aVisitor scopeNode: node with: matcher context visit: action. matcher context keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value | value isCollection ifFalse: [ actions at: key ifPresent: [ :subaction | aVisitor scopeNode: value with: matcher context visit: subaction ] ] ] ] ]. matcher executeTree: aVisitor scopedTree! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 16:57'! at: aString do: anAction actions at: (RBParser parseRewriteExpression: aString) put: anAction! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 13:23'! expression: aString "Search for the expression pattern aString." self searchTree: (RBParser parseRewriteExpression: aString)! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 17:22'! expression: aString do: anAction self expression: aString. action := anAction! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 6/9/2008 13:41'! initialize super initialize. actions := Dictionary new. verificationBlock := [ :visitor | true ]! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 13:23'! method: aString "Search for the method pattern aString." self searchTree: (RBParser parseRewriteMethod: aString)! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 7/4/2008 17:22'! method: aString do: anAction self method: aString. action := anAction! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/28/2008 13:49'! searchTree: aProgramNode searchTree := aProgramNode! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 14:58'! searchTree: aProgramNode do: anAction self searchTree: aProgramNode. action := anAction! ! !CHTreePattern methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 10:25'! verification: aBlock verificationBlock := aBlock! ! Object subclass: #CHVisitor instanceVariableNames: 'theClass' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core'! !CHVisitor commentStamp: 'lr 4/9/2008 14:49' prior: 0! Instance Variables theClass: The class or metaclass containing the current code. text: The full method body. scopedText: The currently scoped text. tree: The parse-tree of the method. scopedTree: The currently scoped parse-tree node.! CHVisitor subclass: #CHAstVisitor instanceVariableNames: 'text scopedText tree scopedTree bindings' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core'! CHAstVisitor subclass: #CHAnnotator instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! !CHAnnotator methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 6/18/2008 08:31'! pragma ^ #annotator! ! !CHAnnotator methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2010 11:17'! start | rules | rules := self rules. rules isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. self tree annotateInClass: self theClass. self visit: rules! ! !CHAstVisitor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:52'! class: aClass source: aText ^ self basicNew initializeClass: aClass source: aText! ! !CHAstVisitor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:52'! class: aClass tree: aParseTree ^ self basicNew initializeClass: aClass tree: aParseTree! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 4/26/2010 23:06'! @ aKey ^ bindings isNil ifFalse: [ bindings at: aKey ifAbsent: [ nil ] ]! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:52'! buildScopedTree ^ self tree bestNodeFor: self scopedText interval! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'lr 11/9/2010 16:07'! buildTree ^ self parseClass parseMethod: self string onError: [ :merr :mpos | self parseClass parseExpression: self string onError: [ :eerr :epos | self parseClass parseMethod: 'doIt' ] ]! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'querying' stamp: 'lr 8/19/2008 13:25'! hasPragmaNamed: aSymbol ^ (self pragmaNamed: aSymbol) notNil! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:53'! initializeClass: aClass source: aText self initializeClass: aClass. text := aText asText. scopedText := text string sliceFrom: 1 to: aText size! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:51'! initializeClass: aClass tree: aParseTree self initializeClass: aClass source: aParseTree formattedCode. tree := scopedTree := aParseTree! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 11:21'! node "Answer the currently scoped node." ^ self scopedTree! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'querying' stamp: 'lr 8/19/2008 13:50'! pragmaNamed: aSymbol ^ self pragmaNamed: aSymbol ifAbsent: nil! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'querying' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:58'! pragmaNamed: aSymbol ifAbsent: aBlock ^ self pragmas detect: [ :each | each selector = aSymbol ] ifNone: aBlock! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 20:58'! pragmas "Answer a list of pragmas in the current method." ^ self tree pragmas! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'scoping' stamp: 'lr 5/18/2009 11:15'! scopeFrom: aStartInteger to: aStopInteger with: aDictionary visit: anObject "Visit anObject in the source scope from index aFromInteger to aToInteger." | snapshot | (aStopInteger < aStartInteger or: [ anObject isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. snapshot := self shallowCopy. aDictionary isNil ifFalse: [ bindings := aDictionary ]. scopedText := scopedText sliceFrom: aStartInteger to: aStopInteger. scopedTree := nil. self visit: anObject. self copyFrom: snapshot! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'scoping' stamp: 'lr 5/18/2009 11:15'! scopeNode: aNode with: aDictionary visit: anObject "Visit anAction in the scope of aNode." | snapshot | (aNode isNil or: [ anObject isNil ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. snapshot := self shallowCopy. aDictionary isNil ifFalse: [ bindings := aDictionary ]. scopedText := text sliceFrom: aNode start to: aNode stop. scopedTree := aNode. self visit: anObject. self copyFrom: snapshot! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-scoped' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 09:41'! scopeStart "Answer the start index of the scope." ^ scopedText start! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-scoped' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 09:41'! scopeStop "Answer the stop index of the scope." ^ scopedText stop! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-scoped' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 09:31'! scopedStream ^ self scopedString readStream! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-scoped' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 09:40'! scopedString "Answer the currently scoped source string." ^ text string copyFrom: scopedText start to: scopedText stop! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-scoped' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:51'! scopedText "The currently scoped source text." ^ scopedText! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-scoped' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:51'! scopedTree "The currently scoped parse-tree node." ^ scopedTree ifNil: [ scopedTree := self buildScopedTree ]! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 21:00'! selector "Answer the selector of the method, or nil there is a parse error." ^ self text isEmpty ifFalse: [ RBParser parseMethodPattern: self text ]! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 09:31'! stream ^ self string readStream! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:51'! string ^ text string! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 11:22'! text "Answer the full source code." ^ text! ! !CHAstVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 8/5/2008 11:22'! tree "Answer the parse-tree of the method." ^ tree ifNil: [ tree := self buildTree ]! ! CHAstVisitor subclass: #CHCompleter instanceVariableNames: 'selection model' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:08'! initializeOn: aModel class: aClass morph: aMorph self initializeClass: aClass source: aMorph contents. selection := aMorph editor selectionInterval. model := aModel! ! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:13'! model "Answer the completion model." ^ model! ! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:13'! position "Answer the cursor position in the input stream." ^ selection first! ! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:17'! pragma ^ #complete! ! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 15:17'! selectedNode ^ self tree bestNodeFor: self selection! ! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 14:14'! selection "Answer the selection interval in the input stream." ^ selection! ! !CHCompleter methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 16:18'! start "Perform the rules until we have filled the model somehow." | currentNode | self rules do: [ :rule | currentNode := self selectedNode. [ currentNode isNil or: [ currentNode isSequence ] ] whileFalse: [ self scopeNode: currentNode with: self model visit: [ self visit: rule. self model isEmpty ifFalse: [ ^ self ]. currentNode := currentNode parent ] ] ]! ! CHAstVisitor subclass: #CHHighlighter instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! !CHHighlighter class methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'lr 4/6/2009 11:55'! mark: anObject with: anAttribute ^ anObject isCollection ifTrue: [ anObject flatten collect: [ :each | self mark: each with: anAttribute ] ] ifFalse: [ anObject isVariableBinding ifTrue: [ anObject value: (anObject value isCollection ifTrue: [ anObject value copyWith: anAttribute ] ifFalse: [ Array with: anObject value with: anAttribute ]) ] ifFalse: [ anObject -> anAttribute ] ]! ! !CHHighlighter methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:51'! pragma ^ #highlight! ! CHAstVisitor subclass: #CHTransformer instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! !CHTransformer methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:40'! pragma ^ #transform! ! CHVisitor subclass: #CHParser instanceVariableNames: 'stream doIt' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Helvetia-Core-Visitors'! !CHParser class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:58'! class: aClass stream: aStream doIt: aBoolean ^ self basicNew initializeClass: aClass stream: aStream doIt: aBoolean! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:59'! initializeClass: aClass stream: aStream doIt: aBoolean self initializeClass: aClass. stream := aStream. doIt := aBoolean! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 3/27/2009 13:48'! isDoIt "Answer if the receiving visitor is a do-it." ^ doIt! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 12/2/2008 10:50'! pragma ^ #parse! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 10/24/2008 13:43'! selector "Answer the selector of the method, or nil." ^ RBParser parseMethodPattern: stream contents! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 2/12/2010 21:06'! start | result | self rules do: [ :each | result := self visit: each. (result isString) ifTrue: [ stream := result readStream ]. (result isKindOf: RBProgramNode) ifTrue: [ ^ result ] ]. ^ self isDoIt ifFalse: [ self parseClass parseMethod: self stream ] ifTrue: [ self parseClass parseExpression: self stream ]! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 12:00'! stream ^ stream! ! !CHParser methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 3/27/2009 13:48'! string ^ stream contents! ! !CHVisitor class methodsFor: 'instance creation' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:52'! class: aClass ^ self basicNew initializeClass: aClass! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 11:52'! initializeClass: aClass theClass := aClass! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'testing' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 22:58'! isDoIt "Answer if the receiving visitor is a do-it." ^ self theClass isNil! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 9/11/2010 11:16'! parseClass ^ QQParser! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'configuration' stamp: 'lr 3/19/2008 10:21'! pragma "Answer the pragma that should be used to collect the appropriate rules." self subclassResponsibility! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 22:46'! rules "Answer a collection of rules that should be used visited by the receiver." ^ CHRule find: self pragma for: self theClass! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 12:04'! start ^ self visit: self rules! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 11/21/2008 09:31'! stream self subclassResponsibility! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing-dynamic' stamp: 'lr 3/27/2009 13:42'! string self subclassResponsibility! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'lr 5/3/2010 23:04'! theClass "The class or metaclass containing the current code." ^ theClass! ! !CHVisitor methodsFor: 'visiting' stamp: 'lr 6/16/2008 12:05'! visit: anObject ^ anObject acceptDsl: self! ! !Object methodsFor: '*helvetia-core-visitor' stamp: 'lr 7/2/2008 11:17'! acceptDsl: aVisitor "By default do nothing and answer the receiver." ^ self! !